ITT: post charts, collages, etc., guess personalities, give recs

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Mingus is hella cool, though I need to give Let My Children Hear Music a few more listens, I think

also, check out Mass I: Prayer I-IV by Amenra

my all time most played albums

you once thought about learning professional video recording/editing

you often find it hard to get comfy in bed

very true, it's the double blanket time of the year now, but the second one keeps bunching up or falling off. big hassle

How does Seamonsters stack up against George Best? I tried George Best but I couldn't get into it, too much repetition and too little melody for me

Thanks for the rec! Let My Children Hear Music is my favorite of his, it was done during his Bach obsession, so it has some really amazing compositions. Kudos for Magma! You might like Swell Maps - Jane From Occupied Europe

Whole different animal. I actually feel pretty much the same way you do about George Best, IMO it's weaker than that era's other major jangle pop albums. However, starting with Bizarro The Wedding Present really changed their sound to heavy, pounding drums, noisy guitars, crooning vocals, and intimate lyrics. Kinda halfway between British indie bands like The Smiths and The House of Love, and American post-hardcore like Hüsker Dü. Seamonsters has been one of my favorite albums for years, I definitely recommend listening to it with fresh ears

-Orb, underworld, 808, prodigy, happy mondays, dp

Sounds interesting! I'll listen to Seamonsters and other later Wedding Present albums when I'm in the mood. Glad to hear I'm not the only one who didn't like George Best.

I'm a big fan of Archers of Loaf and Codeine, so I guess I can't judge you for hating the Libertines so much. Try this, it's my favorite emo violence album:

First collage, i'm a bit new to Sup Forums so it would be nice to give me recs

good stuff
saw Melt Banana w Melvins & Napalm Death earlier this year and they were so fucking good.
heres some recs

just listened to that Orb album and was very pleased with it. Prodigy and Daft Punk are excellent too i'll have to peep the rest of your chart

only know Charles and Touche
that Mingus album is right up my alley as far as jazz goes with that depressing as big city beatnik vibe

that cat looks exactly like my cat thats about to die so i should probably listen to that record

i got these two blankets from Target that like mesh together into one inseparable blanket. I dont know the science but feels good

Great chart, DS2 is incredibly underrated and a great album.

Nice chart, do you like Of Montreal at all? If you haven't listened to them try Hissing Fauna, Are You The Destroyer? by them

Ghosts of Modern Man - City of No Light
solid chart btw, are you sad though?

Do you like Amon Tobin? Try his album Supermodified if you haven't

You know what you like, although I'm personally not a fan of a lot of that polished pop kind of stuff.

Janelle Monae - Archandroid if you haven't

Really good taste but I feel like I can't rec you anything you wouldn't have heard already

Nice Algiers

Try Alpha Male Tea Party - Droids

Forgot to post my chart, here it is. recs appreciated

DS2 is perfect for literally any mood. Working out? Depressed? Going out for the night? Writing a thesis? anything. Im afraid Future is falling off though since Purple Rain(eign?) and ET were both mediocre af

hello everyone how are you doing

>saw Melt Banana w Melvins & Napalm Death
pretty jealous i wanted to go to this but i had school :(

ooh this is a nice chart. love amen dunes, spiritualized, melt-banana, built to spill, and the united states of america. definitely listen to yo la tengo if you don't already, also jenny hval and r. stevie moore

+late fall codienes
have you by chance listened to the band peaer

Could not agree with this more. But the mixtape series of Monster, Beast Mode, and 56 Nights that led up to Ds2 ranges from good to great as well imo.

top left is The Gories
kinda sad but things have been looking up recently
kylie minogue GOAT
feeling kind of blue
i've only listened to frigid stars is any of their other work worth time?
welcome to the cesspool
there's a song called harambe how can it not be a meme album
cute aesthetic

> (You)
thx, i'll check!
You probably know them but if not, try Digable Planets, my favorite act behind ATCQ

Yeah i already did, Golandic Edit is fun but it's the only song i remember, need to relisten? However i have listened a several times The Gay Parade and i like it a lot, other albums like this one in their discography?

Monster is easily in my top 5 mixtapes all-time

trust me i hate the Harambe memes with every fiber of my being but i am a huuuuuuuuge Young Thug fan and the fact that, that song is great troubles me

im right there with you ATCQ is bar none my fav hiphop group and DP is right up there with them. check out Shabazz Palaces if you want more rapping from Ishmael Butler

>cute aesthetic
thank you "cute but not to be trusted" is really what i'm going but i'll take what i can get

If you liked the Gay Parade their early stuff is all quite similar, Cherry Peel, The Bedside Drama, and Coquelicot Asleep are all great as well imo

I tried I Can Hear The Heart.. multiple times but nothing click for me .. Which album should i listen? They have an impressive disco.
also Blood Bitch is one of my AOTY

Already dig Shabazz Palaces, their first album is a strong contender for my rap album of the decade

thank you user

ive been listening to trap and hiphip

hows the new a tribe called quest?

Yeah I like Amon Tobin, but I don't listen to him enough. The problem is I keep on choosing Squarepusher and 4hero instead when I'm looking to listen to some jazzy breaks.

it has been growing on me. Midnight Marauders is one of my favorite albums of all-time as well as Low End Theory so seeing people say it was on the same tier as those 2 kind of irked me. For what it is though, Tribe making an album in 2016 it's pretty damn good. Just not a 10 out of 10 classic

yeah i'm also not as huge fan of i can hear the heart beating as other people seem to be. maybe check out and then nothing turned itself inside out? that's my favorite of theirs. also do you like the band krill?

Never heard of em... what it's like?
I'm gonna listen to this album but i'm not sur that it's gonna make me like YLT