Hey Sup Forums, anyone here ever been in the military or know anyone who has...

Hey Sup Forums, anyone here ever been in the military or know anyone who has. I'm considering Army because my life is in shambles. I just got done talking with a recruiter and my dad told me not to do it because I'll be a slave to the government. What are your opinions. I want to get a degree in Computer Science after my time in the Army,

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idk man, i live in argentina, there's no army here but if your life is in shambles, why not?

op are you still here?

thats actually a world without religion

You should travel somewhere and take a few days off to clear your head.Better that then right after you get your shit they send you to fight asad in some shit hole

You will be a slave to the goverment... Join the navy though. Don't gotta look the muslims in the eye when you kill 'em

Same boat, exept instead of army i was think a drone pilot for air force

Imagine a world without America..
>No fat people
>no bombings
>no ignorance
>no third, 4th, 5th gender bullshit
>no cucks
>no school shootings
>no kim kardashian
>no AIDS
>no cancer
>no homosex

army fag here, it's not a bad thing but if you do, remember the military is a business and they don't have you in mind. some people come out winners and it makes their careers but some people come out unable to function. don't do anything unless you are 100% sure. its a good thing but recruiters are paid to lie

A world without muslims is a world without Algebra and Hospitals/modern surery procedure, as well as optic studies, FYI

I would trade each of those for a tower

Yeah, but what would your faggot country have to complain about then? Look in the mirror asshole

I would rather not be a soldier that continues to actively make the world a more dangerous place.... lets not kid ourselfs. Iraq, Libya, and Afghanistan are more dangerous since they started fucking the whole thing up

Our government has been actively pushing for WWIII for quite some time. fuck that noise.

Do what you want, not your parents.

They didn't have the life you have, they don't know the struggle, brah. Baby boomers are not allowed to have an opinion on anything, considering their generation is killing the next 3.

>but what would your faggot country have to complain about then?
>thinks this is a case for America's existence

Don't do it. I joined the national guard mostly to help in case of national or state emergency and to serve my country. Little did I know my unit (which had not been deployed since WW2) would be deployed to attack a country (Iraq) on a false premise (weapons of mass destruction). I now have several physical and psychological problems from that war that will be with me until my last day.

>imagine a world without muslims

I have been to Russia, that place is the fucking worst.... oddly enough. Been to Pakistan and China as well. Would easily go there over Russia any day

Join the marines op don't be an army faggot

Wish i hadnt read your useless drabble. My brain is now full of fuck, and everyone's IQ dropped. Thanks for that, you dumb cuck.

my country doesn't complain about america. you're quite irrelevant here.
Also, you're stupid neckbeard, man. I'm just responding to OP. He's complaining, so I'm complaining too.

>daddys in the army

don't forget Egypt and syria. removing elected or dictatorial leaders from power to install our own version of femocracy has always failed and will always cause instability.

>thinks Libya and Iraq are safer post invasion
>expects everyone to believe he is over 18

I found the faggot

pussy alert

found the samefag

Lol ok bro nice try tho even if that's true ur still gay lmao checkmate

sorry guys, went to go eat but now im back


1. Fuck the Military

im not the same faggot as the other one, im a totally different kind of fag, a newfag

IT's never about democracy, it's about getting control of the oil drills. Which has been very successful.

There's a reason we only want to give democracy to countries who have the largest oil reserves.

Although geopolitical maneuvering is also an aspect, we can;t let Russia go uncucked for even a second, you know?

Just do it, don't be a pussy.

Have you seen Europe and Africa?

Nah if anything I'd want to be apart of the 75th regiment as an Army Ranger. Land survival is more appealing to me than marine stuff.

>implying the US controls BP or OPEC


Lol ranger... Ok but yeah marines have that too, but suit yourself being an army ranger lol

Lol, this idiot doesn't realize that each of those things were developed independently in different cultures and that middle eastern contributions to each were minuscule


I'm a veteran. I did a deployment in Iraq back when that place was an actual war zone. And you are right, user, but its not the people in the service that are to blame. You can't blame the instrument for existing, or doing what the instrument was designed to do.

Blame the person who makes and uses the instrument. That's the people you vote for and the corporations that they take orders from.

You sign over your life when you sign up. Remember how they tested chemical and biological on soldiers before? Refuse anything after you become a corporate soldier, and they will jail your stupid ass.

chemical and bioligical what?
(not op)

Whats so cool about Marines? Aren't they just jarheads


even tested effects of radiation.

And gave reality-shatteringly huge doses of LSD as part of the mind-control race with Russia.

(yeah, seriously. look it up, there are videos of experiments on you tube. giving insane doses of LSD to US soldiers and made them go completely crazy.)

not that guy, but marines are usually the most trusted to be "first in, last out" as they say.

Also the history is the main part, ww2 made Marines very prestigious.

Yeah, but how long ago?

It's got the hardest boot out of all the branches you'll be considered an elite warrior after boot, more repec, plus a marine is cooler than a solider, and they're the few and the proud

The only reason I chose Army is because the airforce recruiting center didn't answer when I called them.


>slave to the government


Your dad is an idiot. Military service builds character and delivers worthwhile benefits for honorable service. Learn to be a man, because he hasn't taught you.

>Army vet

this. if i had a time machine i would have joined the marines instead of the coast guard. people constantly thank me "for me service" and it's embarrassing because i don't do anything. it's a shameful existence!

you probably dialed the wrong number, you mouth breathing mutant.


it's so weird that every time I read about Halliburton it seems even shadier.

Don't be ashamed, most marines don't end up doing shit either.

Actually the coast guard boot is considered harder than army boot js so don't feel too bad

>tells about Greek/Roman inventions
>USED not INVENTED in Arabic world
>Arabic slave trade got them slaves from the mediteranary region, who brought the knowledge with them

Top kek, Islam surely is good at "producing" slaves and stealing their inventions

Not weird at all, but tthe CEO profitting more than 100 million dollars from the Iraq war is just the tip of the iceberg.

Go read about Dick Cheny's connections.

Actually just read about PNAC and everything 2001-forward will be put in a whole new light.

PNAC: Project for a New American Century.

tl;dr: "We need to own the world and shit because glory to the eternal American Empire. Let's have a new pearl harbor to garner support to get control of the Middle east, because fuck man the Oil is running out.

(google: "Peak Oil"

Fuck you I dialed it correctly.

is this sarcasm?

>implying you will be alive after army

yes, europe is like ten times better, and africa is on par with usa.

this. it's always the fucking jews.

>africa is on par with usa

You are literally fucking retarded to belive that the Arabic world invented this stuff.
They literally took the knowledge of Ancient Greeks on mathematical, astronomical, sanitary etc. issues and used them.

Medival Europeans being retards doesn't make Muslims inventors

You know you can get your computer degree WHILE you're in, right?

I love reading these posts. All you fucking retards imagine the army is going to fix your fucked up lives. You're only trading your problems for an alternative world of shit. You're not going to find happiness in the army.

"Embrace the suck"

i don't like your tone.

I mean I can understand the reasoning, though.

"Put our own first, before others, right? If a few million have to die to preserve the future of America, and save Billions, it's worth it."

At least that's how they think.

I don't know if I agree because I'm just an outsider that doesn't have all of the information.

Might makes right, and the victor writes history, the only things i know for sure.

>small government
>anti gun control
sounds like somalia to me.



>small government

>anti gun control

None of those things are true.

i don't care if it's reasonable! i'm not a hebrew. i'm not invited. i'm not welcome.



Yes, if you play ball. Remember this?

>move to africa and build roads for niggers.

the price of admission is not worth the show.

If you are comparing Texas with Somalia I'm not wasting my time replying to you again.

I have more important things to do, like watching the new Berserk and drinking beer.

so you're saying usa is not yet like somalia, just is aspiring to be like it?

He wasn't building roads, lol. That's just american media spin at work. he was garnering money to fight the Soviets in Afghanistan.

Most of the funding and arms came from the good ol USA though.

i'm not comparing texas to somalia. there's more than one person here you new fuck.

Then why did you say "texas"

It's aspiring to be the sole global superpower, I don't think Somalia has any international influence the last time i checked.

If everyone with the names Muhammad, Muhammed, Mohammed, and Mohammad died right now, Canada and India would fall

Texas is a state not "America''

Just like Egypt is not "Earth"

>spend nigger road money on afghan insurgency

i'm not going to pay for ZOG's many wars goy. stop trying to manipulate me. actually, i spent 12' in afghanistan and there hasn't been a single hebrew to congratulate me or give me a hug. where is the appreciation?! i've done my part for ZOG. i'm done!

America might be filled with arrogant cuck faggots but without us you're all poor niggers and you'd end up becoming what America is today with all the resources and shit

>more than one person

nice try Hacker known as Sup Forums, nearly got me

I'm with you dude, I get it.

Just saying it's not just "de ebil jews"

It's more complicated than that.

the cold war never ended.

because Texas represents all that America is and should be. Texas is Murica.

America is an idea. Texas is America.

Ohh look, a butthurt sandnigger. Spew your propaganda elsewhere you fucking dune-coon.

I bet you country is Finland or another shitty eastern european shithole.

>It's aspiring to be the sole global superpower, I don't think Somalia has any international influence the last time i checked.
so by being like somalia usa hopes to become a super power? sounds more like it will fail and be just like somalia.

trees forest, forest trees. jews jews jews. hand waving "it's complicated" isn't useful. of course it's complicated, everything is.

people on Sup Forums who call other people stupid neckbeards are 99,9% also stupid neckbeards

If your life is in shambles I mean, you serve your country and, you get a military ID(I think) that gets you discounts at certain places. You also get to kill sand niggers and towel-heads.

We have hundreds of bases in hundreds of countries around the world.

We cuck the EU and China, and Russia.

I'm against ZionistAmerica and all but you can't deny there are some smart people making decisions at the top.

9/11 alone was handled so perfectly you are still labeled a crazy by society if you say it was planned

Go Navy or airforce. Too much bullshit in the army.

africs is on par with usa.

>being this fucking stupid.

If you are smart enough to get a comp sci degree you are smart enough to get a medical degree.. >Acquire debt for BS/BA > Get into medical school >Talk to recruiter >Get stipend and free medical school >Go to medical school >Graduate go to military as an officer >Get military pension and medical school paid for.

