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Decided to let my fiancee fuck her guy friend. how do these relationships usually work?
pic related, its her, my little slut.

apart from that
>how do these relationships usually work?
not at all

Absolutely degenerate. You fucking cuckold. Kill yourself.

She keeps fucking him even when you're not around then eventually when she's got all your money, she leaves you for him

If you're one of those dudes who gets off on his girl getting off on another mans dick, then it'll work as long as she decides to stay with your beta ass. If you have money, then that could be for a long time.

Need more pics of her to better determine your fate

Has it worked all along cause I am sure she has been fucking him behind your back anyways.

she was talking to him, sending him pictures but when i confronted her about it she said he was there. i treated this girl like complete shit so i feel bad. even after all the bs she still wants to be with me when i told her so just be with the other guy but idk she can fuck him... and i also dont have any money lol
here are her tits.

So she flipped the situation over to become a victim? How are you wrong unless you fucked up in some way. Green text and more pics.

i used to cheat on her
abuse her
ignored her
call her names
for 4 years
so she found someone she could talk to, and she found confort. confronted her, told me he would listen to her and blah blah. she still "loves me" but can't get over the abuse. desperate i brought up being in a "cockold" relationship but she is freaked out. but i made her accept it? also her tits.

Dude you just ruined it. You've been an asshole for 4 years, you want to make her feel comfortable, right? COMFORTABLE=/=FUCKING ANOTHER GUY. Holy shit, are you serious? Make her feel special on your own, she has to feel comfortable with you, not anybody else. Grow a pair and be a man.

This is why aliens won't talk to us.

Welp, I guess you deserve but there is better options if you want to stay with her. But likely the other guy will win. Once he fucks her, aka "makes love", it is practically over for you. Best thing to do is grow a pair. Quit cheating and be better.

ive been with her for 4 years bro there is nothing "new" i can do to make her feel special, we've been through therapy and about 9 breakups where she moves away but back in. all we do is argue, i can't stand her attitude and bitchyness and she can't stand to look at me sometimes but damnit idk why we love eachother to stick through the bullshit....

Letting her fuck another guy isn't the solution anyway, you're just telling her, "I don't care about you, I'm a beta, go with that alpha over there" it makes completely no sense. Take her away, I don't know, a one-week vacation, make her feel special.

yeah, you are right. I've been such an asshole to her and she was always loyal to me until obviously recently. i feel terrible i've hurt her and i just want to make sure she is happy. i told her numerous times to go be with the other guy and i would be her friend but she just wan'ts to be with me, that he isn't the one that i am. so im trying to honestly have some sex and if it ends i mean it ends right? i've already accepted her being with someone else and that's half the battle of a breakup???



You don't 'love' each other, you're both so fucking scared of being alone.

Man the fuck up and stop being a little bitch, seriously. It's fucking disgusting.

"Hurr durr I dunno why we are still together." Neither does anyone else, so stop being together you fucking retarded child.

Made this one myself, original bate meme, feel free to steal.

Thanks, what a super dank meme :^)

fucking great

No problem. I took a screenshot of the post so when it becomes popular I have proof to show I was the original creator. Until then, spread the meme.

Yeah, your probably right.....

which is completely pointless, you're user, i'm user, everybody's user top kek

But when I tell them to check the date then they'll know it was me all the long

damn her guy friend is hot. any more pics of him?
>i can see why she wanted to fuck him
>are you going to?

congratulations on cucking yourself, hope you enjoy it

You don't have to do anything new. Just make her feel good.
If you want to show that you love her, don't be a fucking cuckold. You are just feeling sorry about yourself.
Take her out or some shit, make her feel special.

Let my fiance fuck my best friend. Always wanted to let her get fucked by him and cum from fucking him. He sent me these pics after he finished pounding her. Gonna jack off to the tape they made too. It's hot to me.

thats awesome. what a good fiance you are.

That's the thing, I don't really want to be in a relationship with her, I love her and I wish we could be together and do the lovey dovey shit. But all we do is argue and fight and communication sucks ass, trust is not there anymore. It's just fucking stupid that we feel so attached and care deeply about each other. Maybe like user said, I'm just being a little bitch and we are both scared of being alone? Fuck do I know....

you don't deserve love.

dude, attraction is not love. are you attracted by her body or in love with her? these problems always come, but if there's love they can be solved

then break up? find out its not really that difficult being alone after all?

Every time we break up we always come looking for each other it's fucking ridiculous.

yeah its been 4 years. thas not v long

Was on the same boat, i was too rude, endless circle of love and hate, i left her and now im alone :0.