What would /b do to this Trump supporter?

what would /b do to this Trump supporter?

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Fuck her in the pussy

Drink her piss then fill her holes with my spunk.


post her tits or her pussy!!

congratulating her on deciding to make america great again

DUBS speak truth

marry her, settle down on some farm out in the country, raise our many sons to help with the daily chores, raise our two daughters (youngest of our children) to be virtuous and chaste, grow old together, and then hopefully I die first because my life would be empty without her

Sadly Trump sent all your children to war and they Never came back.

I'd make a black baby come out of her

69 confirms

Nice try, ISIS.

Id have a civil conversation with her about why she believes trump to be a good presidential candidate.

You're fucking retarded.

I would go so far as to not respond to threads involving her.

Sauce on her?

this will end after 2 seconds: make america great again

Cut her up into pieces and fuck her head! Bernie 2016!

Please god let there be more of her


Have a family with her. Raise the kids to not be giant fucking degenerates that whine and cry for and over everything.

Bernie lost, fag. Join the Trump Train already, Eugene.


Have consensual missionary sex with her for the sole purpose of procreation.

People who hate Trump supporters are scum.

tell her next post has to have time stamp

Give her a respectful hi five and go about my business


This is now a get thread

Start a family.
Raise some good boys and girls
Contribute to society

All these gets. it is a good night.

Make her great again.

how about these?

keep posting


make her build a wall




fill her with my black cock as trump makes america great

Marry her

Nah, just the pic I saved her bf/husband left here and tried to delete.

Fucker her in her ass until it turned democratic blue.