HELP I need more post-hardcore, screamo, metal, punk music.

Loving Black Flag, Touche Amore, Fugazi, Thursday, La Dispute.

Idgaf if it's old or new, just super interested in what other people find good and that I should give a shit.

Listening to pic related literally atm

Other urls found in this thread:

Fall of Troy, A Lot Like Birds, Adventurer, Sianvar, Dance Gavin Dance, superdivorce, and Thrice.

listen to my band lol

holy shit lmfao

Also, Elephantitis is better.

thanks :^)

listening to Thrice rn and really into it

Kaddish, Gospel, Pg 99, City of Caterpillar, Majority Rule, I Have Dreams, Orchid

Post Hardcore:
NoMeansNo, At the Drive In, The Mars Volta, Jesus Lizard, Big Black, Rapeman, Unsane

Related Metal (prog to grind):
Thank You Scientist, Converge, Daughters, Wormrot

It has potential :)

The Contortionist(exoplanet,shapeshifter)

Yeah, no problem!

Planes Mistaken for Stars, Ampere, United Nations, 1000 Travels of Jawaharlal

i hate myself, antioch arrow, angel hair, heroin

i really like this actually


Listen to this post hardcore band from the early 2000's they disappeared after their first album I wish a lot more people would listen to them they have really good music. check them out.

Drive like jehu. Without question. Listen to this band OP. Also Unwound.


I'll probably catch shit for this, but whatever, I dig this album.

Only good album they made, unfortunately.


Holy fuck middle school. I listened to this shit all the time in 7th grade.

you listened to this?
i'm not much into screamo/post-hardcore revival but this album is super emotional.

Pg.99 - Document #8 is a must too

Sometimes I still catch myself thinking about "Things That Rhyme With Orange" and "Reeses Pieces, I Don't Know Who John Cleese Is".

It's an album that has every right to be called shit, but god damn if it isn't fun as hell

i feel this way about pic related
nirvana reminds me of middle school too ha

Julia — s/t (1994)

Good list. Add in Circle Takes the Square for Screamo

I really like Orchid-Chaos is Me, what's the best thing to move onto with the same vibe?


fuck yes

this is also great too

Ampere, they have the same guitarist that orchid had