Marilyn Manson

What you think of him Sup Forums?
Musicwise & personwise, any songs or albums you like, what you think of his covers etc

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trashy music, godawful obnoxious persona

satirical lyrics about corporate america carry a little less weight when they come from the mouth of a multimillionaire 'subversive' pop musician

his fans hit puberty and everyone forgot him

I think the first 3 albums were good, but he looks like he's about to die for the last several years

I think you mean Antichrist Superstar, Mechanical Animals and Holy Wood, right? His first album is very generic and considered as unsuccesful by himself

I personally enjoy his music, but his persona is E D G Y and kinda gay

I used to listen to him in my edgy, early teenage years. People tend to grow out of him, but then again, his target audience has always been edgy teens.
Basically in the late 90's and early 2000's he caused a lot of trouble and stirred up a lot of controversy with soccer moms and the media trying to pin responsibility on him for school shootings and all other kinds of ridiculous shit. It really exposed how ridiculous the fear mongering and mass hysteria could be. So whether you like his music or not, you have to appreciate what he did for freedom of expression.
Nowadays his style is definitely a bit antiquated since "shock value" has become the norm and someone like Marilyn manson would only garner eye rolls instead of soccer mom/evangelical tears.
Personally, I think his last great album was Holy wood. The pale emperor wasn't bad, but I think it just doesn't offer anything "new". Maybe it's just because I've grown out of my shock rock/industrial phase.
TL;DR people made a huge deal out of him but trent Reznor has always been doing what he did except better

He's the last Rock Star. No one came after him in the genre. He was the last time rock music was ever relevant in the mainstream. No-one else rocked the boat like he did. It's a sad state of affairs that his successors were people like Eminem, Gaga and Kanye. Rock is going to remain irrelevant unless we get another controversial star like Manson.

If it weren't for Trent he'd be nothing. Which is what he is now.

Trent produced first two albums. "Portrait..." flopped, "Antichrist..." had lot of NIN influence. MM made name for himself with "Mechanical Animals" and Reznor didnt work on it

Portrait is a good album though. Certainly better than The High End of Low, Born Villain and Pale Emperor.

In his book Manson said that they were "A kind of band only NIN fans knew about" so he moved on.
Trent influence and good production are no doubt, but Reznor didn`t made Manson, Brian Warner made Manson

All style no substance.

Pure cancer

Portrait and AS are his best works, Portrait is like a gothic New York Dolls, is a great rock album full of energy and never boring

>His first album is very generic
give me 5 albums with the same feel, I will wait


Duh...NIN, White Zombie, Killing Joke, Ministry, KMFDM...any grunge bands that were still around in 1994

>same feel
Tell me more about "mah feelz"

>name a bunch of industrial bands
>Portrait is a glam album

yes, another retarded on Sup Forums, color me surprised

>Portrait is a glam album

Yeah, right and Mechanical Animals is a synth-pop album


retarded B T FUCK O

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I gave Antichrist a good listen last month after maybe 10 years of not listening to it. It was still full of energy for me, and it didn't sound dated.

Pale Emperor was boring apart from 3 tracks. I don't know how he can release stuff so drained of energy after all he did in the 90's.

I thought The Pale Emperor was pretty okay lots of potential with that sound, better than the trash he's given us in the 00s

looks like hes going back to the edgy grimdark with his new album titled SAY10 (lol get it xD satan!! xD)