Pitchfork's AOTY/SOTY

What's p4k's AOTY/SOTY? Top 10s?

Their video list is pretty predictable

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Queen Bey at #1
yasssssssss slay kween

i'm reallllllly hoping that they aren't going to give aoty to Beyonce. their blurb about the album in the video list is so wrong-headed and pretentious.
I think the Life of Pablo is the album that is probably most representative of 2016, culturally, and is the most significant album in one of the major strands of music this past year, but you could maybe say the same about Blackstar. i would be happy if it were one of those, rather than Coloring Book, Blonde, Lemonade, or Moon Shaped Pool, but my most listened to albums, among things pitchfork actually likes, are Teens of Denial and Hopelessness.
for song of the year, i would hope for either something from Life of Pablo, or 'true love waits.'


can we stop pretending like Teens of Denial isnt AOTY

Blackstar for AOTY
No Problem by Chance for SOTY

You heard it here first folks.

Lemonade got a 8.5. It's not winning AOTY. It deserved video of the year.

Sooo Lemonade is getting AOTY isn't it

fuck sake

>Pablo better than Lemonade
If Kanye dies he'll get AOTY. Otherwise, probably Coloring Book, which sucks

It's going to be given to Lemonade FFS. Come on. The album isn't that great but people are eating up. Goddamn this world we live in.

holy fucking shit why are you parading around any opinion of yours as educated when you only listen to the most popular contrived pitchfork/fantano garbage of any given year?

are they doing this shit this week?

>Teeming with visions of black feminist fortitude, remixed American history, and ancient sources of strength, Beyoncé’s latest world-halting opus is dense enough to warrant an entire college course devoted to unpacking its multitudes.
I thought people were kidding about nupitchfork


hey what about that pup video with video game characters?

It's nice that pitchfork is still promoting indie artists

lol uh think pitchfork isn't going to give aoty to a pitchfork hyped record

>COS Top 50 Albums



>mfw i haven't even listened to 10 albums from this year so i just put down various albums from artists i like
i'm a fucking madman you can't stop me even if you wanted to

their song database is fucking puny though. i wanted to put a bunch of song's from the DIIV album that came out this year (which i also put as most underrated record) and they didn't have any, not even the singles. i just put true love waits and 2 kanye songs and moved on.

They posted the music video list. If they follow the same pattern as last year, this week will be like music video/guest list/news/quotes and next week will be tracks/albums/genre specific. Note that they've started rolling these lists out a week earlier than last year, so there could be other stuff at play that we don't know about.

Reader's poll is up:


It'll be Blackstar or Coloring Book.

marcel's list is the only one i'm looking forward to

Trump won so I think they'll give it to Hopelessness.

If they're gonna put all of Lemonade up there they should've put Endless up too cause that was 1000x better than Lemonade

1. Blonde
2. Blackstar
3. Lemonade
4. A Moon Shaped Pool
5. A Seat at the Table
6. Coloring Book
7. 22, A Million
8. We Got It from Here... Thank You 4 Your Service
9. Freetown Sound
10. Skeleton Tree

1. Radiohead – "True Love Waits"
2. Chance the Rapper featuring 2 Chainz and Lil Wayne – "No Problem"
3. Beyoncé – "Formation"
4. Frank Ocean – "Ivy"
5. David Bowie – "Lazarus"
6. A Tribe Called Quest – "We the People..."
7. Bon Iver – "33 'GOD'"
8. Solange featruring Sampha – "Don't Touch My Hair"
9. Danny Brown featuring Kendrick Lamar, Ab-Soul, and Earl Sweatshirt – "Really Doe"
10. Francis and the Lights featuring Bon Iver and Kanye West – "Friends"

My predictions are similar:

1. Blackstar
2. Coloring Book
3. Lemonade
4. Blonde
5. A Moon Shaped Pool
6. Skeleton Tree
7. Hopelessness
8. The Life Of Pablo
9. We got it from Here... Thank You 4 Your Service
10. 22, A Million

1. Chance - No Problem
2. Frank - Ivy
3. Bowie - Lazarus
4. Blood Orange - Best To You
5. Solange - Don't Touch My Hair
6. Radiohead - Burn The Witch
7. Angel Olsen - Shut Up And Kiss Me
8. Mitski - Your Best American Girl
9. Beyonce - Formation
10. Kanye - Ultralight Beam

Pretty sure my song list will be a little off because they always throw a couple top 40 songs into the mix and my list only has "Formation." Maybe Rihanna's "This Is What You Came For?" I don't know.

i can't believe they're going through that after the embarrassment that it was last year.

I think angel olsens album will be in the top 5

look i like frank too but endless was literally him standing in a room sawing wood for an hour. how is that possibly better than lemonade or at deserving to be on the list?

So everything that happens in December just doesn't count then?

They used to ignore December releases completely for these lists (like Beyonce's last album which ended up on almost every staff list but not the main list). As of last year though, it rolls over. See: D'Angelo's album in December 2014 that ended up at #7 on the 2015 list. I'm sure they already have the AOTY/SOTY picked already and anything new will be on the 2017 list.

1) David Bowie - Blackstar
2) Chance the Rapper - Coloring Book
3) Radiohead - A Moon Shaped Pool
4) Beyonce - Lemonade
5) A Tribe Called Quest - You Got It From Here...

Mark my words guys.

for albums, i'm thinking:
1. blonde
2. a moon shaped pool
3. coloring book
4. a seat at the table
5. lemonade
6. blackstar
7. my woman
8. we got it from here
9. hopelessness
10. the life of pablo
frank has the widest appeal to all of pitchfork's audience, that combined with the hype of years of waiting for the album will easily net him the AOTY.
they've been riding beyonce's dick for months now but i don't think that she's got a chance at higher than 5.
i want AMSP to win but radiohead's chances are stacked against them - previous winners, painfully white indie, not hip with the new and younger generation of pitchfork readers, a relic of p4k past.
i don't think nick cave or bon iver will make it to the top 10, just because they're obliged to place other albums over theirs to keep up the image. they've given out a ton of 9.0-9.1's this year, and coupled with these obligatory albums, not enough space for them.

no clue for song of the year. i think true love waits has a good shot, but nothing is locked in for sure. expect ultralight beam to be in the top 5.

Yung Lean - Warlord is the undisputed AOTY this year. Nothing else comes close.

Maybe Blackstar and Teens of Denial, but honestly, Warlord deserves it but it won't get it.

I think you're spot on. I would put Blackstar higher though. Maybe below Coloring book.

To be honest, I feel like the AOTY should go to Blackstar.

Sure, there are other great albums that can compete with it, but not only is Blackstar an incredible album. It's also the final album and the end of an era for a titan in the music industry. Not to mention that it was made with the knowledge that he would die soon.

it wont make top 5.

AOTY will be coldplay's viva la vida

i originally had black star at 8 but moved switched it with tribe's album. i feel like i should have definitely bumped it above beyonce in retrospect - they both got 8.5, but blackstar has memedeath value and a lifetime of undeniable achievement from bowie behind it, lemonade has yaaaas slaaaay queeeeen value behind it, which i think even a crappy a publication as p4k will recognize.
i could really see blackstar getting to 4, maybe even 3 since that coloring book rating felt like such a kneejerk score to react to radiohead's 9.1 and create a bit of suspense to generate views with the tie.

I'm pissed Massive Attack wasn't on the music video list

Shit doesn't make sense, it's like they just flew under the radar

All the videos were amazing especially Voodoo In My Blood, Take Me There and The Spoils

come at me



>Birds in the Trap Sing McKnight

>Frank Ocean
>Travis Scott

Just fucking end yourself already.

[spoiler]The rest looks good though, All Nite is some good shit.[/spoiler]


if you liked Telefone, check out Ravyn Lenae's Moon Shoes, i think it's a better release

Who are you kidding?

That last sentence really made me think family
Lemonade of the same artistic depth and nuance as Ulysses confirmed?

My top 10, in descending order.

did you even read my post?

Why are a lot of people on Sup Forums concerned with top 50/100 lists? Why does it really matter? If you like/dislike something isn't that all that matters? I don't get it.

it's a way to discover music, and it's a form of communication. you aspie.

lemonade is not AOTY2016, but in the top5 albums of the decade anyway

screencap this

Aspie. Is that how you "communicate?" What, are you like 13?

dude. it's fun. it's like a sport, you're rooting for some artists you wanna see perform well, and you expect things to go a certain way but it's cool to see something disappointing/unexpected.
you're right it doesn't matter but lighten up it's a game

reminder this is going to be the top 10

>Frank Ocean - Blonde
>Radiohead - A Moon Shaped Pool
>Nick Cave - Skeleton Tree
>Beyoncé - Lemonade
>David Bowie - Blackstar
>Chance the Rapper - Coloring Book
>Blood Orange - Freetown Sound
>Kanye West - The Life of Pablo
>ATCQ - We Got It From Here
>Angel Olsen - My Woman

shes gotta beat both kendrick and kanye twice

It's fun to guess and be right. No one actually cares what they pick.

Not a dude, but ok, whatever.

Sure you aren't.

no, she'll probably beat them only once

You think only males are on this board?

I think there's only males on this site.


Whatever you say, male Sup Forums user.

Their top two of the decade will be MBDTF and TPAB, no contest.

it's almost certain TPAB is gonna be album of the decade

Why didn't they give it a 9.7 then? Did they just want to keep up the mystique of the end of the year list, with a four-way tie?

The scores are meaningless when it comes to lists, as has been proven on every single list they've ever made.

what the fuck

here's your (You) now take it and get out