IOI edition

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Babysoul and the Lovelyz is my favorite group


i'm like TT

god sting, vibrato, and mask were so gosh dang good. what the fuck did brave bros do

doytoy with knee-high socks...damn




lisa tho

ESL bait

This is it, yes. I found the link again and was about to post it but looks like you beat me to it.

Got to say, that's a nice collection.

this is what we like

>kneesocks have finally become a thing in kpop
what a glorious time

good morning /snsdheads/ and /kpg/


thinking of taking korean lessons but im on the fence about it



hello my fellow /snsdhead/

I wish I could see Arin's feet

>wart on her inner right thigh


new zealand..


This is what white men want


dont stab me please

botched nose cutie

damn it i was going to post this

also word

i miss the old denzel... nostalgic 64 denzel
best friends with sgp denzel...


I'm from california I just went to bed at 2 'cause I had to watch westworld

>tfw on constant lookout for a theoretical bigger collection
If only...


would love to take chaeyoung to a rootin tootin rodeo. yeehaw!

so stellar - sting had a lewd album that went with the physical copy has anybody got a copy of the pictures in it for research?



those are thigh-highs. stone and chinky have knee-highs, for instance

chubmi is best bomi

the 2 best wjsn, eunseo and seola

At the risk of sounding like someone who has low standards and a shitty taste in women, I'm going to say that, to me, Jisoo (Lovelyz) and Nayeon are top tier visuals.

For my best chingus in the world
Albums currently found:




my man, eunseo is a matter of opinion, but seola...?

remember that only pyoblasting, mommyblasting and binnieblasting is allowed.

anyone that's sanablasting, momoblasting, taeblasting, or any other "-blasting", please leave kpg right now.



not sure if I should download this




vivian postin her fucking tity

thank you for banning choablasting

i like this tidy

1. [+10,849, -504] Imagine 101 men on one show ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ gross ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

binnie blasting is still not allowed

>imagine 101 men on one choa

easy to imagine


is seolblasting allowed?

anyone have the webm of taeyeon and the jack skellington doll?

I never bothered to save it

lol that was quick

what's wrong with seola?

100 women, 1 zico



I do

google stellar sting scans, they seem to exist

is nayeonblasting allowed

what does this mean?

post taeyeon touching spongebob's dick while you're at it

sall good


absolutely NOT


jisoo should never show her forehead like that ever ever again

why did they do that to her? way to ruin a beautiful girl more here

can't even keep eye contact with a webm

can you post it for a poor boy


pyoblasting is NOT allowed

you're going to have to get one of your snsdheads to post it for you


now that I know that sana is a slut, I see instances of her acting slutty all the time
I never really noticed before

this pic made me hard

but user, sana is not a slut

>downloading some redditor's collection instead of collecting your own

ladies code realizes that the idol industry will never work out

so they become wagecucks and make kimchi


we're all /snsdheads/ here but i dont have said webm

wtf, don't get erections while looking at twice. please think about your grandmother and then i will allow you back

I'm a sone at heart user

but I'm too stupid to find them on my own


the newfags just need a head start

>1000 images of cao lu
holy fuck

nice try, you're not getting it from me

SinB's nose is an ultra beast
