Who has the video of this girl in the video sucking dick in a nightclub?

Who has the video of this girl in the video sucking dick in a nightclub?

Britfags help


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self bump


girl here. girls have the right to do something slightly stupid while drunk without getting slutshamed on the internet


I agree, they shouldn't get shamed so they're more likely to do it

boy here. i want to put my peepee in your vajayjay

Who's shaming her? We just want to jack off to it.

Not in Sup Forums

She shamed herself you girls never take responsibility for your actions


This. Stupid X-chromosome-only piece of shit.

lol pls see pic

omg! can't you all be just cool and enjoy the moment and leave it at that. do you all have to brag about it on the internet as well? uff


>girl here

I Looked for this at the time too on twitter and facebook - no luck

Is this the one where she was promised a vacation if she sucked a certain number of dicks but then found out it was a free drink called a "vacation"?

I don't think this is the same girl in this pic, but I think some of you may be thinking of the Magalov girl. Just google it. The video will come up.

Nah thats the magaluf girl, the video of that is everywhere

Looks like that's a different girl

Jesus christ, are there any women left with any morals or self respect left in this septic tank of a world?


No, thank Baal.



Thats shagaluf again..

Maybe it's not shaming. Maybe we just want to jerk off. I mean it's not like I know this girl or will ever meet her.

no you dont have that right
freedom of speech gives us the right to slutshame anyone we want even if they didnt do anything stupid


Apparently she was a devout christian girl back home in Northern Ireland kek

wtf those dicks are so tiny

if it wasnt for girls like that, there wouldnt be guys like us ..


Could you imagine if you'd had a pre night wank and not cleaned away the cum, so your dick smelling like a tuna sandwich and this bitch pulls down your pants and wofts the smegma to everyone.

where is that right found on the Bill of Rights?


where is the video

source of those pics?

That pic is hilarious also
>thats a trap