ITT: Share some useless shit about yourself, that noone gives a shit about

ITT: Share some useless shit about yourself, that noone gives a shit about.
I've recently started eating peanut butter and I like it.

I'm a cis white 31 year old male.

Fucking sexist pig.

>sexiest pig
You made a typo. All the pigs want me.

I've read about a guy who recently started eating beanut butter and I like it.

I started bouldering as a hobby and as an exercise and I quite enjoy it.

I'm going over to my girlfriend's tonight. Maybe.

I feel like I'm actually getting good at csgo

I'll be watching football tonight.

i met a girl i like today

I might have a job contract on Monday.

I just masturbated for the first time in over three months.


Try it with jam on toast bro

I have to start getting ready for work in about 15 minutes

I'm an archery champion and my country gives no shit about it cuz it's not football

I'm going to work tonight

I'm going home in two days, me and the mates are gonna have us a lil weed binge by the pool

Same here 5-12 :(

Good job! Talk to her more

I love being a barista. But I hate 75% customers.

I move into my new downtown studio apartment today. I've worked hard to get it and I'm pretty damn happy about it

I just lost my virginity 2 days ago


my pants are halfway down and im about to go out for a doobie. but first i must do some stuff

Good way or bad way?

I just cooked a stew with potatoes, mushrooms lingonberries and moose meat.
Gonna take a nap after eating it.

I think I'm going crazy


I'm a transgender in the closet.

I am unemployed for the first time since 13 years old. I am 26.

I can speak Swedish and Russian.

Why so serious?

Hunting or targets?

I stopped to have razor burn when I started to shave while showering. I had to wait 35 years of my life before doing it someone told me to do it. Because I was too dumb to think about it myself. Now I call those with razor burn dumbasses.


What about wet dreams?

She's 16, petite, and so tight that she couldn't even take my dick without lube. I'll let you decide if that's good way or bad way

What jam? And two of those things at once?

Did it hurt when he penetrated you?

Poor brazilian.

Damn that is sad. Good job anyways!

that response is leet af

That is why I as a customer always try to smile and be nice, cause I know lots of others are just grumpy or plain dicks

Sounds incredible user, did you hunt the moose yourself?

Why is that?

Yes sir, been an active hunter since the early 90's.
Moose is the basic food in my life.

Moose meat? Canadian? I wonder how it tastes like...

I see a thread full of fags.

I own 8 cars all over 40,000 USD ...
I randomly pick a car to drive everyday. Everyone thinks I'm a drug dealer. I'm just lucky I guess... Mom and Dad left me more money than I could ever spend in my life time. My kids and there kids will never have to work real jobs.

Well i sometimes cut myself a little bit on a chin while shaving. Does this also help? And how is it superior to shaving cream?

I guess bad? But you still got laid. Nice dubs btw

I'm a pathetic fucking faggot whos trying to make a tulpa due to lonlieness but I'm also too much of a piece of shit to follow through and work on her every day which causes me to resent myself.

Yeah that's pathetic

You gotta work work work on her hairy hairy pussy.

Don't make them richcunts just by doing nothing. These are the worst kind of kids...

Any progress in creating one?

Try it by the end of your shower. The hair is softened by the moisture and hot temp. Use regular soap and a small mirror. Babyface guaranteed. Razor will last months too.

I can solve a Rubik's cube in under 20 seconds.

can some1 tell me where can I get xcom 2?
piratebay seems disappointing

still pretty early on, but i think ive gotten some emotional responses.
I wouldnt be surprised if I ended up getting early progress, before I started making her a tulpa this started out as just constant, obsessive daydreaming about her.

I usually shave after shovering, I also keep a bowl of water next to me to keep my face wet, i guess that's good enough?

I couls do this in few minutes some time ago, but I've already forgotten. Nice.

I have razor burn

How long does it last already?

how long does what last?

Making tulpa. For how long are you trying to create one already?

I've recently been diagnosed w IBS, feelsbadman

I'm engaged to my fiancée and we have a baby on the way.

Nope I'm Swedish. Moose taste like deer but a lot more dark if that makes sence. More wild.
I love it.

I started just over two weeks ago.

No inglese?

Im 18 LP from getting in Promotion to gold in League of Legends, yay me!

I'm gay.

cant be better than DURING the shower. Top moisture achieved.

I just got destroyed by a troll team in OW as 5 Torbs and a Mei, feels bad man

I have never eaten a deer though. Any other animal you can compare it to?

I haven't brushed my teeth yet today

Then you are doing good. Keep it up, just don't regret it later

Alright, gonna try it soon, thanks

I'm in the shitter at work on Sup Forums

I'm a Transgendered asshole that hates my current highschool friend group

I dont know if I should pick up WoW again

I just started playing paragon and I like it

I'm straight and I fucked another dude. I'm a bit like spaghetti you see, I am straight, but when I get hot I will start to bend all over the place. As in when I'm horny I will fuck anyone. But it was great he grabbed my a's and I got a wicked boner, I grabbed his bulge, I gave him a handjob and then he fucked my ass. Was great. I have a girlfriend tho so.

i think it's funny that the american cops shot another black guy, i enjoy watching the shitstorm on tv while i'm under the blanket at home safe

keep being cunts, high entertainment value bois

I like to dip pretzels in mayonnaise but I think it looks gross so I keep it a secret and would make fun of anyone else that did it.

me too

Found my gf of two years sleeping another guy. Left her and the apartment, back living with my dad at the age of 25. Plan on going back to school however have no drive to do anything. Feels bad man.

I'm pretty good at running off of no sleep

I have now brushed my teeth

>riend group
The thing that you're not old enough to realize, is that just 10+ years ago there would have been no "transgendered" and certainly no "friend group" for you. You would have just been a kid that perpetually got his ass kicked until some closet-fag teacher defended you because he wanted to fuck you. Shit is pretty good for you (comparatively).

And no...I wan't the earlier version of you...But I was the "My Bodyguard"-style protector of my cousin who was the 90's version of you. (Now dead - suicide.)

im 30 I drink 7-9 beers every night 10-12 on the weekends I want stop but don't know how, also I haven't drank a soft drink in almost 4 weeks, Im sad most times and don't know why.

Best thing you can do at work m8

My mom works at Applebees. Also I just tried sardines on a pizza for the first time and they were disgusting

Isn't it kind of a dead game now?

>why girls don't want to date bisexual men

What the fuck is going on on the right hand side of that picture?
Is that your skin?

How old r u?29?

Willing to fuck anything doesn't make you straight

I came out to my girlfriend about being a pedo