Can we just talk about this for a moment

can we just talk about this for a moment.

so you want to continue to ruin her life ... move out of you mothers basement already loser.

mods, plz remove this

this seems interesting. bump

Not op here, but fuck off back to redit or something.

Careful, your edge is showing :3

This info has been around for years

Topkek, mods removing this innocent post? I laughed, thank you,


you want to shame this poor girl for something she did back in college? get a fucking life dude. this isn't the place for that

Is it about shaming, or is it showing that deep down even well off girls just want to be whores? She didnt need the 200 dollars, she probably drops that in the toliet before noon everyday. I think its less about shaming, and much more about proving the "she is a crackwhore down on her luck" stereotype that everyone has of pornstars.

yes, it is

>father is vice pres at Goldman Sachs
>did a scene for 200$

Kinda feel like she didn't do it for the money...


my god the summer here is sad


Ask yourself, is there enough porn? The answer is yes. Most of the time these women are being paid shit. What self respecting man would want to marry one of these whores? Women need to be shamed so they won't be tempted to do this. This degeneracy must be fought head on, we can't allow our weak minded women to succumb.

They are all bitches.

>cariing this much about something that doesn't effect you on a shitty website.

So, what would you do if you meet a girl, start dating her, and after 5 years you find out this kind of fucked up shit or worse?

Would you dump her? What if youve already married her?

she is like the ultimate mix of european and asian

her dad is a VP at Goldman. Homegirl is loaded - obvs you stay with her

It'd probably piss me off. Honestly, I'd feel taken advantage of and lied to.

haha. didn't expect anyone to take the bait. both of your responses were well thought out and I whole heartedly agree

Every individual has a different taste. Every taste is pleased as soon as there is an infinite number of porn. Is there really enough porn?

Only $200?! I fucking love those guys even more now.

want to continue to ruin her life? she is ruined life alone going to FacialAbuse stupid retarded! And he did it for $ 200! Now he receives what he deserves

No, that wasn't edgy though i think you should fuck off

You shouldn't be trying to have your taste pleased by porn, go out and get it. Porn is just another factor in the emasculation of western men

Muh man

She did more scenes, not only that Facial abuse one. So she knew well what she was doing.

I would pay for seeing her current bf's face when finding out her past

>class of 2015
That facialabuse came out a long time ago.

Considering she enrolled college at 19.

That means she must've done that video around 18-20 years old depending on the release of the video which I don't care to look up.

Also (((jews))


She did the video 5 days after she turned 18 whilst she was still in school.

haha, nice

>can we just talk about this for a moment.

What is there to talk about?

>not sure if this is shaming or bait.

Fuck, it's not like she doesn't have plausible deniability: all chinks looks the same anyway,

So? It's not that surprising. Many short-lived porn careers belong to young women from rich high-class families. It's a form of rebellion. These people have grown up with everything a person could want, gone to the best schools, etc. The ultimate fuck you to that lifestyle is to get throatfucked and abused on camera.

I'm glad she's succeeding. It's too bad you dickless faggots have to try and ruin it for her because you can't stand the fact that there are people out there who aren't NEET basement dwelling kv neckbeards.

Can't even find the full scene anymore

I can only find 5 minute clips everywhere


uh yeah it is. this is exactly the fucking place for that you fucking summerfag.

Most of us aren't doing anything with the info.

Those that actually do send letters to the family or sending pics to whomever, I would agree with you, those people are basement dwellers.

The exception is other women though.
Turns out women slut shame more than men do.

Do decent women not deserve the capability to take down silver spooned women?
Of course they do, this girl shouldn't be in any position of public servitude or any kind of HR work.
If you do porn, you shouldn't be allowed in the public eye for any work related requirements.

Stay mad white knight.


I was a member of facial abuse and she was one of my favourites! I have the full scene on my hard drive. This is the first time I have seen this. Recognised her straight away.

WMAF couples create problematic hapa children. This shit isn't new.

I'm glad she's successful but I want to cum to some loads being blown on her face, still.

Post it nigger

I need to empty my balls

this is my least favourite type of porn
why isn't there some non-painful DP of her dammit

Im pretty sure its two different girls, Asians do look alike

There's probably a torrent on empornium
Don't put effort onto lazy niggers here.

Don't have my hard drive plus it's about 1GB

Teeth and wonky eye are the same.

The bottom row does look different.
Could just be she's much older?
Even the top of the pic says 2 different names.

The pic even implies she would be around 22 now, the bottom girl looks over 30.

I think the top row and the middle are the same person.

It's a kink for some women to be face-fucked and ejaculated on, and she must be an exhibitionist.

Really, I don't get all the fuss.

interesting opinion....I like that

... right?

I'm a little confused how doing some porn is "life ruining" like it says in the OP's pic?

Welcome to Sup Forums faggot.

so let's focus on the important part...where is the sauce to this?

"Life changing" for all you basement dwellers out there.
Basement dwellers don't know what a life is since they don't have one to lose.

is that blood?

If you think that was edgy you must be a sad and scared person.

Wait. Someone seriously considered response and explained their position in a lucid thoughtful way? Here? On the internet?

Was good friends with Duke Skywalker (Owner of facialabuse/gg/la, etc) up until a few months ago. He ripped me off 10 grand. I have all of his info including keys to his studio, been kind of planning on leaking his info.


>this isn't the place for that
You b8 would have been better if you omitted that last line. Before that even I thought you were just some random retard.

She was five days over 18 and fucks 3+ different guys a month since she was 14.

Go away

I would find it hot af. I'd fuck her while making her watch the videos. Unless she wasn't into that shit anymore. If that were the case I'd be pissed off and leave her for someone else.

Possibly. They do get pretty rough. It's not inconceivable that he could have caught it on her teeth.

no woman will ever want you anyway, so why do you care? your fedora seems to be blocking your own mirror reflection

I believe you. Nobody on the internet has ever made up such a story before.

summer, newfags, reddit, 9gag, normies n' such

Ancient fag here. I remember when we did stupid shit on Sup Forums for shits and giggles. We were the embodiment of mischief who didn't need a reason to troll people.

What a bunch of pussies we have today.

>so let's focus on the important part...where is the sauce to this?
This incapable of handling a simple google search
The original post is pretty keyword rich, dude
You can find lot's of free copies of her vid and years old blog and tumblr posts about the little rich girl who made a porn the sec she turned 18
This is some seriously stale pasta
Having said that I am totally crushing on this little psychopath right now


Unless you live in some religious shitfuckistan who would care? It will be embarrassing for a while but people forget things fast and normal people don't judge harshly for things like this. Doing porn is not a legal reason to get fired either so what the hell.

Maybe I just think too much of people or hang around with awesome people as I don't really think anyone of my friends would care if it turned out that someone did porn 15 years ago.


>normal people don't judge harshly for things like this


If you had any balls you'd make a LinkedIn profile with that as your picture and try to connect with her dad.

>all my friends are degenerate liberals that have sex with strangers on a routine basis
>So i have zero concept on how anybody could function without being a degenerate liberal


Ah the good old stupid whore bowl. I love it when they make them drink their own puke fro it. That shit is hot af.

this is like a gym badge you get for having some real eggs, does it really matter or do we want to point fingers because OP and some others would rather have potential fire power put on their own insecurities aimed at her to buy them some time of not being under the gun, so to speak?

"How about you facefuck her 'till she starts speaking mandarin"

LMAO this video is golden

Supposed ancientfag doesn't even recognize summer flavored b8. Yeah ok
There is literally nothing to do with the OP information so go be an edgy time lord somewhere else.

Can someone translate this meaninglessness into english? Google translate is failing me. What the fuck is this guy even talking about?

If anything this makes the video even hotter than it already was.

Her daddy probably beat her, then would fuck her on the daily when she was little. That's the reason she likes and wants to be a porn star when daddy has money. It's okay, it's what happens.

>I can't understand;simplify
OP wants to put this under the spotlight and have everybody's attention focused on this and some other anons might join in too because they (both them and OP) don't want people poking away at their own insecurities.

how did you not understand or are you buying yourself time too to not have to realize that's what's happening?

English isn't your first language is it?

what a faggot

Is this Sup Forums? Young people have sex with random hookups, hell even older ones do if not in a relationship. Also most people don't care what consenting adults do with their bodies or in their bedroom.

Sorry if where you live those people are degenerate liberals. Here they are just ordinary folk at least if we speak people under 50.

When we are making assumptions can I assume you live in the 'murica where sexuality is a sin and a taboo?

Have more cats tho.

you're avoiding the point of both points, you're too easy to read.

>useless reply

both posts*

This is why most of you are single Virgins

>how did you not understand
Your english is pretty fucking bad. I still dont know what you are trying to say.

You're one of those zozzlefags aren't you

She has done porn. What´s the matter? Be happy to have fap material. Imagine a world without porn... faggot.


Then they deserve it for being so ungrateful. Stay mad, fag.