Come and share your sad life story Sup Forums

Come and share your sad life story Sup Forums

>Tfw broke up with insecure/posessive gf because she's too much
>tfw I have no friends since I was too soft and accepted to lose friends to not make her jelly
>Tfw now that I broke up I have nothing at all, not even online friends.
>walk around the house all day since I don't have anything to do on the interwebs
>Watching porn or playing games became non-exciting and masturbating causes me to stop halfway since it feels dull and boring and I don't have the drive to continue.

Suggest a hobby I can do to keep myself from feeling lonely Sup Forums

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Get a pet Sup Forumsro

I live in an apartment-ish place where pets are not allowed.

Or maybe should I get a fish or a bird?

>mfw you are in the exact same position as OP, and realize the exact same thing
>mfw i havent had the strength to break up with her yet but im in the exact same situation
>she cheats its okay
>when i cheat it isnt okay
>were both only 17
OP, I need help too man

Hey, man. Do you want to talk some place? Like, Kik or something?

That sucks, a fish would also work. Sorry about what happened though that's pretty rough, i've been pretty lonely most of my days, i have a couple of internet friends i talk to but i don't talk to anyone in real life.

user here, and btw; try sports, you might find one you like. At this point; basketball keeps my life okay, also a good way to connect with people and find new friends as a result.

Slit your throat, fucking retard.

go and take a class, any class, dance, painting, music, sports, whatever tickles your pickle. make new friends.


underage b& gtfo

OP; grow plants.

Also, going bad feels pretty good - synthesise & sell meth. It'll give you a project to research and learn, and it'll be rewarding if you pull it off, and you'll have made some crazy friends* doing it.

Broke up with my life sucking gf of 4 years. Luckily my friends accepted me back. Okay OP be honest. How hard have you really tried to contact your old friends because it may take a few tries and a few apologies for being such a dumb fuck and neglecting them. If you've seriously put forth effort into rebuilding bonds, and they've all rejected you, then I m sorry that sucks.

Try acid.

OP here, the difference is that I'm in my 20's and mine doesn't cheat, and I don't cheat either, she's just too paranoid and wanted me to stop contact with any females even my own cousins, I had to stay at home so there's no risk of me going outside to cheat with some girls.
I considered myself soft because I tried to limit my friends for her to keep the relationship stable, but I'm nowhere near "cuck soft" where I would accept a cheating girlfriend.

It hurt when I broke up, especially that I was with her for years, she's begging for me to let her back but I don't want to until she changes, it's too stressing to be locked up in a cage.

I suggest you to be straightforward about it with her and ask her to change, if she doesn't you may breakup with her but make sure you explain it properly before doing so.

try reconnecting with your friends? visit b general.

I feel you OP, dem feels


I don't have kik or other stuff, I pretty much only used Facebook and Skype to talk to her and have her tag me in relationship posts.

Sup Forums is the only place I feel comfortable posting because I can get negative guys as well as guys in my boat. Many of us are loners so many can relate to each other.

(OP here)
The only problem with a fish is that sometimes my sister and brother would come over with their kids and they knock shit all over the place, tear my books and computers so I always have to put everything away and it becomes a chore for me.

I had this one friend who was with me in high school, we were both losers and stayed that way even after college, now he has a new circle of friends and pretty much became an extrovert from partying weekly with those friends. I haven't heard much from him since.

Do something manly like gym, hunting or building shit because you sound like a bitch.

Why would you let her act like that

>His gf is insecure
>He left her
Wew lad

have you tried talking to your old friends? have you gone out an interacted with people? join into some local sports teams, take adult learning classes to learn new skills and meet people, start lifting weights or running. im personal an introvert, hate fucking socializing, i go to work, i do strength training, read anything i can find and enjoy building furniture. ill tell you now though if your more of a extrovert hobbies will not fill the void of human contact. if you feel isolated you need to go out and interact, anything you do to avoid this will only be a temporary bandage. eventually your feelings of isolation will come through and taint what ever your trying to use to cover them up.

bitchboi shut up, OP is sensitive

when you get quads
>wew lad

hello god.

I'll try, I tried with one (female) high school friend today, apparently, she got mad at the fact that I left a girl that was still insecure and didn't talk to me anymore after that.

I might try with some of the guys from high school but they pretty much became very distant and it's hard to approach them again.

Nobody really know how to respond to me anymore, and most people think I'm a freak.

Did some lifting for 2 years long before I met her, I guess stopping made me a bitch.

I initially cared about it until she became kind of unsupportable so I just let it be, but after I let it be, the bad habits grew on her even more.


Bro, i almost feel the same as you. And i would love to go out drinking with somebody. Lets hope the future generations will be able to meet online for electro beer and electro weed. Sorry mate, would hang out but can't.

>electro beer
>electro weee

do the robot

Thanks, had to laugh. It's 11am around here and iam still drunk and fed up. This made me lighten up abit. Really, thank you.

>picked on all through school
>had shit teacher in 6th graded who helped my bullies and called home for no reason to make sure i was miserable around the clock
>started cutting at 11 years old
>tried to kms often
>first bf at 13
>creepy violent emo guy
>never would hurt me but scared me
>he fucking stabbed his hand in class and drank the blood
>one up-ed my problems all the time, purposely
>first gf at 14
>treated me like crap
>cheated on me a lot
>put me through hell
>got anorexia at age 14
>stopped talking to everyone
>light in my eyes was gone
>used to mouth off to bullies
>now just stay silent
>roller derby team would not let me on travel team even though I was good great before I was so thin
>girls praising my thinness in the locker room
>praise from a pro ana website i'd visit and post pics to
>one comment terrified me
>it said "oh darling... You are so young and so very thin... You were so beautiful and you're still so very pretty.... Just dont let this kill you"
>never forgot
>would collapse sometimes
>my vision would blank and my legs would give out from under me
>most fucked up part while I laid there on the floor unable to move or see I was completely conscious
>used to hide bags of puke under bed in case id been to the bathroom to many times that day
>would throw out later
>forgot one day
>I don't know how long later but I went under my bed to get something
>found three puke bags
>bacteria fucking ate all of one half of another and a bit of the third
>Memory was blocked out until I watching disorder movie that brought it all back
>roller derby coach they wouldn't let me because if I was in a real match they said I could die because I was so thin
>mom caught my eating disorder when i was almost 15 and 83.8 pounds
>she turned into satan
>"you bitch" "how could you do this to me?" "Is this the thanks i get?"
>made it all about her
>faked a recovery
>age 15
>Cut off all my hair
>pretended to be guyish
>faked a confident personality

You from europe?

>Parents argue all the time
>Dad is cheating on mom, I know this but don't want them to divorce
>Close friend of mines is dying
>Girl I've been seeing for months has stopped talking to me
>TFW I told her I didn't want to date early on in the relationship
>TFW I fell for her
>MFW she blocked me on social media and hasn't replied to my texts in days
Life is whatever right now, not really as sad as I should be

>tried to "prove" to my mom i wasnt sick
>got popular but no one really knew me
>no one knew my secret
>fast forward a bit
>desperate for any validation
>bi woman so find random chick on omegle
>send nudes she didnt send any back
>blackmailed me
>told me to do exactly as she said or she'd release my pics
>as a dumbass 15 year old i did it
>"shhhh as long as you're a good girl you're safe"
>"you're like a porn star ;)"
>My blood ran cold
>am a fantasitic singer
>tell her this
>sang to her to make the torture stop
>she says "wow

I'm at the same point became homeless after it to. I got an interview today which I kinda feel like it's just a waste of time. I'm still gonna give it a shot but I know it aint right for me. I just need a little bit of money to eat then I can sleep a bit better then after that I'll be better off skating and getting a job that's more suited to me.

Jep, germany. Sitting on my balcony contemplating if i keep on drinking or if i sober up a bit to get shit going. How about you?


Either german, having worse experience while doing my "Maßnahme". I need alcohol or something.


Play an mmo

Sounds fucking rough

You are a retard OP, my most recent girl friend was insecure and possessive and I broke up with her because she didn't like my friends, not for any good reason, just because she didn't trust me.

Don't let crazy bitches control your life next time fag.

what would you do

Trust me, it'll be more worse when you get older.

Lovely, I really thought I was getting better....should I even keep living?

Sounds like your parents are idiots.

Of course, play this game til the end

What did you do? Where you from mate? Beer or booze?

She meant well, it just came out wrong i shouldve just went inpatient
My father just cried, he relapsed as an alcoholic at the time and said something about getting strong together, never really happened, my parents dont tell me shit i dont know if he still drinks heavily anymore and that scares me he's in no way violent I'm just worried because well he's my dad

>Be me
>Trying to find job
>Year 11 dropout
>20 years old with no previous experience
>Criminal history due to a couple of burglaries I did last year
>Feel like shit because I can't get a job and have moved to a new town since
>Took up boxing, and now, besides alcohol and weed, it's the only reason I haven't killed myself

Moral of the story: go practice boxing

OP here, I broke up with her multiple times for this reason, let her back and finally decided to leave her for good.

Lesson learned. Still, now that I think of it I didn't have that much friends and I could still be jobless now even without her around.

underrated post

Tell us more about the burglary.

Talk to ur friends about all of this and youll feel so mucj better

>be me, 22 yo
>antisocial with ADHD
>living in germany
>jobless, not many friends
>can't get over the fact that gf dumped me
>smoke often weed
>having a drinking habbit

just stop dating fucked up people, get to know them, talk a lot. Takes a long fucking time

Lol you are me
>21, turning 22 in october
>ADHD lives to fast
>gf seems to cuck me, i can feel it but have nothing to prove it
>weed erryday
>i drink to much to often


Love you





Okay then, I'm a little foggy on the details, but I'll share what I remember

>Early september last year
>Be me, living out of home and dirt poor
>Only have $10 a week to feed myself after I pay rent
>After a month of this, I decide to skip out on some rent to buy a tomahawk from bunnings
>The next night, I throw on three layers of clothing to obscure my body shape to make it more difficult for them to find me later on
>Shortly after midnight, I head out and try to break into an ATM and fail, on the way back home I break into a convenience store and make off with about 5 kgs (11 lbs) of foodstuffs

>Nearly a week later, don my layers again and head out to try again, this time after both money and cigs, so that I could sell them later at a lower price than the shops due to the increased tax on smokes
>Find another convenience store, break through the front window with tomahawk, look around
>Cash register empty
>Cigs well secured
>And then one of the owners of the store enters with a flashlight, I hide around the corner, contemplating ambushing and killing him
>Decide not to, I may not be the best person, but I'm not a total sociopath either
>He leaves, and I decided to get out of there
>He returns as I'm leaving through the hole in the window
>I leave the area on foot, as I didn't have a car
>Starts tailing me in his utility van
>I'm in too deep, fuck it, I guess I 'll have to scare him off
>I step onto the road and start walking towards his vehicle
>He slowly reverses
>I break into a sprint
>He starts reversing faster
>When I'm confident he's no longer tailing me, I continue making my way home through the back roads
>The police pull up to me and arrest my ass, I am then sent to a mental facility due to charging at would could've been an oncoming ute with a tomahawk raised
>Mfw I have proven myself to my viking ancestors

Hit the night life, get a job/ volunteering, go to a gym/ workout 90% of time, join a sports club

exercise is g af for people on a psychological level, so that's why sports and working out are good for you, also, y'know, getting jacked.

Getting a job or volunteering means you have something to do and it means you get to meet new people

if you're not that good at meeting new people, then do it drunk at a pub, bar or club orsomething, getting to know people is easier when you're drunk tbh. Did it this past friday, was good fun, met some new chicks chatted with them all night, it was good fun

>Suggest a hobby I can do to keep myself from feeling lonely

Going to the psychologist can be a good hobby


Kys would be a nice hobby you faggot


Where exactly do you live? Iam trying to move to mannheim due to university etc. And till then iam dazed.

>Nearly a week later
Ya dun goofed, should've waited at least a month or so.

I know, I fucked up and didn't leave enough time for the heat to die down

Near cologne, move hurry up

I am machine I keep my eyes wide open I am machine apart of me wishes I could just feel something

*i never sleep


if you legit want help i can help you, i used to have an ED but am good now just reply if u want

Maybe. Give it a try and let me know.

How? Do you not even have tendencies anymore?

embrace that shit nigga

What's there to embrace?? Not sure if you're stupid or about to spit true facts

do you wanna buy my min. wear wrapped reviver medigun (festivizer attached to it) AND nametag with funny name for 8 ref?

Go outside and what? Stand in a parking lot for hours?


please OP, buy my medigun.

Fuck this guy

Just play video games and I'm not talking about the stupid PC bullshit like ps4 or xbox because you can always find friends on there and there are some games that you can find that you will love man

redo because last guy was a faggot

>insecure / posissive gf
>best sex ever

Y u do dis OP?

>have aspergers
>was picked on in school, couldn't stand the noise or the people
>genius intelligence so school was boring, but no social skills
>tried to find relief in studying, computers, and books, but people kept forcing me to socialize and pay attention
>I didn't understand the world around me and hated it, but kept this hidden
>eventually developed obsessive compulsive tendencies and delusions that barely held me together
>first crush made all the pain go away
>suddenly got really depressed, got rejected, took these very badly and got suspended multiple times
>was finally happy again for 6 weeks at CMU over the summer
>got expelled for things I didn't do because I didn't understand social interaction
>crushed on another girl in my final year of high school
>took the rejection even worse, became more depressed and desperate for affection
>was expelled from college, institutionalized, and then investigated by the fbi for more things I didn't do
>became suicidally depressed and even more desperate and started to lose interest in everything
>only avoided killing myself by getting addicted to weed and tried to grow and sell drugs
>that fell through after an incident involving a bad trip and some kind of paranormal shit
>dropped out of college after more rejections, spent a few months smoking weed, playing videogames, and doing deep thinking while just barely ahead of depression
>started drinking and fell in love with an anime girl at about the same time
>depression and loneliness gone and I felt great until my stomache had a bad reaction to the drinking
>didn't know what it was at the time, tried to wait it out before seeing a doctor who gave me anti-anxiety pills and dropping the alcohol
>the pills had psychotic and dissociative side effects, had to stop smoking weed and was basically mind-raped for months before it finally calmed down
>more weird shit happens although I can hardly tell what parts of it are real and what parts are in my head

I agree

Well she does everything I tell her too, any fetish I have. It's just too stressing when she's moody 24/7 the whole month for the whole year every year. You see her, she doesn't smile, she's upset and mad at you for anything and nothing, she replies "ok", "fine", "whatever", "maybe you don't love me anymore" and wants you to spend your fucking ass sitting all day texting her during the little time she can text at work. Threatens to kill herself if ever you don't do accordingly and all the family knows that I'm the reason if ever.

I'm glad i didn't take her back.

Yeah, depends if i can take this semester or if i have to wait. If i have to wait iam going to work a bit to take a short trip before my life takes a direction again.

>my thoughts start mismatching, and I develop anxiety attacks and existential dread
>started exercising, meditating, and eating better, motivated mostly by anger, which is all that's left at this point
>I still get bouts of anxiety, depression, and anger, self-harming urges, and broken logic almost every day now.

This is pretty fucking sad:
god im so pissed

>get with a nice girl
>first real girlfriend
>suddenly breaks up with me for no reason
>what the fuck
>drift apart because she turns into a huge cunt
>realise she was a cunt even during relationship
>feel like shit because i dated her
>unsure of what to do now

Probably not the worst position to be in but still not a nice one

I got you fam

Atleast you don't psychic damaged, keep going, most of us have social disorders or bad (drug) habbits.
