You have 10 seconds to explain why you're not playing League of Legends

You have 10 seconds to explain why you're not playing League of Legends.

Because I like myself

Too busy playing ingress, Pokemon go, Diablo 3, destiny:the forgotten game, runescape and Titan fall

MOBAs are gay

i'm browsing while in queue actually

to busy browsing /b while also going around playing pokemon go

Ryuu ga waga teki wo kurau

Preference my dude.

Because moba is shit and i have better things to do.

overwatch hanzo player deteced

Because I've got a girlfriend

>free to play
>toxic community
>"skill based game" RNG dragon patch killed it
>owned by Chinese shills
Nuff said

i took a break from it and never started playing again

not gonna agree on the dragon part, the game became more shit because of riot dumping champs in nerf center rather than nerfing the item, and their constant reworks

Oh boy, this shit thread again? I told you, smite's better.

I'm not korean, so i haven't mastered throwing shit at people and running away

it's designed by monkeys. practically all of the design and mechanics are rehashed relics of older, clunkier mobas. champions are all uninspired trash now

me and my friend just got off
we just chillin on discord right now

Sure buddy

Because Heroes of the Storm is better

I'm not a neckbeard faggot

smite is trash, if anything id play paragon

You have 10 seconds to explain why you keep making this thread everyday.

Hey you do you! You'd rather have your hands on a mouse/keyboard playing a shitty game while I'd rather have my hands on some titties. To each their own.

Dude, mine crafters is a better game then league of cunts. You fuck of with yourself.

You're right but it was truly dead to me after the dragon patch. Also having to unlock every champ
Fucking Chinese


Maybe people are quitting this game, and he works for them/needs people to play with

Because Riot is a shit company, and I want absolutely nothing to do with them.

Why not play with your girlfriend? Video games is a fun activity with anyone,mostly

Because I'm playing Destiny.

Job won't let me
12 hour shifts ain't easy

All joking aside, I really don't get why you fine individuals waste your time parading around on League of Legends. To be completely honest I have never once enjoyed playing it and have no clue why so many people I know are enthralled by it. Defend it all you want, to me it's pure trash even though millions waste away playing it. I just don't get it man, and I never will. Shit's worse than CoD.

Quit for paragon. Honestly hate paragon slightly more than league, but I've become a pretty popular streamer since I've been streaming since the first day they allowed it.

Because I looked at Moba's when I wanted to get into one, say that Dota was entirely free and LoL was "free to play" but pay to actually do almost anything, and went with the correct choice of Dota

Really tough to get LoL friends into it though, they all complain about:
>How hard last hitting is
>Stacking camps
>Items having activatables
>Not running a jungler every single game
>Carries being both tanky and damaging by late game
>Not being able to give up any time and surrender
>Not being constantly centered on their own hero all the time
>Stuns being about twice as long on average
>Too much invis in the game
It's like trying to teach uni maths to school people who don't want to bother learning

lol where do i sign up to be a paid league shill

Because I'm not a casual faggot playing a game born from dota 1, but with simplified dynamics.

Dota 2 master race reporting in


twitch name?

This world is worth fighting for

Because I'm not gay

because it's an unbalanced piece of trash filled to the brim with retards... no fucking thank you.

why the fuck would i play a garbage ass game like League of Legends when i can play Counter Strike?

Because I'm not a filthy casual


Mobas are shit anyways "master race"

Why is simple bad? Why do you hate fun?

Kill yourself

And it's a terrible game if you play League of Legends you either don't have enough money to play WoW or you just really likes shitty video games


You can have fun with a more challenging game too

The shitty community. Also no gaming computer, all I got is an Xbox One and a Google Chrome laptop.

I don't think it's about learning, some of the design choices you mentioned are just not very good.

Some of the information you posted is simply false.
Have you ever thought about the fact that you essentially treating your friends as if they're dumb might've played a part in why they don't want to play with you?

all the dragons have the same impact on winrate when taken, they are balanced to the point where they all can impact games to the same degree regardless of comps being run. The thing Riot introduced wasn't RNG, but a necessity to play flexibly. You have fire drake be scrappy. You have water drake drag out lane phase. You have wind drake roam more. You have earth drake pressure soft objectives. I swear to god, it's a competitive game and both sides have to deal with the same thing. Maybe you'd be halfway decent and not live such a surly life if you thought about how to fix the adversities instead of just crying Rito.

lol dota fags claiming master race. jesus that shit tier game gave me aids. 1996 called and wants its graphics back.

You can have fun beating your dick.
What's your point?

any faggot that's wasted time on LoL will defend it until the world ends. Everyone that hasn't knows how shit tier it is. its really sad actually how butthurt LoL fans get when they know they're wrong

more like loose acquaintances that put up with him.

Stop Defending such a garbage game it's owned by shitty Chinese company running it into the dirt and you still have to unlock all the champs with the shitty I.p.
>coming out with thresh skin then removing it for a week before putting it back up

"I've never tried spaghetti, but I know it's shit!"

>being wrong
>about something entirely subjective

Ok nerd

the community is a bunch of tryhard toxic faggots

The code literally made the game crash, should they have left it up?

Fuck your shitty uninspired trash game and go make more hearthstone ripoffs with your new Chinese overlords so you can afford to pay more people to shit on a better game just because you know you're shit

I played league for 4 years. But season 5 and 6 have been complete cancer.

They shouldn't have released a skin that was causing these things in the first place and they knew about the issue before they released it as well

I'm not a child

Nigger I don't even know what you're talking about.
What's League have to do with Hearthstone?

You're on Sup Forums tho

because I don't like playing a game that feels like watching someone else play.

yaaay, it's warcraft 2 but you can only control one character. so much fun!

Go buy yourself some champs while I find the link to what I'm talking about

shit community

>Those that play it like it.
>Those that don't play it don't like it.

Well fuck me, my mind is blown.

>They knew about the issue.

Citation needed.

abit like buttsex

HotS, WoW or generally any MMORPG is better because require more skill.

I think you mean time.

Because all people use is
Broken nigger fizz
retard down syndrome vayne
Ebola quinn
Faggot licking zed

Because im not a faggot

see now it's obvious you're talking out of your ass. They have a beta server that exists specifically to test these bugs, and there were no issues with the skin on the beta server. You're not worth the keystrokes at this point.

shit community
shit graphics
shit gameplay
shit ranking system

Unskilled trash game ruined by dynamic que

I was dia v season 4 now im gold v i win lane 95% of my games still nigger bot lane gives 10 kills before game even starts and the fucktard premade team wins

Cs go is 10 times better you can solo carry there and is skill based not a fucking roll of dice and hope for team mates not to feed

Because fuck you.

Riot does not relent on leaverbuster.

lag, fuck netflix and pornhub. The bandwidth used is essentially double penetration to my router

>bot lane gives 10 kills
Then play bot lane. If you want something done right do it yourself.

>The bandwidth used is essentially double penetration to my router
You moron. League uses barely anything.

Last time i played adc i went 7/0 in lane and my top laner feed so hard it was retarded

Game got ruined in s5 with all new patches and dynamic que and snowballing nerf i at least could carry as top laner back den

Now its pray your team wont feed this is exacly why i went over to cs go got to global in 800 hours you can solo carry so easy there if you have the skill gl doing that in league

Because it is a shitty clicker game.

You can only blame your team so much user, before you must face the truth.

Because I like playing good video games and graduated school more than 5 years ago.
This is an example of one of the rip offs, off to find more as I can't remember where to find the original video I watched explaining the connection between the ripoffs and tencent

heroes of the storm is better

>installs game
>makes new account
>"you have been placed in a low priority queue for leaving too many matches
>about 4 matches later
>wins game
>clicks return to lobby
>"temporary cooldown for leaving the game"

From what I understand copyright laws are completely different in China. I learned this by looking into another game that used Rengar's splash art.

It's always amusing to read someone say "i was diamond s4 now gold because boosted animal DQ".
You WERE a diamond player, now you are not. Either players have gotten better or you are worse than at that point in time.
Rank is only relative to current standing.

I'm at a restaurant and HON is best moba anyways.

I'm sure they are more lenient but that does make it easier to copy other games which is pretty scummy, also is partly why blizzard got a Chinese partner to work with

I played LoL for 3 years and got masters last season but the fact of the matter is dynamic que is trash, RNG dragons, The fact that for some reason people think its ok to "main" a champion (wtf is this shit a fighting game) ur an idiot if u "main" anyone. And yes i was an idiot when i only played rengar to diamond V but i was taught that it was ok to do so when i was introduced to the game.

I'm bronze 5 and its not my fault. I'm not even kidding. 70 % of games im the one with more damage dealt on champ, 30% im second. Im often the one with less deaths, i win 90% of my lanes and if i dont, i dont feed. In one game i dealt more damage than my whole team put togheter, and it's not even a rare thing. So how i have 45% win rate?