Who is right? Did RYM fall for the 1989-lite meme aka Emotion and are clueless about the real pop AOTY 2015...

Who is right? Did RYM fall for the 1989-lite meme aka Emotion and are clueless about the real pop AOTY 2015? Is Emotion really better than Art Angels?

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>Is Emotion really better than Art Angels?

grimeme btfo


>Is Emotion really better than Art Angels?
yes, grimesfag gtfo

Absolutely this is literally a no contest

Grimes needs to stay the absolute fuck away from guitars and everything will be fine

Seriously, what is wrong with her guitars?

For starters she still has to use tape markings on her goddamn frets

She obviously is an absolute beginner and consequently it fences her in really bad

Good thing she produces detailed, layered, and compositionally simplistic dance-pop, not fucking guitar-centric rock music, don't you think?

Emotion is miles ahead of Art Angels, no contest

>She obviously is an absolute beginner and consequently it fences her in really bad
What about the punk guitarists? She's obviously a beginner, but every guitarist was a beginner at some point. How do you want her to play guitar well if she doesn't actually play it? And btw, even if she's playing simple chords/notes, she makes them sound catchy (see the live version of Flesh Without Blood). Her guitar is more like a rhythm section and it serves her music (so far) very well. She doesn't play prog rock, ffs.

>she produces detailed, layered, and compositionally simplistic dance-pop

Not on Art Angels

There are a lot of guitar centric songs on there. Definitely too mamy.

But it sounds so generic, like any goddamn 80s pop album. Why do you think it's better than Art Angels?

if she doesn't play the guitar well, she should stop performing with it until practicing enough so that she is good with the guitar

Way more catchy and with better hooks. i don't really care if grimes knows how to produce and compose for herself or whatever and carly doesn't as long as the songs get stuck on my head. Emotion does that, Art Angels on the other hand fades away from memory as soon as it's over except for a couple of tracks

What does she produce then? I'm curious.
>There are a lot of guitar centric songs on there. Definitely too mamy.
I didn't realise 2 songs that digitally loop a single guitar phrase is considered too "mamy." There's more violin sampling on Art Angels than guitar.

Why do grimesfag feel the need of starting fights (grimes vs carly, grimes vs charli etc) to get attention?

Not the OP, but probably because you respond.

I just started art angels and even though it's on shuffle the first 3 songs have all been written around the guitar

I get that, but why would you like that sort of responses?

neither of them is right lmao

Google "internet trolling"
Are you counting acoustic guitar?

Weird, but it's exactly viceversa to me. Art Angels is incredibly catchy and memorable.

What the literal fuck why wouldn't I?

Still on shuffle but I just started the 4th song based on the guitar

Scream might be acceptable to someone who has literally no idea what they're talking about let alone doing. Cool production though.

>based on the guitar
They're not based on guitar, the drums are the real foundation. The guitar is just another instrument and it's mixed with synths anyway.

To each their own but songs like Realiti are very obviously where she's most comfortable

Zero guitars

I just started butterfly and sounds like she finally made the right decision to actually hire a guitarist. Either way this is a song with guitar thats not based on the guitar.

If you hate so much her songs with guitars why don't you listen to her older albums? Those albums have almost no guitars in them.

because this is a thread about AA?


This thread is about art angels vs emotion

both such lmao

Kill g Ma is the first good guitar centric song I've heard so far

And the most post-punk what coincidence

Fucking autocorrect

Kill vs maim

And now California is literally hurting my ears

Even if it's about AA, what is the point complaining about something you can't change anyway? One thing that I learned during the years was that it's not worth wasting time complaining about things I dislike. If you don't like AA, listen to something else. Problem solved.

You're such a lmao.


Because that's the point of the thread?

>Kill V Maim
>literal the second most beat-emphasized track
>guitar centric

If Emotion had the same amount of RYM ratings as Art Angels they'd probably have about the same overall rating.

The point of the thread is clearly stated at the beginning. In any case, this thread isn't about the musical analysis of AA. Stay on topic and answer the questions from the first post.

Yes it does and she's not literally looping it anyways

Flesh without blood was cool to and although not as overt I think the post-punk influence is still there

Pin is kinda cool too actually

What in the literal fuck are you talking about

Still, I don't get why Emotion has such an inflated score on RYM. I think the "guilty" one is the sexy cover or even Carly herself. AA is dismissed as just pop because of its weird anime cover.

>she's not literally looping it
She literally is.

>4,399 ratings vs 2,933

you're kind of retarded, right?

Would you care to watch it live?

>Who is right? Did RYM fall for the 1989-lite meme aka Emotion and are clueless about the real pop AOTY 2015? Is Emotion really better than Art Angels?
Reply to these or go away. I will not explain to you one more time.

You're acting weird seriously

Are you actually retarded? Fucking metal bands loop their guitar riffs and drum patterns. That doesn't mean they don't have to play it as written when playing live.

No they fucking don't

Either way it seemed to imply that looping excused it somehow

Guitar is by very far her weakness deal with it

>what is Meshuggah?
>what is Between The Buried And Me?
>what is Cattle Decapitation?
You know that when I said "metal bands", I wasn't referring to all metal bands, right?
I know about all the lo-fi bedroom black metal "bands" and their incessant need to play the whole song for extra trveness, but most bands just take the easy way out.

>Guitar is by very far her weakness deal with it
She's still learning this instrument. I still don't get what is your problem with her guitar playing. Just because it's too simple or what? FYI she plays guitar better than most punk bands and she's not even a rock musician.

Also, the guitar on the song Artangels sounds really good. Did you even listen to this tune?

We are getting way too off on a tangent but the most those bands could be accused of is drum triggers

>pop artist who makes music for commercial success
>sounds better than punk bands fucking around

>I've never produced music before so I can't tell when an instrumental has been copied and pasted

Yes the song art angels was the one song that I insist is not her on the guitar at least in this recording

There are a few good ones

>pop artist who makes music for commercial success
This is where you're wrong. She's a singer-songwriter-producer-sound engineer-visual artist-music video director and editor-dancer that happened to make synthpop instead some boring folk or chamber pop or indie rock. Her main aim is to create music, the commercial success is only on a second level.

And speaking of pop, does this sound like pop to you? youtube.com/watch?v=gUxCeVupemA

Feel free to cite a meshug or cat decap song. Im not familiar with btbam

>signed to 4ad
>managed by Jay Z's management company, Roc Nation.
>every album is labeled as pop related
>forgetting this video youtube.com/watch?v=qWomCZ7yHsk

yes it does

Emotion was a lot better, yeah.

Art Angels was a major disappointment, there are a couple pretty boring tracks, along with some great ones. I love all of Grimes' previous work.

Emotion is unashamedly a great pop album, with killer hooks and enjoyable from start to finish. Was my favorite pop album of last year much like I fell in love with 1989 in 2014.

Emotion is better than 1989 though as it doesn't have a bad track. 1989 has one, I guess Kill v. Maim is Grimes's "Bad Blood".

>yes it does
What radio station would play such song?

>signed to 4ad
Indie label that let her do whatever she wants artistically. Nothing to do with the actual music.

>managed by Jay Z's management company, Roc Nation.
She needs good management. Nothing to do with the actual music.

>every album is labeled as pop related
That's just a generic descriptor. It means popular or catchy if you will. That includes everything from the Beatles to Rihanna.

>forgetting this video
An ad for a perfume done for a friend (Stella McCartney)? It's just a job. Nothing to do with the actual music.

>What radio station would play such song?
any top 40 radio station

>That's just a generic descriptor. It means popular or catchy if you will. That includes everything from the Beatles to Rihanna.
which describes grimes music unfortunately it isn't at that level of a beatles or rihanna but shes trying :)

>Emotion is unashamedly a great pop album, with killer hooks and enjoyable from start to finish.
Killer hooks? Where? AA really smashes Emotion at this category. Only 2-3 songs on Emotion are actually good. Many others (esp. Gimmie Love and I Really Like You) are so lazy and predictible that I already have a feeling of deja vu. Mark my words: in 2-3 years Emotion will be forgotten, AA will be discussed/listened to for a long time.

I think AA is an album too patrician for you. I can understand that.

Literally any Cattle Decapitation song.

>any top 40 radio station
Do you really believe that? What radio station would play a dark dreampop tune that sounds like a soundtrack to a dystopian sci-fi horror movie? I bet you still didn't listen to that tune.

>which describes grimes music unfortunately it isn't at that level of a beatles or rihanna but shes trying :)
OK, so you're baiting. I'm done with (You).

>Is Emotion really better than Art Angels?
Dysentery is better than Art Angels

lmfao he was saying why one was bad and undeserving. it is pretty clear where he stands if he is only pointing out the shortcomings of one album.

>What radio station would play a dark dreampop
thx for admitting its pop :)

Holy shit, you're autistic for even insinuating that pop is inherently bad.

> for even insinuating that pop is inherently bad.
where did I say that?

As if it everyone doesn't already know it's blatant pop and that would somehow be something that makes it bad.

never said pop was bad
my original point was that Im not surprised a pop artist like grimes guitar playing sounds better than a punk band

Dysentery is going to kill you. You will try changing your mind but it will be too late.

Dreampop =/= mainstream pop played on the radio. Do your homework, idiot.

my radio station plays beach house all the time

I don't trust the Metascore because professional reviews are bought and paid for

Their user score is about the same and if Emotion had more rates (or if people didn't rate Art Angels 0.5 purely because it's Grimes) I think they'd be about the same.

I personally like Art Angels a little bit more, but they're right about the same. Night Time, My Time is the pop AOTDSF anyway.

The title track of NTMT is awful, though.

>Is Emotion really better than Art Angels?

Emotion = 6/10
Art Angels = 4/10



holy shit youre crazy af

She plays a mini squire so that doesn't really count as a guitar. If she played a parker, I'd take it back..But I doubt.

Best post in this thread. Neither album is good. It's sad that so many people on here have fallen for the poptimism meme.

How can people possibly say CRJ is better than Grimes?

>I don't trust the Metascore because professional reviews are bought and paid for
How do you know that? Literally every professional reviewer, from P4K to The Guardian? Take off your conspiracy hat.

>Night Time, My Time is the pop AOTDSF anyway.
No. A great album, but no better than Visions or Art Angels.

>It's sad that so many people on here have fallen for the poptimism meme.
It's sad if they enjoy some great and catchy pop music? Guess what, you're the sad meme: a hipster pretending to hate pop music. The joke's on you, rockist bruh.

You took these ratings out of your ass. Could you even justify your ratings?

Just shut the mother of fuck up, holy shit.

Only plebs could say that. They're just blinded by her beauty and couldn't judge properly. If CRJ would be ugly, I GUARANTEE that Emotion wouldn't be even half as praised.

Playing a mini Squire and making great music, that's talent. A talented artist could make great music with anything.

grimes is overrated as fuck. anything that places her below based jep is alright in my book

i remember the time when mu loved grimes more

What makes Emotion better? Both are good but the instrumentals and production in Art Angels feel a lot more gritty and dancey and aggressive to me. Emotion certainly has far better mixing and way better vocals, but it's very "straight" pop rhythms and instruments and structures for the most part.

Not trying to start a waifu war, I don't give a shit about the artists as people. Just looking for a technical comparison.

It's even funnier because she first started playing guitar like a year/months before the album was made.

That's an EDM song where the guitar is basically acting as a pad.

Those are the ratings I personally gave the albums when they came out. I listened to both of them a few times. I haven't listened to either in a long time so I couldn't give a super detailed breakdown but an overall gist as far as I remember:

Honestly just felt like a generic pop album to me, was a bit overly saccharine without anything interesting melodically to back it up. It wasn't as overproduced as 1989 and not as contrived as anything Lana Del Ray put out, so I liked it a bit more than most mainstream pop albums I've listened to. I thought it was pretty average overall though, without any songs that really stood out.

>Art Angels
Overall just thought this was pop trying to be catchy but just wasn't catchy. I remember there being a lot of the "eh-eh-ehhhh oh oooohhh" cheesy processed vocal mixing that plagues a lot of mainstream pop albums. I thought the production was pretty cheesy, and I don't like Grimes' voice or personality. Overall thought it just wasn't catchy or interesting, and was annoying at times.

>I remember there being a lot of the "eh-eh-ehhhh oh oooohhh" cheesy processed vocal mixing that plagues a lot of mainstream pop albums.
I normally hate that stuff in music too, but for some reason I really liked how Grimes did it. I might just be biased because I like her voice, but Art Angels is one of the only recent pop albums I've enjoyed.

Emotion fucking sucks, I refuse to believe anyone unironically likes it.

Art Angels is okay

>Emotion fucking sucks, I refuse to believe anyone unironically likes it.
What about it sucks, exactly? I dislike it too, but just wondering why you do.

if grimes made an album full of realiti could have had a hit on her hands
unfortunately we didnt get that
her guitar playing is clearly something she just learned and adding that element puts her in comparison to st vincent and t swift who blow her out of the water.

her strengths is synths

I agree the guitar was unnecessary but she works it in pretty well in a few tracks. She's definitely much better with synths.

Realiti isn't the only good track on there either. But probably 1/3 or 1/2 of the tracks should've been scrapped.

She said she wanted to do something more dreamy and slow for her next album, so that should be interesting.