Sup Forumsmor thread

Sup Forumsmor thread

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I never noticed that it's tagged under "Metal" lmao




Anyone got the Trout Mask Replica album cover but where the letters on the album cover are used to make it sound like a porno?










that's cute. now i'm sad.


This is fucking hilarious

I remember this thread.
>tfw just now realizing how many years I've been here


>okay this is just some guy covering songs
>they're all the same
Jesus kek


Just read the fifth panel and ignore the rest.




I subscribed to this guy back then. I love how the song always plays in the background and you can only hear it during his pauses.

Does anyone have that picture where it's two white guys and they're kind of posed like ITAOTS and one of them is holding it?


>Ezra from Vampire Weekend singing the song from Space Jam
I'd pay good money for this

Pretty good actually



Context? Why was he expecting somebody to say Bon Jovi




>Sublime with Roman Polanski
I lost it



Oh my god. You got this spot on too with the filename

That's one of my all time favorite movies. I gotta rewatch it sometime.


Pretty actually good

What's so bad about that album? I enjoyed it.

OK so maybe I'm the only one but the scene they have for death grips the caveman and robot rap is actually pretty fucking good

>he still uploads videos

It's not bad at all that's why this board gives p4k a hard time over it
i cant see any justification of a 2/10, even if you dont like it i cant see a score lower than 5/10


what's 2016 look like?

Ah okay. Thanks for clearing that up.

Is this legit


>Tom O'Connor questions a Man in the Crowd whether he is a Sardine
keked out loud


>Icy P and the Funky Bunch

I'd go to Coachella if it had the following things

1. Merzbow performing 4'33''
2.Live Field Recordings of the Audience until they notice
3. An Opera Singer with Killer Mike as the hypeman
4. Kid Cudi and Kid Rock perform Kid A
5. Pilotredsun
6. Kanye West performing Bohemian Rhapsody
7. Time Machine Modulus

8. Jason Aldean commits suicide while a middle school choir with bad B.O sings Creep by Radiohead

The caveman mc almost sounds like mc ride if you ignore that it's just patrick

This is one of my favorite youtube videos ever

Somebody throws bread at the stage as Smash Mouth is about to play, and the singer starts cursing out the audience as the rest of the band just starts playing All Star


is this album popular irl or are they just posters

pretty good actually


Holy shit. I wonder exactly what the fuck is going on in this guys mind. Is this a long-running joke? Or has he just gone insane?

>this kind of humping should be illegal
>because it is


It's more of a cult popular kind of thing rather than a widespread thing that a majority of people know about, but it's definitely known outside of Sup Forums.

Judging by the autism in that picture though, they might very well be Sup Forums posters.

le so many yearzzz! XD

who is this even supposed to be
this meme is too esoteric

>Phil Collins - Peter Gabriel - Genesis - Phil Collins with Peter Gabriel - Peter Gabriel with Phil Collins

Kill me :)

I think just keyboard players in general


Pretty good actually

Thanks, I lost my copy. Saved.

He may very well be the greatest Bari Sax player I've ever seen

>foundation of modern music

Damn that's actually kinda dank



This thread was truly one to be remembered
One can't deny that it was woke as fuck

>the vocoder
its like Jenny Death


>too scared to do the nazi salute properly
fucking pussies

probably, but literally doesn't mean anything

>The World is a Beautiful Place & I'm No Longer Afraid to Die takes up a whole line on the poster and doesn't preform

I remember one of these was like "Father John Misty fucks his wife up the ass while Robin Pecknold watches"

this is the only true into to all star
cant wait to see them in feb

shit wrong loss comic


luv Black Dynamite

Oh god time machine modulus. I'd almost forgotten

The first one was funnier tbqh

Anco one is dumb but the rest r putty good :)

The "excuse me?" Is killing me