He prefers musicians who can play with emotion to those who are technically gifted

>He prefers musicians who can play with emotion to those who are technically gifted
>He doesn't realize that the latter are necessarily the former but the opposite isn't true

How to spot pseuds who know literally NOTHING about music general

Actually you need to have emotion and/or creative/interesting/enjoyable writing ideas for your endless pentatonic DUDE SOLOS to be enjoyable

There is no emotion in music, idiot. There is only playing or singing in a way that conveys emotion, and that is done using technique.

What about lyricism and melody?

Words and sounds don't contain emotion, retard.

Not knowing anything about music is literally the worst thing you can be.

No smart people like music that I think is bad.

Music is a baseline for judging a person's worth.

I'm 21, middle-class, and I feel disenfranchised by the world.


Oh okay so this is bait
>S A G E D

I think you're autistic as fuck.
Nobody is saying words or sounds have inherent emotions in them you teenager.

You must be fun to hang around with.

>Implying someone is immature and calling someone you think is a child a retard in the same sentence



that sure didn't make any sense


OP post your opus and if it's not as good as Beethoven's 5th, you have to put guitar strings up your ass and post it on redtube.

It's pretty clearly not meant to be an argument. I'm just calling you autistic and lame, which isn't even arguable because you proved it to be true.

Try reading something that isn't a music blog every once in a while

"We do not need to be shoemakers to know if our shoes fit"

Not an argument

>complains about non-arguments
>comes up with a non-argument
the fact you cry like that does not make your earlier post less senseless.
if you ever picked a book yourself you would not be an idiot who spergs if someone says sounds or words have emotion, a.k.a expressed with actual emotions behind them.

>if you ever picked a book yourself you would not be an idiot who spergs if someone says sounds or words have emotion, a.k.a expressed with actual emotions behind them.

I suppose it's hard to type coherently when your hands are shaking as much as yours lmao

Caring about precision of language isn't autistic, it's intelligent. You wouldn't understand.

>"We do not need to be shoemakers to know if our shoes fit"

But I thought you knew everything about music. Surely if this is true, you can wield a pen like the greats.

Nice trips. I don't know everything, I know more than literally nothing.

Virtuosity and emotion are not mutually exclusive. I'd wager that if someone cares enough about music to be expressive, they'd realise that technique is a tool to convey expression, rather than a goal in and of itself. A musical INSTRUMENT is something you use to convey music, and if you lack knowledge and mastery of your instrument and craft, then your expression will always be limited.

Those who say things like "virtuosity and knowledge of theory are crutches for my creativity" are too unaware of their lack of musicality to even realise how bad they sound.

That's a weird projection. Only an autist sperg like you would "shake" when typing. Besides I'm way too tired to shake at anything in the first place. I just find it amusing that a loser like you who knows fuck all, is riding on a high horse.

You're going to have a super hard time if you look at all sentences like that. Which you probably do, which is why you're an autistic sperg.

>Maybe if I call him autistic enough, he won't notice that I'm too mad to stop replying

>I feel emotions more strongly that you

>Despite having nothing to compare to other than my own experience, I know this for a fact

>That makes me a genius

What's that? A non-argument? Who would've guessed.

ITT: Newfags feed a lazy OP (you)s.

This thread is still going? Autistic lamers.

>I make baseless assumptions

You're still replying
The only reason you would still reply is that you're mad
Therefore you're mad


Thanks for the (you) senpai.

>I make baseless assumptions

You're the one sayin' you know things now drop some knowledge or I'll kick yo ass

Say something that we might not know. Impress us or continue to be a cunt. At this point, nobody takes you seriously.

The reason is it's amusing to see that you're mad because you know your opinions don't make the le ast bit of sense.

Actually thought about this same topic earlier today...

The best music is at the intersection of emotional satisfaction and technical proficiency.

>Read muh Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance

Emotional Satisfaction Only - punk, run of the mill hip hop, top 40 for the most part, EDM, etc. Uninteresting and music purely for consumption

Technical Proficiency Only - math metal and rock, minimalist, UK Garage, overly wordy hip hop. Stale and self-indulgent

I feel like Pet Sounds is a great example of a quality album as it is technically proficient/well arranged but carries lots of emotion with it as well.

>being this autistic

>n-n-n-o you're mad

But it's not wrong

God forbid people on this anonymous forum don't take me seriously lmao

>God forbid people on this anonymous forum don't take me seriously lmao

Well I mean they might if you said something good. I don't think this place being anonymous makes good ideas impervious. You just kind of sounds like you have your head up your ass and you love the way your shit smells. I just think you need to be taken down a notch because I can smell the cum on your Boris t shirt.

nice one dude



>>He doesn't realize that the latter are necessarily the former but the opposite isn't true
Not understanding you here.

1) all music attempt to communicate emotion or is made with emotion in mind
2) being technically gifted is not necessary, although it helps in creating above point #1

Hi there newfag

>>taking the bait

i would say you're wrong my man. maybe not your point about singing; i would agree that a compelling vocal performance (which is created by technique/skill) drives emotion, but playing music is emotional, and not just an expression of emotion.