Is the only way to get banned posting cp ? is that like the only rule?

is the only way to get banned posting cp ? is that like the only rule?


I dont know....give it a try user... report back with results.

lets get and example op, i dont know what you mean

Lol you take him to the bar

Kill yourself


You could insult a Moderator or an Admin. That might get you banned.

There is a sure fire way of getting banned: kill someone and post results. Make sure to include address and proof.

you can also post that you're underage, that will get you banned.


I'm 14 for example

requesting cp is also a ban
>also captcha image was pizza

lol u tk him 2 te bar?!

See? no ban.

whoa shit

also spamming shit gets you banned

holy shit mods=gods
check em

And being underage

Fuck the mods and fuck the admin!

i got banned for one month because i begged for steam games

Also extrem spamming.

pic related

Holy shit is this real?

no, the text would be red

you're retarded


wasted trips

I mean, from Sup Forums?, kinda...

You could always go to /k/ and talk about gun control a lot. I've seen people get banned from most/all boards for doing that.

You can post a woman in her 40s in a nun outfit and get banned on here. Fucking reddit fags

Holy fucking shit you can actually get banned for that?



i was in that thread 3 days ago

Me too

Just ask to be banned. Some oldfag did it when he couldn't stop browsing Sup Forums late one night and needed to get to sleep. The mods obliged him.
