H/fur, my dog says i need to stop rambling to myself so much but what do they know they're english

H/fur, my dog says i need to stop rambling to myself so much but what do they know they're english

I love herm cock


Gnocchi soup boy here


nigga who the fuck doesnt

Confirmed, enjoy your stay.

Ahahaaha oh god, Gnocchi soup user i love you

I get why you say that so much more now!

Bumps and I'm the rambling sleep deprived person

they're not, only mad cow disease

Good good more converts

We can ramble together user, what are you doing do keep the sleep away? Also how was your day? Did you have any hot Gnocchi dick soup like the other user?


thnx user, havent heard those words in a long time. You can fill my bowl up anytime!


Aww that just makes me sad, now i wana give you a hug




Not really and Ive been actually laying down all day trying to nap. I didn't feel good earlier so I drank tea. My upset stomach went away but now I'm left sleep deprived.

and then what happens after the hug? hm hm?

So where does g/fur h/fur line get drawn? What about s/fur?

2dongs? Is this dong magic?

Well dang that sounds awful, at least we can not sleep together right?

Then we fug

It if has tits and a dick then it is h/fur, dick and no tits g/fur, tits and no dick s/fur

Super amazing dong brothers


please elborate, I want to answer but dont know what the question is


i answered your question mofo

Me too, user, me too
Herm cock is best cock


Don't know if id start with her cock or her balls


(`~`) we dont fug user, thats rude. You need to take me out for dinner first. Where do we go?


Yeah lol but it's going to catch me when I'm finally getting comfortable talking to everyone and I'm going to pass out. Happens to me all the time.besides nothing important tomorrow so whatever.

I mean i feel like Olive Garden is the obvious choice here, but like im pretty down with anything, maybe somthing light i ate a lot of greasy ass chicken for dinner

well I wanted to know about cases like since I was not really sure if was /h or /g

requesting cum


Yeah same i have to feed some animals and that is about it

Ahhh yeah, i posted that but i would say it is g/fur and just found a way into my folder

Why you hungry?

Anything you want is fine, user, as long as it doesnt get too messy, know what I mean? hehe!



So a little bit of overlap happens but it is mostly like said?

So like, pizza or something? Or do you want me say something like "I got you're meal right here" and point at my girlcock?

Not same user, but yes I am


You could feed me too •~• I get a little hungry now and then

Those are both me so yes! Just like i said.
I'm jsut kind of constantly posting and replying to various things like is also me

Start sucking

Want some dog good? Or the good stuff wet cat food?

Also fucking cats are scratching at the door and i let them in and they immediately leave

Well I dunno, Im fine with that too...
As long as you promise to fill me up!

My girlcock is tiny and not very good at filling but i'll try my best.

House cats a crazy like that do they at least mouse well?


Thats okay user. Ill just suck you off until I get enough, but then I might want it somewhere else too...

The ones doing it are basically barn cats though =/. The house cats are just chilling next to me

You know very well I meant dick user. I've had dog food as a bet before, not on my to do list at all .And I'm not going near eating cat food.

I'll try my best but if i can't satisfy i'll lend you my dildoes

yeah im hungry for some more cum pictures pls user


I know but it is fun to mess with y'all. I'd let you suck my dick though.

Nigga i'll try my best.


No idea what is up with that then...I like my literal barn cats they stalk me whenever I leave the barn back to the house before scampering back to the barn.


I think that want something from me but i don't know what. and they've stopped for now

Oh cmon user, I want the real thing! Ill wait for you... or maybe you can invite some friends over?


I'm feeling the incoming drowsiness. I fear I may fall asleep user.

thanks fam

I'm sure we could find some takers for your tight ass.

Gl with sleep user, i'll miss ya

Thank me when i deliver

sit in a crouched position on your chair. The need to balance will help keep you up


Not just her cock tho, I have to suck on her huge balls good so they produce more tasty cum for me
Then I'd gag on her horse dick until she fills up my stomach

They decided that they would save you for eating later.
Same thing with me but it has been some great threads tonight.

Maybe she could come over? Maybe I can try taking you both in at the same time!

I never got the appeall of sucking on balls, like i understand cock butballs? ehhhh

Maybe, but they're locked outside those little fucks

Then our dicks would touch and that'd be gay



Dunno, but seeing big, round, smooth balls make me want to worship them, just like id worship a cock, or boobs, or an ass


heh fiar enough


Hmm OP here, sleep is starting to take me over as well


Also herms should always be on top, can't fap to males fucking herms



Eh there are some good pics out there

Err... Maybe she can have my ass and you can have my mouth?


Maybe I'll stay till this thread dies

Good whatever to all of you cowboys!

Different strokes fam, we can have all sorts of herms and positions.

Haha i was joking, why would i give a shit about it being gay if i was fucking a dude? Hell i'm transgender and bisexual i'm a pretty massive faggot

I know, but they just don't appeal to me at all.
Maybe because I'm a sub male with a fetish for dominant females with big cocks instead of pussies


Yeah i gotta keep watching How its Made

Math checks out




Yay, I do get it in the ass!
now that sounds weird...