What is the best music from 2016?

What is the best music from 2016?

Other urls found in this thread:


AMSP & Black Star

>Atrocity Exhibition
>A Moon Shaped Pool
>Upcoming Gambino project
>Untitled Unmastered

2016 has been a great year for music

>>Atrocity Exhibition

no wonder why this board is so shit


op said good, not popular

the only redeeming things about this year are skeleton tree (album), gamma knife (single), the atrocity exhibition singles, that sound collage at the end of futura free, and tanya tagaq's cover of rape me

Hopefully you'll find your own taste when you grow older.

>implying you're grown up

Shugo Tokumaru, Blue Man Group, Fog


1. Carly Rae Jepsen - Side B
2. Black Sabbath - The End
3. Charli XCX - Vroom Vroom
4. Die Antwoord - Suck On This
5. Krallice - Hyperion

If it's over about 25 minutes then its an LP I don't care what they call it. Previously released songs, remixes, etc. can be discounted for time qualification.

>2016 has been a great year for music
2016 has been the worst of the 10s without a doubt



2012 tho

>What is the best music from 2016?
Whatever Fantano and the other shitlords tell you to listen to.

It's this and it will become a cult classic in the 2020s

Pinegrove - Cardinal

2014 was awful


music started in 1910
died in 2010

2014 was fucking great. Literally what are you talking about

There is no argument

For real

I keep giving this a try and I'm not finding anything especially added to the original at least that seems of particular significanee and value


this but i hate the alt cover, doesn't capture the musical aesthetic at all imo

2014 was meh because 2013 was great

i guess
but i think it looks cooler so its what i use lol

>The Glowing Man

Hahahahaha, no




Jesus Christ buddy go back to r*ddit with that garbage taste

The new Perturbator album was pretty good

Weezers 20th self titled made me sort of happy so thats got to count for something

What's your list?



These are mine, but I haven't really kept up with this year, so it's effectively just a list of releases I bothered to listen to

Sonic Youth - Spinhead Sessions
Nocturnal Habits - New Skin for Old Children
Papa M - Highway Songs
Kayo Dot - Plastic House on Base of Sky
Chelsea Wolfe - Hypnos/Flame
Mogwai - Atomic
PJ Harvey - The Hope Six Demolition Project

I hate to use the reddit meme, but damn this is about as reddit as it gets

This episode gave me way too much feels
Jim James last album is cool
Magma by gojira is too
Bottomless pit

John Carpenter's and Burnt Palms need to be turned round the other way.

Check these out

none of these faggots have their own suggestions they just shit on everyone elses


I got all excited when I saw you posted Burnt Palms and thought you were gonna say something about the music. Top ten punk albums of the year.

Starboy is dope.
check out M A N I A on youtube

here's the best album of 2016 enjoy
don't you have a facebook to update or friends to see or other normalfag shit to do

i dunno
bills or something?

Elseq all day

AOTY coming through

why are you in self denial, this is as mu as it gets

They are not mutually exclusive

Made me chuckle

Probably mine, but this year has been weak pickings.

Vroom vroom is top 1 bro bro

Bonito Generation

in no particular order

The Impossible Kid
Odyssey to the West
Splendor & Misery
The Bible 2
TLOP (fuck you i liked it)

2016 has been pretty shitty desu

does this count?
