You can bring one animated character to life and fuck them whom do you pick?

You can bring one animated character to life and fuck them whom do you pick?

Trips speak truth!!!

But I'm not a pedophile so I'd have to go for Mercy or Elizabeth from Bioshock.

Maggie Simpson

Did you have any close friends growing up, or did you mostly play alone?

well she sure knows how to suck

Crazy mage milf anyone?


chek'd, and not sure tbh

The mom from inside out



quiet from mgsv tpp

there are too many don't make me choose one

Does Hatsune Miku count? I'd guess.
Perfect ZR and twintails.

>Elizabeth from Bioshock
Mah niggah

Jessica Rabbit.

No doubt about it.



Choose one.

Not trying to troll you here, just curious, wouldn't you feel guilty fucking a little girl? I think a lot of people wouldn't even be able to get it up for someone that young.


Nice pick on Penny. I had a thing for her and Gadget growing up.

I'd have to say the Major.


Toph, any day.




Roll for Major Motoko.

What if Penny met a Dinosaur?

Toph, all day.

morrigan darkstalker's



EZ ana

The picture is literally called "adult version of penny from inspector gadget"

God you people have shit taste. 90% weeb shit and little girls.

This thread has trips

Ikki or Jinora
I can't decide

either or

Optimus Prime

because why not, those fume exhausts..

May from pokemon...yes she is only ten, but love knows no boundaries!


>Wendy Marvell from FT



The only way I wouldn't be able to get it up for a 9-15 year old girl is if she doesn't want to bang. If she's down for it, I wouldn't have any problems fucking her.

Black Canary from Justice League

in both states.


Pippi Longstocking, circa the most recent version of the cartoon.

Bulma! or Android 18

Yeah, cute blondes all the way, I just prefer my girls with tits and ass. And a drivers license, some self sufficiency, a personality... You know, adult things.


>little girls
>shit taste


that bitch from ben 10 or some shit called like that? well you must be a fucking kid, get the fuck out of here

>he thinks women should be allowed to drive

someone's hillary ready

Aww fuck! Muh nigga
Also id bring pic related

wait wtf
why not cheryl? Shes into the best kind of sex

the only real answer.


Ben 10 is over 10 years old.

It's mostly the tits and ass to be honest.




He knows.

Cause pam is the right amount of kinky amd crazy. Also MOAB(j)

I want to fuck Mari


Popeye, because he's a SAILOR MAN


I´m 20 and I never watched Ben 10, it was shit. It happened when Cartoon Network changed everything, even the logo

There are plenty of mature kids, but with kids, curves usually means a fatty, but I agree on mercy, she is the tits

The fucking FUCK. Might as well just fuck a carebear, jesus...

King dedede

groos dood she gun crush yur skinny lil body

i get so fucking hard when i see her.
also, checked.

> 2016
> not choosing Goofy

>mature kids
In context aren't these words a contradiction?

You say that like it's a bad idea





Wouldn't fuck him but I'd definitely bring him to life.

It's okay for a kid's show and has good porn.
You don't have to even have watched the show to want to fuck her.
Also most of the people that really like Gwen are older than you by quite a lot.

Am I alone here?


>choosing anyone else

good choice

Only if you meant it as age relevant, otherwise being immature would mean you are literally becoming younger



muh childhood

I was a kid when it was on tv, I'm 24 now.

Cory in the white house

Who else? Nakiri Alice motherfuckers.

Pick one.

>hurr durr source
>bdsm/sliceoflife comic

Lola bunny ofcorse