Post you're 10/10

Post you're 10/10


>Post you're 10/10
Tits or GTFO


summerfag detected




Indeed I am, for many years i have lurked, problem is, she goes to my uni.


Underage detected. mods!



Good lord above

I know thanks.

apostrophe usage = rocket science

if you don't know where the fuck to put them, just don't use them, you fucktard.

Post you are 10/10



Stop it, you're making me blush.

I am 10/10





is this a 10 to you guys?

I'm 10/10
…now what?

did you learn a new word on the internet today, little johnny?

If you like snaggletooth birches, then yeah


Personality is really the clincher with girls like this. Solid 8 in general; can pull off a 9 as needed... needs some love and personality to be a 10. That and an oral fixation.

This girl never stops being amazing

For some reason I find girls with bad acne cute





straw hair
slight wrinkle in forehead
asymmetry mouth


stop chasing parked cars


delet this

>mah tay tay

this photo is a 10, 10 years old!

this chick would be a mother by now


you guys have some shockingly low standards on what 10/10 is

>cuter then 75% of the girls in this thread


Everything about this image is 10/10

The best representation of a white girl I've ever seen.


alien confirmed


I like her :3

a whole bunch of "you love you lose" pics in coming seeing as you faggots put too much into the girls personality in this thread




Meh 8.5/10

this girl who used to post in the faces of Sup Forums threads is my 10/10



who is this qt?






I miss her too



russian untermensch

wow i've managed to score 4 sets of dubs and 1 set of the same digits, the gods are smiling on me today

She just sunk Trump's wall.


>actual filename: me.jpg




kys :-DD



Looks a lot like my ex gf.




Learn English you fucking homo
You're = you are









wow boxed water, how convenient.




this bimbo

It's your not you're.


