This girl burned the murica flag guys. MURICA

This girl burned the murica flag guys. MURICA






Lol she's a fucking hippie all hippies must die. Socialism sucks gtfo bitch. Her dad is fucking awesome

She's pretty cool fuck her dad

I'm pretty sure there's more to this story.

>sjw burns the american flag because MUH OPPRESSION
>dad isn't okay with it
>sjw continues to be a cunt
>dad does a boss move
>sjw expects sympathy

I hope she gets raped by niggers on the street. See how fucking oppressed she is then.


So what? She burned a bit of fabric. Big deal.

Also fighting for dat $15 min wage

Nope. She literally burned the flag because SJW.

There's not. She's pretty insane. Bragging about burning the flag etc, and her dad kicked her out.

Sup Forums You guys have a power complex. ABUSERS

Her dad is a fucking legend, allowing the bitch to learn the hard way that shes gotta actually work for her shit eventually, and that her stupid political ideologies wont change that.

You have the freedom to voice your opinions as long as your opinions conform to my believes.

Please explain your memeing.

Go checkout dis chicks facebook

it's private or i'd absolutely destroy her in the comments.

Daddy deserves a second place trophy.

He failed at raising the dumb bitch, but at least he doesn't let her get away with being a dumb bitch.

That bit of fabric represents the blood and pain of everyone who ever fought and died for your right to burn it.

They died for your ability to tell people to fuck off and leave you alone. They died because they didn't want you - YOU - to suffer REAL oppression, as opposed to the imaginary oppression millennials think they suffer from.

I'd say their sacrifice earns a little respect, whether or not you respect the people in power, the people around you, or the person you are today. Because it bought you the opportunity to have that lack of respect.

Just my opinion, but it's one I get to voice because of the spilled blood the red on that flag symbolizes.

All of you need to understand that, to an American, burning the flag is as offensive as burning the Queeran for a Muslim.
>America is basically a religion smhtbqhfamamallama

Good for her, fuck her dad for trying to impose his shit

pretty sure most of them actually did it for those sick benefits you get man, or the draft

but thats just like, my opinion, man


Theres only so much you can do as a parent though. Glad this dude is stepping up.

It's an offense against the nation to burn any national flag, dumbshit. Not just America, but any nation.

Wtf I hate sjws now

And you're welcome to it.

Which is the whole point.

well she is right

Now? Like you were cool with them July 3rd but this is just beyond the pale for you?

At the end of the day it's still just a piece of fabric. It was probably made in China too.

>everyone who fought for...
You mean every MALE, you racist, fascist, evil, nazi, cisgendered, white anglo-saxon, heterosexual, heteronormative, hypermasculative, rape-cultured, 24% more than me, male, priveleged, actual price of human garbage.
I would accuse you of rape or domestic abuse and have you tried and convicted but this anonymous image board makes it impossible to track you down and take you to court. Burn in an entirely male hell.

>I support LGBTQQIAA+ and Islam because I'm a Queergendered Asexual Demigendered Dolphinkin Soy-based Meat Substitute who don't need no patriarchy.

She is a strong independant woman, im sure she will be fine

It's not. But the dad had every right. It's also funny she got rekt

I get it that flag burning is a thung in the States.

But to do so because >SJW
Is just crazy. I'm also willing to bet her dad took a lot of that cunt's verbal abuse way before this.

>I'm also willing to bet her dad took a lot of that cunt's verbal abuse way before this.
Basically this. SJW cunts always lie about the actual reasons for shit like this.

So what? Her dad is teaching her consequences to her actions. Big deal.

The whole thing is amusing. Him getting his panties bunched and her getting BTFOd.

Isn't burning the flag, something some find upsetting, a great way to respect those and the principles behind the flag. Because it's taboo, but you can still do it. That's the epitome of free expression.

Lol no

Funny how conservatives mock people who get offended, when it's actually them who are offended by everything.

Fuck off, the dad is 100% right and any one else with a pair of balls would have done the same to this whiny, entitled socialist cunt.

B-but I'm a lesbian...

Nothing wrong with burning a flag, nothing wrong with hating the country either, but if you do, you should be actively trying to improve the country and being a good person in general, or just leave. Burning a flag just to upset people and get attention is retarded, and burning it for a purpose is counterproductive.

Funny how liberals mock people who get offended, when it's actually them who are offended by everything

There as difference between being offended if someone dont use your otherkin pronoums and being offended when someone burn a flag that your dad, brother, grandpa died for.

I don't give two shits that she burned an American flag. Having said that, her parents are under no obligation to take care of her as she is an adult.

Seems a little cold, but then again she's obviously a socialist cunt.

The sad thing is, this whore could even sue him for discrimination since he fired her for her believes. Discrimination laws and all...

Way to fucking go America, this is what your bullshit laws get you. Cunts like this. And before you blame it on democrats, this shit was put in place under conservative presidency.

If your dad, brother or grandfather died for a flag then frankly they were retards.

anyone who does for a flag deserves no respect.

I'm pretty sure her dad is still alive.
And yeah dying for a flag seems rather dumb. It's a fucking flag. I mean I love my country and I'm proud to be a citizen and consider myself a conservative but some people take their boners a bit too far.

oh shit watch that cunt actually do that and get through with it

The president doesn't pass laws you dumb fuck. It takes the legislature.

>implying presidents make laws
It could be a conservative president but the cucks of the left in the courts interpret these laws all wrong.

>thinking that people are literally dying for a flag
>being this fucking retarded

how do you people manage your lives with your severe mental disabilities?

Wrong. Burning a flag will get you angry social media comments, maybe pushed or shoved, maybe even punched, if done in a public place.

Go burn a sand nigger bible in pakistan or saudi arabia and see what happens.

They fucking kill each other for far less imaginary offenses than burning that book.

When was the last time you heard a conservative calling for a safe space?

Fucking oppressive cis-gendered taco licker! You shall burn in SJW hell for your offence of not being a special snowflake with fi/fo/fum pronouns!

He could argue that the reason was that she was constantly annoying him with her beliefs and undermining his authority as her boss, and it wasn't actually the beliefs themselves that resulted in her termination.

Fuckin triggered.

The red on the flags stands for valor not blood.

Also this

Are you fucking kidding me? Projecting like an IMAX theater.

Come back when conservatives need trigger warnings, require jazz hands at their events, or attack scientists for wearing an ugly shirt.

Liberals get offended so easily they cant handle fucking SEINFELD at their universities. Fucking Seinfeld.


We come here

I'm simply responding to what said and I stand by it. If you die for a flag, or even get your panties in a bunch because of how someone treats it, then you are a retard.

everytime they call for concealed carry laws - they make their own safe spaces they can carry with them, like pacifiers or security blankets. of course by doing so they are making unsafe spaces for everyone else, but they are selfish fuckers who don't care so go fuck yourself

In their defence, Seinfeld is really shit.

hes a fucking shitbag for letting her get this high of a cunt level. he fucking deserves to see his daughter get rekt and cry in a corner

>he fucking deserves to see his daughter get rekt
But she wont let him, she blocked him remember?

Lets raid that bitch

'Her' fucking name is Noah. Bitch probably went SJW in the first place because little benis

>Soy-based Meat substitute


That was a productive addition to the conversation.

So she complained too much about the way her dad made money.... while still taking his cash. He did the right thing. Maybe she will never understand her hypocrisy but he sure as hell does. Sjw's will never see in themselves the ugly truth that normal people do. This guy deserves to be recognized for his hard work and being a father. (Probably putting her through some liberal college too) and all she does is give him shit. Fuck this ungrateful little bitch. I really hope she's homeless in 6 months and sucking dick for Xanax.

by everything? burning flags is about it.

So many teenage edgy tumblr redditors in 1 thread.
Just think of how many there are in other threads too.

To sum things up:
>bitch works in different city
>dad owns apartment complexes
>dad is short staffed, asks her to work for him
>dad agrees to pay her for work, gives her free apartment and phone for helping
>she moves in dads apartment with 4 homeless "friends" without telling him
>talks mad shit about dad, disrespects him, general bitch
>dad fires her, shuts off phone and evicted her
>"muh feelings" "dads a monster" "dads an abuser"

SJW is 21 years old, mind you

I wish I had a father like her. :(

Texas v. Johnson held that burning a flag is protected by your First Amendment rights.

Because white conservative concealed carry gun owners are such a huge threat to everyone. Do you have any idea what the stats on homicide by firearm actually look like? Guess what? The problem isnt middle aged white NRA members with legal firearms. Statistically.

Speaking of safe spaces and firearms, how are those gun free zones working out? Its almost as if people intent on murder by firearm aren't afraid to break the law.

if you die for the flag you dont literally just die for the flag and you know that stop trying to be an edgy smartass.

hAHA, she just shit on her own silver plate in life.
I hope she winds up homeless and addicted to heroine.

I don't get this died for the flag bullshit. Was the flag under any threat? Was there another nation trying to steal, remove, duplicate, copyright, illegally sell or destroy the flag. It's a fucking symbol. Symbols come and go. What should be fought for is the ideals that the symbol represent, and those ideals extended to everyone including those you disagree with. Else, it's just a meaningless piece of material with no value.

heroine = female hero
heroin = the opiate drug

Here's your (You).

“Flags are bits of colored cloth that governments use first to shrink-wrap people’s minds and then as ceremonial shrouds to bury the dead.”
― Arundhati Roy


Also true.

So you're saying that the flag is simply a piece of fabric? Good. Finally we are in agreement.

>They died because they didn't want you - YOU - to suffer REAL oppression
Sure buddy.
They specifically hade us in mind. It had nothing to do with them rebelling against something for their own gain.

No, they were trying to remove, steal, and destroy the flag by taking over the country the flag stands for.

At least in three cases.

"for the sake of future generations" means nothing to you then? No wonder the world is so fucked up by you mindless millennial trash.

Burning a flag is protected by my First Amendment rights. People died to defend my First Amendment rights. But somehow, if I burn a flag, exercising that right, I'm disrespecting those who died for my rights? Is this what you flag fetishists are saying?

>"you are an abuser with a power complex"
>still wants his money and attention

Dear young guys out there, here you have female nature. Learn from it.

Not really, no.

Glad you understand.

This is why traps are better and should be the new girl

Firstly kill yourself faggot, they died for your freedom i'm not even american but i can understand that they died so you basically didn't live in slavery

you are a disgrace to the human race

People like this girl are the most disgusting and pathetic self-victimizing human beings in this world. A complete waste of earth's resources.

sure it is. but it symbolizes the country and thats why burning it is offensive.

You people are so up your own ass with the whole patriotiam bullshit.
People back then rebelled because it was in their own self interest. They felt as if they were treated unfairly and so the rallied and fought against their oppressor.
The American revoltion is not really different from any other revolution of people trying to improve their own situation.