I need a friend Sup Forums. I'm so lonely I'm getting sick of it. Help me please.Does anyone wanna talk to me?

I need a friend Sup Forums. I'm so lonely I'm getting sick of it. Help me please.Does anyone wanna talk to me?
>inb4 kys faggot

Other urls found in this thread:


I get lonley too , i have some friends but theyre mostly rough and i like calmer softer things generaly

Have some artz

Do you have trouble making friends irl/online/both ? Do the people around you feel unworthy?

Hey user, hows a goin, feeling okay?

Both.. Im very loving and respectful amd support but i live on the coty so alot of people here are extreamly disrespectful and some of the people i hang out with think thats ok and because im not violent they cam het over on me,



have more arts... this i did not make but i like it

You're lucky you have some..

I got bullied a lot my whole life. Even tho I don't get anymore , nobody wants to have anything with me..

Pretty bad. I'm sick of not talking to anyone. I want to care for someone..


I'll be your friend OP. I'm quite lonely myself... What do you do for fun?

an exelent way to meet like minded and goaled individuals is you express your self on a medium [art] like build a style and run with it, put it out there youll get fans eventualy everyone does, theres basicly gangs for every extension of the human psyche

We're all lonely OP. I survive by looking at my anime figures.

you have skype?

Hello op, you may have an anime picture as your identity, but this is Sup Forums

How comes you dont have friends, ever tried playing some game like Garrys Mod?
Some weirdos there, but some of them are alright.
Tbh, i just block 9/11 of them that add me but hell, you can keep in touch with some.

If you want IRL friends just go drink some coffee enjoy yourself and start talking to people.


Feel free to add me, OP. We'll play some gaymes.

I wouldn't even know how to maintain a friendship without alcohol now, we're probably all scared to let our guard down around each other.

Not OP but can anyone in this thread give out some advice on how to make friends? I never had any friends growing up and don't really know how to socialize. I have two online friends but I rarely talk to either. I can only talk to people when trading in the game I play and even that feels awkward. It's not that I'm sick of being lonely it's just I wouldn't mind having a few people I could talk to so I don't feel like I'll die alone with no one coming to my funeral.

If ur a grill I'll stick it in ur pooper and pretend to be your friend

I suck at any form of art. Also check'd

I'm on my holiday rn and all I have is kik and telegram atm..

go to a bar, at least semi-regularly

buckle up buckaroo

naw, the subjective experience isnt rated or understood completly objectivly, basicly, art is a personal thing, no one has the right to tell you its good or this or that, thats why in art communites positivity is pushed , becuase we all just want support to help us become ourselves more, self identity is very important.

If any Anons wanna talk, my Skype is Dazanor

Alright, I'll join the party! We're gonna be a great family of friends, haha!

Sooo OP.. let's get started with getting to know each other. Please give information on these:
> Gender
> Age
> Country
> Self-Evaluation on handsomeness
> Preferred kind of porn

Why do you think you're so lonely? vapid/Lack of personality, no social skills, bad hygiene?

I'm kinda in the same boat no one really likes me or talks to me. I usually don’t talk to people that much but sometimes I do and the get bored rather quickly. I am not an interesting person nor do I look the best so everyone pretty much leaves me out. Any harassment or bullying I do get I usually just brush off and they stop because I don't do anything. So for most part everyone just ignores me no one really shows me positive or negative attention.

Sup OP, got sauce?

There has to be a reason no one likes you. Do you have bad social skills, unclean, shy, or just plain unattractive?

I'm in the same boat. I moved to a new country where I didn't know anyone, and had a bit of a language barrier. Try joining some group hobbies, like a book club. a running group, or anything.

Skype: dunsypoo88


Wanna play the Kebab Removal game with me?

same what are your intrests

what is your favourite anime

> fluid
> 31/12/17/1390582890457289047
> the island of shaolin
> people dig me i repulse my self generaly
> cute stuff... latina stuff... oral... im open to anything


>Kebab Removal game
There is such a thing? Link?

> Male
> 27
> Netherlands
> 5/10
> anal, hentai, lesbian, fetish.

Join my Sup Forums telegram group

>Dubs chek'd

these two for world rulers..

Well friends means shared activities, so anyone here playing online games that are NOT a MOBA, MMORPG or CS?

there was a time when i was who i was before the world tells me who i am, and i as i am , will always be and forever are that person.

Not OP, but what games do you play?

eee brate

There's many versions of this game, but the easiest one includes grabbing a gun, going outside and shooting all the Kebab you see.

More difficult versions include politics and cutting gibsmedats. They're more effective, though.



Ah I see. Well politics are not my thing since I suck at lying. But as for the other version, if there is one where the first loadout is free, I could be convinced to give it a try.

Thanks, Lori

What kind of anime do you watch?

Hi there
I'm a normal person but I want to talk to someone too
add me on kik : Kthulhu321

Do you use Steam?


Hi OP I'm in the same boat as you.
I can offer a hug at least.

I want to talk to you, but I don't have a kik or whatever and I don't know how to remain anonymous after giving some sort of contact info here. (I'm kinda paranoid)
I found someone to care for, but I give more attention than I get. That can be exhausting at times.

Fucking hell op, at least talk about what you like

it gets worse dude, it gets much much much worse.

Anything really. Been playing siege, doom, and dead by daylight as of late. Feel free to add me too I'm down to play with just about anyone.

keep try'n


I pretended to be a brony in highschool to make friends. I didn't make any friends.

sounds like a great blockbuster plot


kako mi je drago sto nisam jadan kao ti haha

Arma3 ?????

Kurwa kurwa cyka


arma 3 is a great game, what sort of things do you play on it though? there are so many mods.

I think there is a chat for introverts on /s/ocial

faeries are love.