So we all know that YouTube and Google are liberal trash and manipulate what's trending and whatnot but I have this...

So we all know that YouTube and Google are liberal trash and manipulate what's trending and whatnot but I have this idea that if we make redpilled YouTube videos and pro trump videos with very Liberal and misleading tittles we could get more of our own propaganda out there. It's like using ear rape in twitch streams, use the real title song that people like and shit on them with something obscene and loud. You guys think this could work? I do. I think it already has based off of this video and most of the top comments agree with the real truth.

Other urls found in this thread:

>liberal trash

funny how you faggots don't mind finding video after video there "proving" that Clinton is a crook/corrupt/murderer, etc

The Japanese support Trump, it's pretty cool

>we all know that YouTube and Google are liberal trash and manipulate what's trending and whatnot
>if we make redpilled YouTube videos and pro trump videos with very Liberal and misleading tittles we could get more of our own propaganda out there
hypocritical faggot, you're on the wrong board

What. Yo bitch the point is no one knows. People are trying to figure it the fuck out but you're retarded if you don't think there's something corrupt or sketchy going on. Fuck off with this low quality bait

Actually you just got your ass handed to you faggot. And it was beautiful.

OP here. I can't post at Sup Forums because I called a mod a kike.


I'm not sure you know what that word means.

By their corporations forcing their propaganda unto viewers, to play their game by our rules would mean fucking their corrupt little game.

Actually no. You can fucking kill yourself you cucked out nigger.

Ex D an' fuck u OP.



Go home, child.

If you can't bypass a ban then you're probably not the guy to lead the charge. I admire your gumption but be careful not to do anything on a big stage to damage the image. Just stick to POLITELY redpilling your friends in person. Have patience young grasshopper....

triggered this hard

sorry guys, your illegal immigrant friends have to go back. also your muslim friends can't kill my gay friends anymore. get btfo

Wtf are you even saying? Learn to sentence structure or something....Damn dude

>misleading tittles

Stop already with those misleading tittles.

Suicide is always an option

Sorry but you can't post any more videos from youtube to "prove" your points.

It's liberal trash.

Shill much samefag?

theres nothing to red pill, trump is an idiot


>also your muslim friends can't kill my gay friends anymore.

I don't have any illegal immigrant or muslim friends, but by your own admission you have gay friends.

Are they not letting you play with them tonight?

Be more specific with your criticisms....

Cuck detected

>Shill much samefag?

Not an argument.

Christ please leave summerfag or offer something of value to the thread

He may be an idiot but he has the right general idea and is a much better choice than hillary

>Cuck detected

Window licker detected.

You're right. More of a statement of the obvious. How's summer?

>didn't read my post

I said the cooperation is shilled the fuck out. The videos that are posted to the popular and "hot and rising" sections of YouTube are liberal as fuck. All I was saying is make conservative videos using leftist tittles and have YouTube mistakenly promote them for me


Pls elaborate

So basicly you need to lie to win people over?

That sounds about right for Trump supporters.

Of course I didn't read your post.

You're a hypocritical faggot who thinks it's OK on one hand to "show" how the Jews did 911 and to "prove" that Clinton is a crook using a site you've determined is "liberal trash."

You are a massive faggot.

big faggot

The company is liberal trash, not all users who inhabit the site and post videos are

>damage control

too late faggot

you dun goofed

Holy shit it's like talking to underaged faggot with no concept of anything I've just said pulling "facts" out of his prolapsed asshole like the cum gurgling queer he is... Oh wait.


Something valuable? Like saying "suicide is always an option"?

Thread has been derailed now. OP wanted advice to help redpill some people, but hasn't hadn't realized Sup Forums is now overrun by Tumblrfags. He's more aware than most on here but he's not found his true home yet.

Who needs facts?

I handed you faggots asses to you using your own fucking words.

Fucking hypocrites.

anytime, big faggot

I love this thread

Bruh do you even know how to fucking type a coherent sentence. Get the fuck out

Even more, holy fuck

>can't make butthurt hypocritical points stick
>blames failure on perceived tumblrfags


Sorry you can't read plain English when it utterly and inexplicably hands you your fucking fat ass faggot

Do you think I'm OP? Im sorry if I triggered you. Looks like you've got it all figured out anyway.


Thread back on tracks
>op wants to redpill ppl
>liberals here one good thing about trump theyre audi 5000
>liberals cant be redpilled
>everyone has made their decision already

I win. I win this thread faggot.

The media is only corrupt and biased when it goes against what you want - anything that aligns is golden. You, and extrapolating further - Trump - are not a beacon of hope or truth. You're somebody shouting a really fucking stupid idea as a proposed solution to our problems. Disagreeing with that isn't corruption or Zionist or Liberal or Reverse-Racist or Un-American or any other faggoty title you can attach to disagreeing with standing behind a Toupee'd Hitler.

You might as well be OP. You're just as buttmad about this.

they still have to go back my dude

got something on your mind? doesnt matter, they still have to go back.

Maybe the target is those on the fence or who were considering not voting?


Have i evolved back into faggot instead of big faggot form? :)

>Thread back on tracks

Yes it is. Youtube is liberal trash.

Oh wait, I need to post a youtube video that "proves" Clinton is a liar and a cunt







the solution to illegal immigration is to enforce the immigration laws. the solution to islamic violence is to halt their immigration entirely. this is simple.

Everyone claiming they know "the truth"

Fucking hilarious...
Check your egos at the door next time you remember how to write a check mark and remember unless you where their you don't know shit about only know what you want to believe.

>the solution to islamic violence is to
violate the Constitution

mad, faggot?

You DO enforce immigration laws.
It's the "illegal" aspect of it that the problem.

They are not one in the same thing.

You people are fucking losers

indeed... lets try it.


The solution to islamic violence is that there is no solution. There is no policy you could have put into place that would have stopped any terror attack in history. End of story. The whole fucking presidential race is a meme.


Those immigrants are cool when they build your shit though right?

You are applying the wrong solution to the problem. We need to enforce immigration laws and Constitutionally fight the global threat of radicalization - but that's why Trump is such a shitty choice.

>having this shallow of an understanding of how youtube works

oh wait i forgot the US government and many special interest groups pay people like you a dime a post to make right wingers look stupid in popular forums. it all makes sense now.

This is the problem with you kids. You grew up in the "you got served" generation. Everything is like a rap battle or dance off to you. You are more worried about what you perceive as winning the conversation (an idea which is ludicrous in itself), than countering statements with logic or facts. There is no talking to you. It's not your fault, and I mean that sincerely. You've been purposefully conditioned to think that way. Be skeptical of everything you hear, especially if it seems to be on repeat. Check for bias and make your own opinions. Don't be afraid to change then if new information is presented.

you all are dumb but I like this post enjoy Trump

Read it, there are clauses included in the Constiution for the President to do exactly that. Also, the Constitution does not apply to those not citizens or even residents of the United States.

>Under U.S. Code, the president does have the statutory authority to keep anyone out of the country, for any reason he thinks best. Per 8 USC §1182

>“Whenever the President finds that the entry of any aliens or of any class of aliens into the United States would be detrimental to the interests of the United States, he may by proclamation, and for such period as he shall deem necessary, suspend the entry of all aliens or any class of aliens as immigrants or nonimmigrants, or impose on the entry of aliens any restrictions he may deem to be appropriate.”

Go fuck a goat, sandnigger.

>unless you where their you don't know shit about anything


The Hillary incident convinced me the government is a criminal cartel. Plenty of red flags are in the past, don't get me wrong. But this tipped it over the edge.

Welcome to the annual cringeathon where you can find educated intellectuals in the most retarded place in existence complaining about different generations when everyone is trying to have fun. Hell Negative Nancy.

are you saying anything? i cant really tell if youre saying anything.

Everyone knows this captain extra obvious

>this thread

If youre here to conplain about such stupidity rather than enjoy silently or join in frickin leave dood

How about no Sup Forums

This does not touch upon the Muslim Americans among us. Of course we can deny Non-Americans entry to the US.

I wouldn't have made it through my last tour without my "Sandnigger" battle buddy - a fellow soldier defending your right to niggardry.

Well then what will I have to laugh at

Yourself fgt

You're right I'm out. Came here to reminisce and kill some time. Forgot I was surrounded by trolls


sadly, its fake. the guy who made this hid swastikas and "cunt" in Japanese through the video.

Vote Trump my friend, the reason they are all against him is he has nothing to lose by exposing shit. He is the only chance of breaking the Political Class/Career Politico as it now allows any businessman/woman to enter it if they prove popular.

If Trump is rejected they will pass all manner of laws preventing the popular choice from even getting on the ballot.

Don't allow them, this election it is Trump, the next it could be anybody from Tommy Lee Jones for Republican to some fag from Apple for the Democrats.

The ones that are born and raised here, we can do nothing but give them purpose. Extremism stems from lack of direction, goal and purpose in life, not from poverty and education. The majority of localized bombers have been from fairly middle class families and typically hold a college degree.

Bring back the draft for all youth, let them earn their comfortable life through toil and sweat if not blood. You served you time, as did I.

aw shit, i got bamboozled

This, although he's not so much of an idiot as a narcissist. He's not stupid, but he's a showman first--a showman with an ego twice the size of his empire. And a paper thin ego at that...

His latest speech completely illustrates this. So, his team had "one sheet of paper" prepared for him to read (whereas most other politicians would have their entire speech printed out, he could only handle one sheet)'s supposed to be talking points to stay on message and beat down Hillary.

And with all the Hillary e-mail drama as of late, she was preparing for an ass reaming. But instead, Trump fast-forwarded through it like a kid eating his broccoli, and then proceeded to dive into a wave of stream of consciousness topics about Chuck Todd, Hussein, mosquitoes, the Hillary star tweet, "the corrupt media", bribing, and other general shit that is making his team binge drink and cry in a corner was a total fucking was like he had an open shot and instead decided to punch himself in the balls in front of everyone for an hour.

Even major conservatives who are for him are is our guy? And Newt was supposed to be the big deal of the night, but instead the news cycle won't even cover it because of Trump's insane ramblings...Reminds me of drunk Joe Namath wanting a kiss on live TV....CRINGE.....



Iraq, the Harvard for terrorists

Welcome to Sup Forums,
A land of confusion and surprisingly endless amounts of bullshit. The only people who exist here are the trolls(vast majority) and the faggets who take everything seriously(the confused). Sup Forums is not a place to have a logical discussion but more of a place for manchilds to play pretend on the internet with random people they do not know nor will ever see again. Thanks for coming and remember everything you get out of this website is conpletely false.

It's hard to win an argument against a genius. It's impossible against an idiot.

>not even realizing that illegal mexican immigration lowers the standard of living for every american citizen

theres more than one problem you know, not just terrorists.

How do we get our fruits then?

>yfw the Iran Deal is a reversal of the gradually weaking of a Theocratic, Despotic Nation.
>yfw the Iran Deal strengthened a regime that was on the brink of collapse
>yfw Democrats pushed the deal through despite advice from all over the world not to.

Never the less, you should endevor to try in the hopes you can leave them questioning why they believe whatever it is they do.

You are aware Trump wants to return to the Constitution and has said nothing that is against it? Despite what the mainstream media says, he has said nothing that can not be done within the confines of the Constitution.

Idiots dont question things that is why they are idiots