Hello Sup Forums, whats the worst fetish

Hello Sup Forums, whats the worst fetish




Either cucking or pedophilia


Full circle

Ceramic tiles its harder to beat than heroin

What the fuck

They definitely calzoned her


Seriously I can deal with gore, I used to look at rekt threads to be edgy. I can dissect a cat in anatomy with ease of mind. Cleaning up roadkill or hunting? No problem.

But there's something about shit that makes me want to vomit. Having to clean it up makes me sick to my stomach. And the fact that on top of that people are rubbing it all over themselves and eating it for sexual gratification? Utterly disgusting.

God-Tier memes

Pedophilic footbinding is pretty bad
Who is the guy in the picture?

Carl the Cuck


Obviously, but to keep this thread interesting lets move into more autistic territory.

I'ma say Inflation Fetish, actually pretty much everything the furries have come up with is the fucking worst. Alex Huxley's nightmare come to life.


Furrues in general are horrible. Either you like beastiality or you don't. Pick a side and stop dressing up like a fag.

OP HERE, we are doing good, but we need to go deeper

Vaporwave enthusiasts are the worst

Fuck off dude it's really atmospheric and relaxing.


Floor tiles

Attack helicopter

foreverially tiedup.

Urethral insertions
