How the fuck do you start a tinder convo without coming off as a boring nigger?

How the fuck do you start a tinder convo without coming off as a boring nigger?

You are a boring nigger. Pathetic loser

If you have to ask you already can't be helped

start off with a cheesy pickup line but not too retarded and autistic.
I usually go with
>Hey wanna play Titanic?
>You be the iceberg and I'll go down on you.
usually gets a laugh then go from there.

That sounds autistic

>dont be retarded and autistic
>i usually start out with this retarded and autistic pickup line

Lol I think she's not just a big kid at heart.

>Says pickup line is autistic doesn't put his own down.
>Says "Hi" to girl on Tinder gets instant deleted

That's retarded.

>implying 'Hi' isn't a pretty good way to initiate conversation with a girl

you try too hard. you sound like a faggot.

I don't use Tinder, but if she already swiped "yes" to you then why would something simple like "Hi" be enough of a turn-off for her to delete you?

Because she's a woman.

If you don't try hard for a girl you're gonna get cucked
>How many people you think say "Hi" to her on Tinder unless you look like fucking Chris Hemsworth your not going to get her attention.

Because she probably matches with 80% of the people she selects, if all you say is hi, you are one of hundreds of people who start with 'hi'

Just say:
If you dont reply to this comment your mother will die in her sleep tonight

She doesn't care about her parents, otherwise she wouldn't be on tinder

you already are a fucking boring nigger if you have to find a girl on hopeloster. Girls are just using it to boost their confidence.

She doesn't care about her parents, otherwise she wouldn't be using tinder

She doesn't care about her parents, otherwise she wouldn't be on tinder

She doesn't care about her parents, otherwise she wouldn't be on tinder


Pump, dump and bail bro. Easy +1.

Have you tried developing a personality? Oh wait you're looking for sex online, of course you haven't.

Well... give that a shot.

Depends on the girls profile. If she seems genuine be the same. If she is ditzy and superficial go for the same. The key I find is to try to come at her from her angle but be yourself. It's a paradox of course but such is social interactions sometimes. Plus for me it's all about getting laid not really finding the one so I don't care.

>try hard for a girl
>get into relationship
>have to try hard for ever until you break up
too lazy for that shit. you have your bar set too high you have to go for the dirty girls that no one else wants.

Say I'm a dog sometimes. Jk. But you are making me drool. Or some bullshit like that

Like your mother?

Usually how I start things. It grabs their attention quickly and stands out in the sea of "hey" and random compliments. Another key to tinder is don't be afraid to be a dick. I know everyone says that but it's true. I made my bio pretty hostile after having the nice guy shit on for awhile. Changed it about 2 months ago, had at least 4x as many matches and have fucked 6 girls from tinder alone on there. I'd say at best I'm a 7/10. Fucking this girl Friday

Good advice

Pic related, what she sent last night


In addition to this I have some pretty good tinder stories both good and bad if anyone wants to share/listen
Pic related again


Holy shit nigger please KYS

I'm fucking sick and tired of you fuckin idiots saying "omg how dotalk togirl" its fucking simple you plebian just be confident and talk. dont go to others advice. find somthing that works for you and stick with it. Fuckin shithead

Show pic of self to see if you are a 7/10

Dont mind me...

after fucking a few chicks from tinder i met a girl who ended up being in a millionaire family in malibu from owning a womens clothing line.

i dont like to brag in person much.

but shits cash as many fucks

You would know how to do that if you weren't a boring ass ni...

Wait, you already figured that out, didn't you?

Seriously though, the best way is to get off of the computer, go experience things, talk about your experiences.


just remember if they are on tinder they are just sluts looking to get laid. dont be pathetic bro.

i know its kinda stupid to just read.

but i was college in hollywood at the time when i was tindering and all the girls that would come up were always more attractive than where my city is.

matched with her...went on a date and ended up going back to her place. she never told me anything up until the next morning.

i guess i could post a pic of my view if you wanted. her house is pretty far out BRO


youre a lazy fuck

i even spaced the paragraph so lazy fucks would read "long" paragraphs.



Still not reading that shit you mother fuckin nigger

>lazy or dont care to read internet lies

You decide.

But when you decide, please don't bother telling me your conclusion. For I will continue not giving a fuck.

my first pic on there. I'm far left

Was this taken a quarter of a second after someone smacked you directly in the face with a frying pan?

Like when this pic was taken can the clear ringing "GONG" noise be heard and everyone else in the pic hasnt even had time to laugh yet?

No but I was pretty drunk in the picture

So drunk you didnt even feel that frying pan, or remember it?

That's cool. I also enjoy getting "turnt up" as the kids say.

Now, a drunken post frying pan smacked face is no "7/10" and I think you know this, so... any others?

Roses are red
Violets are blue
I've got a knife
Get in the van

This is my other pic

The female clearly disregards her matriarch, for were that not the case the female would not be a user of the app known as Tinder.



you look pretty good mang
no.. no homo

Haha I wonder if that would work


whats your amazing stories, do tell fam.