What the hell is this thing? I live in Canada and I've never seen anything like this before

What the hell is this thing? I live in Canada and I've never seen anything like this before.

It's the crawling dick.

It's the invasive penis moth. You better catch it and bring it to whatever Canada has for an EPA.

Am I gonna get raped by a bug?

It's a thing.

Refugee terrorist bug that the Trudeau gov't brought in from the horn of Africa.

Most insects are still nameless / unregistered.

So catch it and call your local governinstitute or whatever the fuck and inform them that you have caught a new species of insects and you wish to submit it.

You get to name it aswell.

Dubs get to name it from this point forward

Fat cock bug

It appears to be a freshly hatched moth from the Sphingidae family, but it hasn't pumped it's wings yet.

It's dinner OP, dig in

Well whatever the hell it was, it's bird food now. Fucker swooped in and stole the poor guy away. RIP in piece cock moth.


Dicks can be cut off . After 3 months it will grow back its original length, if not longer. It's just like a lizard tail

It's a moth you dumb canuck. Ooohhh CanaDUH


Can confirm I had my dick injured in a motorbike accident, the doctor had to cut it off. I didn't have my dick for 5 months it really sucked. The good news is that it got 2 inches bigger

hamster moth


also post more pics OP, that one is shit

entomologist bro here what part of canada u in?

all gone now

Alberta, near Edmonton

ey 780 whats up.
its a female polyphemus moth, sometimes this species pupates and then emerges with extremely deformed wings it'll lay unfertilized eggs and then die.

Fresh moth

Thanks man, didn't think I'd actually be able to learn what it was.

Looks like a furry dick

If dubs you put in asshole

yeah its kind of sad when nature fucks up isnt it?
her pupa was probably damaged the poor dear

This nigger had it.

>RIP in pieces moffo

i'm sad now.

newfigs cant orange text