This is the pinnacle of music

This is the pinnacle of music.

I'd say either ITCOTCK or Loveless

What the Germans were doing was insane. I couldn't agree with you more.


>What the Germans were doing was insane
I agree, Can aren't that spectacular though, outside of Tago Mago

Tago Mago is shit compared to Future Days or Monster Movie.

i love can's instrumentation but i just cannot get into the vocals at all desu.
am i a pleb for saying this

nah, being this contrarian isn't cute



pic is so underrated :/

Well I mean, I can kind of agree with you. Ege Bamyasi and Future Days are my personal favourites, but I just feel like CAN had 5 either perfect or close to perfect albums in a row.
No band could or can immitate CAN. After Holger Czukey left, CAN couldn't even CAN.

Krautrock is the pinnacle of rock.

Nothing of worth happened after.

inb4 metal and punk underagers get upset

lol that's not tago mago

Wagner a shit

lol that's not even being contrarian, everyone knows that future days is best can

Monster Movie is cool and all but not really a great Can record... Future Days is really incredible, probably my personal favorite - but Tago Mago is an achievement second to non in Krautrock.

Yeah, Future Days is really where it all comes together. MM and TM are a mish mash of what everyone else was doing around that time period. Tago also gets love from newbies and avant teens because it is the least accessible Can album in the definition of music accessibility being a social construct. EB made the rhythm section more interesting and funky, but the rest of it was "Neu but not as good." Future Days is where Can ups their game, keeping their funkier approach to rhythm while adding more melodies and noises to their reportoire. Future Days is definitely responsible for any genre with the ambient tag before it (ex. Ambient techno, ambient house, etc.) and has influenced everyone from Aphex Twin and Autechre's ambiance to Sasha and Digweed's approach to dance music to Burial's approach to atmosphere using smaller sounds.

Can we at least agree that every album between Monster Movie and Soon Over Babaluma is god-tier kraut?

Faust>Ash Ra Tempel>Can>Amon Duul II> Popul Vuh>Between>Neu!


Ash Ra fucking sucks.

oh boy i am laughing

Fuck off Göttsching no one likes your half-assed kosmische project.