ITT: i retouch any photo you ask. i'm a professional and i'm bored

ITT: i retouch any photo you ask. i'm a professional and i'm bored.


Do something interesting with this, freestyle or whatever

What r u going to do with the pictures excaly

make my bud more macho

This is an ex of mine, do whatever you want with it

save them

alright, working on these rn.

in what capacity?

Please replace the bottle with a big black dildo, thanks.

my face whilst i wait

caught my interest



nothing changed?

He lowered the hairline and touched up the cheeks.

wow mate

thanks.. sort of

You are a professional huh?
Do other people besides you and your mum say that?
I mean...your not that bad but professional? Far from it.

what a shit job. Look at wart on the side of his face. It's still there, only It clearly looks amateur cause its blurry now.



do you really think i'm putting as much effort into doing favors for you faggots as i put into my actual job?

its a molee who has warts on their face. he int no warthog

Thanks for the edit

I can do better. I don't even do it for a living.

what is your actual job user.


you cant fix perfection

the invaders are here

See OP, I'm better than you.


That poor bugger has gangrene. You'll have to amputate.





Fucking lmao

No one said anything about your actual job you illiterate kid. You were the one saying you were a professional and we told you that you are not more than a lousy amateur and that it shows.

Im no pro and i could do what you did in this thread in Minutes. A pro wouldn`t need to put in "effort" to do better than what you deliveres here

Kekd hard

Can you put a penis on my wife's face. Or some sort of penis related image in the background ?

Non of the shoppers but...if this is really your wife- why in the world would you even want anyone to shop a penis on her face?

So I can show her and laugh

Sure. gimme a few mins. wont be professional, but better than OP's shit work.

*Waiting intensifies*


And yeah, I felt the need to put her mouth on the balls. Not sure why.


Already my wife is like 'please don't send it to me I don't want it on my phone'

She can prepare to have her eyes violated because it's coming anyway.

Tks user.

Haha! Thats strangely appealling
And you didn`t lie. It is better than the "professional" work

No problem Anons!

Can someone go all out with this one? She's a Russian feminist


fucking kek

I guess I can throw more dicks on these pics.


Why did OP abandon thread?

Because he is a shit and people called him out

Sorry op, but you cant really call yourself a pro until you can take care of those rainbow artifacts left by your shooping.

I'm not actually skilled in photomanipulation but i draw and paint and people around me say i know how to critique things better than most others.

I've spent a lot of time just staring at paintings. It taught me how to see.

Thats not OP's shoop.

OP did "macho man" up top. then he went off to cry over the criticism.

You seem like a massive fag