
real eco shit edition

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1st for famine

fucking libtard hippies making black metal with a faggy hipster message baka

I love black metal and I love listening to it with you guys!

Few days of NBBMN left, was a good journey for me

listening to youtube.com/watch?v=7J0rq43Usxw atm

thanks man, me too

love ya buddy

I-it's not over yet, user.

do you guys think we could have a black metal general? would it survive?

every year when november ends we try this
It doens't work

this is what I keep wondering. these /nbbmn/ threads have consistently better discussion than any metal thread (or ANY thread, for that matter) that I've seen on here.
since metal is so broad, it seems logical for one of its bigger subgenres to have its own general now and then at the very least

best bet is to talk about BM in the metal general and deal with the people who will shit on you

kek. sauce.

Do you guys think Graveland will ever play America without Antifa fucking around?

I hope not.

Fucking dumbass promoters dooming their shows by adding shit like that.

trump has energized antifa. it's now in vogue to be an """""antifascist"""" and now that the scum know the media will let them get away with it, it's only going to get worse

hey friends, sorry for bothering if you already saw this, but the month ends soon

i've been pretty much only listening to black metal this month and these threads have been a blast. i was so captivated and intoxicated by so much black metal that i caught the bug and made a black metal EP. well, maybe call it blackgaze or atmoblack or whatever, idk, but yeah. in a weird passionate burst i spent like 8hrs a day for the past week on this thing and barely slept


(ps: if you're wondering where the black metal is, just let yourself get into the ambient beginning; it'll come)

I'm just gonna add to the "please listen to my stuff" and post this again.

I've finally finished this. It's Atmospheric Black Metal with Neofolk elements. Similar artists would be Imperium Dekadenz, Agalloch or Waldgeflüster, maybe Empyrium and Panopticon.


And of course I forgot the link. Well.


w2c that jacket?

man that artwork is really shitty
not saying anything on the musical content, cause it looks like it's not my cup o' tea.

/fa/ go

It's a Chiemsee jacket. Should be online somewhere.

I can totally understand that. I'm a writer and (aspire to be) a musician, but I can't into pictures. I do feel it captures the music, but maybe I should have asked someone to make something for me.

just grab a public domain kittelsen painting


pretty good
i like the artwork
the neofolk parts could be less generic though

can anyone recommend any decent bm artists on Bandcamp?

Just listened to YODH on another anons rec and it is fantastic. Any other hidden gems?

Goddamn that is a good cover.

just search the best selling albums tagged black metal anything tha looks interesting is worth checking out

I'm going to miss you

artist is Zdlislaw Beksinski. His style is used in a lot of Wrahammer 40k stuff.

Actually DOW3 video has a lot of his usual style


You know that is actually a pretty good idea. The next demo will get a Kittelsen cover.

Thanks man. Still trying to improve my musicianship, and I definitely want to become better with the acoustic parts.

>tfw already famous
Alright, guess I'm not kvlt enough anymore.

same, november will come again though.

he also did the Wode album cover too

Zdilslaw Beksinski is AMAZING. there are a ton of bands that have used his art, Leviathan being another example

Nordlicht - Nebelmeer
Behexen - By the Blessings of Satan
Every couple days there is black metal thread and it's not bad, but definitely not as comfy and active as nbbmn.

I am halfway through the Return of the King. BM for this?
>INB4 summoning and Caladen Brood.

>ywn read lotr for the first time again

Obviously Bathory - Blood Fire Death

Also check out SIG:AR:TYR, Skyforest and Druadan Forest.

how do we get them to fall in love?

it'll never happen, varg is not going to fucc a girl of another race

So the new Torture Chain is shit cause it doesn't have a kvlt cover

only poseurs hate this album

not even if she came and sat on his lap?

it is a pretty bad cover tho

you know that its pretty shit and the only reason to listen to it is for its influence on bm

it weeds out people who don't like the 'metal' part in black metal who have no frame of reference with 80s heavy metal

people go out of their way to hate it just because its trash

i used to fucking love thrash, Black Metal is just not a great album

>its trash


right on the fucking money

this is correct. posers fuck off

how the fuck do you do BM vocals? Does it just require a lot of amplification because I can only get a shrieking sound if its almost a whisper.

In return I give you some tasty LOTR dungeon synth.

I cannot stand Venom or early era Bathory. I cannot count how many times I have listened to Under the sign... and Black Metal because of how influential they are. No matter how hard I try, I just don't like it.

((same with De Misteriis))

No, you're supposed to shout/scream. At least for me, the best vocals are certainly well above talking level.
It actually takes some practice. Mostly so you don't ruin your voice. Also, drink a lot while practicing.

thrash fans upset because their genre is terrible

as long as I sing from my diaphragm I won't ruin shit right?

dont give yourself a hernia

butthurt poser upset at being called out for not actually liking metal

its like one or two steps from BM though. Change the singing and a bit of tone and I wouldn't be able to tell the difference

thrash is not real metal

Do black metal bands that take inspiration from Lord of the Rings (Gorgoroth, Burzum, etc) realize that Tolkien was a devout Christian and his work was heavily inspired by Christian values?

Good taste. Have you listened to Cobalts others stuff? Their other albums are much better, if you like Slow Forever, you'll cum to the rest of them.

post music to listen when i go antifa hunting

here's a (You)
don't make it so obvious next time

Basically yes. However, if you want those sick shrieks, you will have to use your throat. Just be careful not to overdo it.

Bands you can't get into

I can't get into Celtic Frost though it was one of the biggest influences of Darkthrone, which is for sure one of my top BM bands

celtic frost is really not as great as people say. they only have a couple good songs


I can't tell if when writing black metal you have more options because of dissonance or less because everything starts sounding like a darkthrone riff.

It's kind of odd, because while old Celtic Frost is pretty much only fun for me because of that influence and cult status, their best album and most essential for is actually Monotheist.

You want to feel it in the top of your throat, almost a nasal tickle, I mimic marge simpson and then add diaphragm to force it into a scream.

Image is vocal tips from the female vocalist of a local black-ish metal band. you can hear her vocals at the 5:20 mark.

have you recorded anything? let us hear your stuff! This is a colab I posted a couple threads back. I did vocals.

i like celtic frost alright but im not super into them like i am early bathory

its all from the throat. you can control tone with your mouth and teeth. it hurts after an hour or so, but that what makes it fucking metal

i'm serious. just listen to into the crypts of rays, procreation of the wicked, and circle of the tyrants and you're done. the rest sound exactly the same but are completely forgettable

bohemian grove, from my town, patras, good band

it was also influenced by norse mythology though

too bad I won't see KPN live because of shithead antifas


If you have noticed most of those bands name themselves after the baddies in the book. Like Burzum and whatever else

yes a lot of norse / anglo-saxon and nationalist themes really

To believe in Satan you need to believe in God so...

thanks ill be practicing.

oy vey

satanism is a broad term, there are different kinds of satanism and most of them don't have to do with satan in the bible etc

But in a sense aren't many BM bands taking from the christian Ideology? Regardless if the band is theologically worshiping satan or not, Satan is a prominent character in christianity.

I think bands just scramble for lyrical inspiration for nasty sounding concepts. The bad guys in LOTR, the bad guys in christianity, etc. You don't see Death Metal bands using medical terminology to discuss healing people and actually practice medicine, they just stick to the nasty bits.

this too, mostly villain stuff


A lot of "Satanists" just adhere to the ideologies of the practice and not the beliefs. The idea of most of it is a reversal of Christian philosophy, valuing pride and self worth (as opposed to humbleness and such).
desu most modern society operates under Satanic philosphy

I do agree that many "satanists" are just Anne rand worshiping egoists and there is little to no theology involved, but at the end of the day I would be hard pressed to believe that satan (as a symbol or as an actual deity) does not come from christianity.

pretty sure most bands are just secular who use satanism just for imagery anyway.

what the fuck is this ((())) meme?

same picture as the deathlike silence logo
it means its jewish, like Mr. Satanism Anton Levey was
the reason why Deathlike Silence had him crossed out since the early days

>most modern society operates under Satanic philosphy

Oh my god! I am surrounded by this hippocrosy on a daily basis. As a business person, I am surrounded by people who are politically conservative, and self-motivated people. They claim to be christians, yet
Jesus was nothing but a shit-lib.

I am not open about my quasi satanic leanings, but I feel that these "christians" are better satanists than I.

>I would be hard pressed to believe that satan (as a symbol or as an actual deity) does not come from christianity.
It really depends on what you're meaning by "Satan." Most modern people confuse Satan and the Devil for being the same thing, but the Bible doesn't use those terms so interchangeably. "Satan" literally means, "the adversary" so the name "Satan" (as well as "antichrist") is used more to refer as anyone who is opposed to God.
Therefore, Satanism is a theology opposed to Christianity, not necessarily worshiping the Devil as a figure.

>I feel that these "christians" are better satanists than I
Really, the philosophy of most of the modern Christian church, particularly in America, has little to do with what Jesus actually taught.


were there any satanists in the Norwegian black metal scene ? LETS FIND OUT!

its irrelevant what you think the "true" message is, it only matters what the community of believers does.

>satan =/= debil
I had heard that theory before and have always liked that concept that different names designate different entities. I once wrote a short story on the topic as a kid.

I understand what you are saying. Have you read that interview of a member of gorgoroth (infernus, or Gaahl I cannot remember and cannot be fucked to look it up) where they basically said "We live in a christian world, therefore we have to use christian terminology in order to be understood."

Feel free to tell me to shut the fuck up so we can return to talking about black metal. I am listening to filosofem so I have nothing new to share unfortunately.