ITT: We pretend we're r/music

ITT: We pretend we're r/music

Other urls found in this thread:

We don't have to

hey have you guys heard of Animal Collective?


radiohead radiohead radiohead radiohead radiohead radiohead radiohead radiohead radiohead radiohead radiohead radiohead radiohead radiohead radiohead radiohead radiohead radiohead radiohead radiohead radiohead radiohead radiohead radiohead radiohead radiohead radiohead radiohead radiohead radiohead radiohead radiohead radiohead radiohead radiohead radiohead radiohead radiohead radiohead radiohead radiohead radiohead ra


I fucking love them dude, have you listened to MPP definitely their best album

I listened to Bob Dylan's Blood on the Tracks today. Such an overlooked, underrated gem in his sprawling catalog. I get lost sometimes LOL!


Isn't this just Sup Forums

Shit there we go


all jokes aside, the top thing on that subreddit right now is a fucking star wars lip reading set to song.

I just got my new earbuds in the mail, watcha guys think?


[STREAMING] AC/DC - Back In Black (Classic Rock)


You mean we're not?

Stay lit, senpai!

Music listeners of Reddit, what is your favorite song of all time?

I'll be sure to reply to each one of your answers because I need to make sure the thread remains lively!

Edit: Wow so many replies! You guys really seem to like Queen and the Foo Fighters!

Edit #2: This thread is really blowing up! Keep the replies coming guys!

Edit #3: Hello /r/all! Thank you for the gold kind stranger!

vibe on my good chum!

Patrick Batemans of today

I enjoy underground music like Pink Floyd, the list goes on...

I'm really into alternative bands. Have you heard of Tame Impala and 21 Pilots? Currents and Blurryface are modern masterpieces.

Is this a roleplaying thread?

>pretentious Sup Forumstants
>making fun of reddit
>using all redditisms, almost like they browse it themselves

The only thing more pathetic than redditors are Channers who browse it and then try to distance themselves from it here

>The only thing more pathetic than redditors are Channers who browse it and then try to distance themselves from it here


I don't understand Reddit's success. The layout is so ugly and so clunky/hard to navigate it drives me away. The layout also only allows for a few recent stories to be featured in each subreddit, and inevitably almost none of them will be interesting because the shallowest shit with the widest appeal rises to the top. Everything is so tightly moderated that it's hard to contribute a new subject. And there are so many endless subreddits that the vast majority are almost completely inactive. The site design is terrible.

It's not like this shithole is any better.

big fuckin hugbox full of smaller hugboxes

Well no shit. Reddit is a normie site. I'm here because I have poor social skills, am miserable, and have a near autistic obsession with music. I keep coming back to this site despite the fact I know I'll be judged for it because the public associates it with Sup Forums's racists and /r9k/'s misogynists, both of which have been tied to mass shootings.

Sup Forums has a much better layout and is way more user friendly. The only drawback is the users.

I agree with this for the most part.
I honestly hate the karma system.
So much extra drama over vanity.

I used to use it quite a bit 3 years ago in junction with Sup Forums. Started with Sup Forums, used reddit extensively, returned to Sup Forums as primary. Its bizarre how many people scorn one or the other while actively browsing both

>shadowbans all previous posters

-I'm a bot

Sup Forums is worse then reddit

>still making fun of reddit for rage comics

cmon man

depends on what youre looking for

albums on this chart are really good!

Take your own advice and go back.


Sup Forums might be one of the worst subs on Sup Forums but god this is a new low.


Pink Floyd's Dark Side of the Moon is the best album ever made guys, dudeweedlmao

I browse Reddit sometimes, just not /r/music

Still better music discussion the vast majority of Sup Forums

They're making fun of /r/music, which is a shithole because it's a default. Reddit has some of the better discussion subs if you know where to look.

Hey have any of you heard about this kewl underground alternative band called RHCP?

>mfw i'm using those earphones right now

Most reddit stereotypes are just based off retarded shit that happens here that gets blamed on redditors instead of anything that happens on reddit.

>tfw never been to reddit and just take everything Sup Forums says about them on faith
Am I a bad person?

name one.

>The Weeknd's newest album "Starboy" is a great example of an artist abandoning their original sound for a pop-friendly one and yet still retaining that individuality that separates them from other artists.

Why do redditors so often sound like fuckheads

>Is a great example of an artist selling out, but not selling out at the same time


This is insanely accurrate

Hey guys lets write a whole song line by line so we can all get karma points



Ugh this reminds me of when people would post a popular song on youtube and then when it would get 1 mil views they would be like

Edit: Wow! 1 million views! Thanks a lot guys!

as if they did more than just post a video of a popular song

> >69349759
> >Channers
> Take your own advice and go back.

take my upvote, sir

>vibe on my good chum!

Am I the only one who thinks Queen is great?

Edit: thanks for the gold kind stranger :)

You should at least check out a website before you shit on it.

A lot of big subs on reddit are shit, for sure, but as far as niche communities goes, it's by far the best site of its kind.

Acting like that stuff on the front page is an indicator of the whole site is like acting like Sup Forums, Sup Forums or /r9k/ are indicative of every single board here, whereas the more niche ones are way better.

But yeah, most reddit stereotypers are just Sup Forums shitposters with a couple other meme terms thrown in.

They are



dundunDUNdundundunDUN [x30]







what about r/hiphopheads

lol f a m t b h nigga aesthetics bro THE VISUALS bro the PRODUCTION H E L L A
wavy bro YOUNG THUG bro JCOLE IS TRASH lol dad hats KANYE IS GOD lmao bad grammar to appear black shit slaps lol what a BANGER

oh yeah I forgot one thing bro TRAVIS SCOTT IS A GENIUS

Takes one to know one

i'm on r/vinyl and r/audiophile dont even care. But holy shit r/indieheads is such a fucking shithole.



Explosion In The Sky is my favourite band ever.

Neutral Milk Hotel, Animal Collective, Radiohead, Swans, Death Grips and My Bloody Valentine are the best bands of ALL TIME!

Because you're an idiot

I'm probably going to get downvoted for this but I think Queen was a really good band....

Isn't it funny that Sup Forums claim to be special snowflakes, yet they listen to the same artists as reddit, bar few edgy artists like Swans, DG and Beefheart?

You sir, are a gentleman and a scholar!

Remember when the Sex Pistols invented punk music?



Lil Yachty is just tryna have fun
Killer Mike is very well spoken
its not about the lyrics

um, why would you get downvoted friend? Queen is really good :-)

holy shit

1910: vaporwave starts
1920: music is existential
1930: prefaced time for rock rebels (billy joel)
1940: justin bieber and canyon west is born


? Reddit has a cesspool of a community, but the site has some basic commodities that honestly are hard to find or don't exist in-site at all in Sup Forums.

>different archives for different boards, very different urls. You basically need to get lucky on google or get the link provided to you. Sup Forums and Sup Forums are an exception.
>no tracking of your comments by IP address
>non-intuitive tools

This is still superior by a long shot to reddit, but the layout and the options availability aren't friendly at all, and they probably aren't meant to be due to the "muh le secret club" ethos Sup Forums has.


why so my good sir? Here, take my upvote :D!


tfw I honestly don't know how to pretend to be r/music

feels good man



Again this is still literally mu.

I only hate it because it's so shit I don't have anywhere else to go but Sup Forums

I mean both userbases are fucking awful, but I don't think i've ever actually discovered anything new/interesting through reddit where as through Sup Forums I actually have. I guess thats the reason why I put up with all the other shit on here, i've sort of learned to filter it out.

Also can someone explain why there is always a kpop thread on this board? I mean seriously who the fucking is keeping those going?

mu is literally r/music

Fucking lol at that reddit comment. He sounds like he's trying to do a Patrick Bateman monolog.

Radiohead is the only band that redditors like. Animal Collective is popular on indieheads. The rest are "hipster shit"

>special snowflakes
Someone give this gentleman gold!

Reddit's real crime is taking themselves too seriously. Look at this garbage:

My favorite album is Demon Days by Gorillaz. I LOVE Demon Days by Gorillaz. Demon Days by Gorillaz is a very innovative album. Demon Days by Gorillaz is a very good album. Demon Days by Gorillaz is the perfect album. My two favorite songs from Demon Days by Gorillaz are Feel Good Inc. and Clint Eastwood. Feel Good Inc. and Clint Eastwood are very good songs. Mmmmmmmm.

am i the only goddamn person on this website that never goes on reddit and has no idea what it's into?

Here's the troll thread Sup Forums did yesterday


Lots of triggered plebbitors who can't spot obvious bait

no /r/music is way more retarded