How are you holding up, Sup Forums?

How are you holding up, Sup Forums?

hmm not great but better than usual. thank you for asking

i'm sort of managing
stressed out of my goddamn mind and dealing with some deep seated anger issues while struggling through finals
on the upside, been enjoying a lot of new(to me) albums and expanding my tastes which is good

I got assaulted for no reason by a bunch of SJWs today. I really want this shit to end.


are you white? probably asking for it

School is pretty gay but other than that i'm good.

your gay

I'm not doing well

Better than the last time I saw one of these threads for sure. Finally got an awesome job and made some new friends recently. Life is looking up for once.

I hope all is well for you guys too.

I'm half mexican of Romani and Native descent and half Italian. is fucking gone man

fine, i guess. big paper due next week. landed a nice part time job starting next month so that's nice.

pretty much in love with this girl in one of my classes, wish i could i figure out that whole romance thing.

xanax (now apollo?) is looking pretty promising. already at 81,000+ torrents tho there's no invites, request system, or user rankings yet. i think they're understaffed so it might be a while. try to get on if you're not already

sounds kinda white to me

I wish it was snowy and cold like that right now. All we're getting here is mild temps and a ton of rain

going to force myself to go clean from pot by spending time with family in croatia, failed my math exams even did extra tutoring lessons for it missing the only time to hang out with the girl I've thought about everyday for nearly a year, and while my anxiety/depression has worsened I've gotten better at handling it and putting it into songwriting, and it hasn't shown up when I'm around my friends enough for them to see how messed up I am

I wish. My white friends don't consider me white and I feel that they treat me differently because of it. Even more weird is the fact that they are all supposedly left or far left. I wish I could stop being friends with them but they're really the only friends I have.

I fucking hate the holidays. I hate spending time with family. Just want to be with myself. And I hate how it's fucking dark when I get out of work.

I've been thinking about making a christmas album (more of a winter/holiday album) which just talks about how much I hate the holidays, but I can't write a song for shit.

pretty shit but right now im stressing over this fucking bullshit deadline thing

>100pt assignment due (big deal)
>11:59 deadline online submission
>11:57 upload
>upload stalls
>"the page is no longer available"
>11:59 hits.

I emailed the teacher directly after with my work and told them what happened but i have a creeping feeling they are going to be an asshole about it and wont accept it.


besides that ive been making tons of new music.

Thinking about buying Nocturn by Wild Nothing on vinyl for my sister
Is it too raunchy? Like idc about adult content but it'd feel kinda weird to get a sibling lovesongs by Chet Baker or something. I'm realizing a lot of these songs are sappy guy-to-girl songs but I know she'd like the music.
Would Gemini be better? I prefer it but it might be a bit too soft/droning


>They are supposedly left of far left

What you're perceiving is probably a real racial tension owing to the fact that they are far left and, ironically, interacting with a white person with more realistic views on racial tribalism would probably be less awkward.

Music discussion part anti-ban: gee whiz Pink Floyd is an okay band guys golly gee

nigga pink floyd gay af