No loli thread yet?

no loli thread yet?

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I dunno, I save from Sup Forums

and now for something completely different




Anyone got the rape webms and can share?

is this game of thrones

this one?

10 years has passed and i still miss my abusive cunt ass ex.


Dude I never save any loli so I'm curious how many pics people that do have amassed.?

I got 231 from like 4-5 threads
not saving monster girls and pixel webms though

if the person saves images
and he's on a Sup Forums loli thread at least 3 times a week and each thread adds up to about 50 images and he/she has been on Sup Forums for 3 years...

you do the math.

Thanks a lot user

Thousands. But I don't save them in my backups so I tend to lose them and restart collecting every time I reformat my main drive

you're welcome mr fbi san

stop impersonating me, I posted that shit

I'm too stoned, Do the maths for me man.

anyone got the sauce on this?

3 threads a week is not very often user, but saving at least 1/3 of every thread speaks volumes of low standards
You might want to dedupe and go through your collection, maybe think of setting up a home booru style server (it is FOSS if you're interested)

it literally has a link in the corner of the picture, dipshit.

Hey user, no need to be rude.
He's clearly retarded, dut name calling is uncalled for.
Let's be friends here :^)

assume the person has a job and functions as a normal human being then 2 threads would be the absolute max for him/her, so 2 threads, 50 pix a thread, 3 times a week, ~ 52 weeks in a year and been on Sup Forums for 3 years -> 15600 pictures but since almost every thread has like half or 1/3 dupes and assume you clear them out, 15600 - 5200 = 10 400 plx.

mine contained more infos, thus i replied for my sake also this person asked weird strange questions so why not FBI.

> :^)



I don't have sauce but I know there's two more variations like this, Someone here might have them..

Neato, but my point on low standards still stands

Also, how is 2 threads a week a maximum
I work 35 hour weeks and study 50%, it does not adversely affect my shitposting/participation in loli threads, I'm here almost daily usually for multiple threads in a day.
You need to step up your game

Don't make me summon spidey to this thread you miserable fuck

not 2 threads a week, 2 threads each time visiting Sup Forums and the person visits Sup Forums 3 times a week = 6 threads a week- like fri/sat/sun then rest of the week being half dead and/or burried with shit like preparing meals, clean, choirs, who knows gaming, tv series, movies, maybe got pets to take care of, or a woman, is a family man or whatever- im on Sup Forums almost every day but i dont always bother with loli threads but im also fucked up so i figured a less fucked up human wouldnt have equally much time to spend on Sup Forums but have actual priorities.


Fair enough, seems sensible.
I guess I didn't read your post very carefully

You don't seem fucked up to me user.
Or at least you don't post like a retard or a niggerfaggot





no worries man :)

but again it would depend on the person, a perverted loner would have more time and would prob use it more wiser and turn to other sites that hosts the original images- i cant be bothered with stuff like that though, half of the times im spending more time in the conversations.
















Who cares? We just make another immediately after so it has zero impact


i asked for sauce not the artist dipshit, what is that girl from, its probably an anime/hgame you asstwat
















doesn't the vibrator needed to be turned around?



you're going to laugh at me now but the biggest reason i come here is because i believe that i one day will bump into her- she was the one who introduced me to lolis, prior to that i just cared for regular hentai and to a degree monster/elves stuff, she showed me on her computer the nude characters of Lucky Star standing at the beach and asked me what I thought of it, she basically opened up to me about this and I had no issues with her being, whats the word, amazeballed? by this but she was damaged goods and was kicking/hitting me and wanted me to hit her back which i couldnt.

sigh, sorry.

I wonder what Sup Forums mods think of me because im sure at least one of them has picked up on my weird stupid comments during the how many years ive been here and seeing how my ip barely ever changes.

I hope you don't mind me too much despite the stupid shit that i sometimes say, like all the hateful shit i said yesterday when i tried to defend myself from even more hate..

also dont mind me. please continue.

















I like when they're flat but not toddlery. I like "loli" because i hate big tits.

>nothing over C

post todd's


>those tabs