Trips decides what I do with this dollar bill

Trips decides what I do with this dollar bill

Other urls found in this thread:

write a suicide note on it, then kill yourself.

Microwave it for 18 minutes

roll it into a ball and shove it up ur ass

Give it to a homeless person.
Then follow them around until they fall asleep, cut their throat, and wear their skin while robbing various local establishments.
Use the dollar to purchase some gum to cover the smell of rotting dead homeless guy.


Eat it

Buy soda

cover it in soap and eat it


put it in your ass

Shove it up your butt.

insert inside urethra

I was laughing reading this

superglue it to your forehead and then kill yourself.

Light it on fire, then microwave it.
Did you know this will make plasma? I only recently found out. Guess I didn't watch enough Bill Nye.

Use it as a condom for hookers

Insert it in the hole of your penis

eat it

Snort coke

Buy a lottery ticket. Win!

Give it to me in the form of a CS:GO Skin

Do nothing

Donate it to the closest charity

eat the dollar

Get something from the dollar menu at McD

sell your soul to satan and use dark magic to duplicate the bill

Put it in urethra

Make a legal marriage with the dollar bill and adopt kids with it.
All other dollar bills will be considered another version of your wife/husband and different versions of the dollar will be considered his/her relatives.

do it

Whatever you want

buy a third of a steak

Donate it to the church

Use it as a jizz rag

Rolling for this

Give it to a homeless person

Go outside, find an old lady, shove it down her shirt like she's a stripper

Make a high quality origami

Wrap it around a knife and microwave for 2 mins

eat it

buy stamps

Hide in a bush, offer it to any kid that walks by

buy an arizona

use it as toilet paper kek



Insert in anus



write "fuck niggers" on it and use it to buy drugs in the black part of town

Post it to me


send it to jesus

Clean your ass with it and later eat it


Soak in tub of bleach. Post after pic. Then send it to someone you know in an envelope through mail.

buy a cheeseburger at mcdonalds

eat the fucking dollar!

This, but then buy something with it

Microwave then after pic. Simple. Doesn't have any metal counterfeit preventer so should be good

Roll up and stick in cock hole. If female, tits with timestamp, then roll up and stick in nearest cock hole.

Clean your ass with it and later eat it faggot

Use a sharpie to draw George Washington as Vladimir Putin.


I'll roll for this

shove it up your ass in a tight wad


oh shit


defecate on floor then wipe it up with dollar





Roll it up tightly and shove it down your dick.

Yay! This is the second time in a row I won one of these. Maybe I'm a get master or something.


I can't buy anything with it at the moment, I might make a thread tomorrow, but I'll cum on it. gimme a few minutes lads


trying chap

Any one in here see that guy shove a railroad nail in his ads a few minutes ago?
Pic related

Eat it.

this should help

I don't like kids

get the fuck off Sup Forums faggot

If dubs you fap to that gift.

Gif. Fucking phone

Give it to a homeless person

It's not like i'm against it, I'm just not compelled enough to fap to it

OP wont deliver because OP is a faggot. OP cannot finish thread OP started.
/quit Sup Forums

fold it or roll it up and insert inside your peehole

I wanna see Washington cumshotted

>rip off the corners
>take 3 corners to a bank
>get new $1 bill
>rip the corners off that one
>take 3 corners to the bank
>get new $1 bill
>rip the corners off that one
>take all 6 corners to a bank
>get 2 $1 bills
don't be a dumb ass and keep corners that match