Hey guys, one of my first posts on Sup Forums. I'm a lurker, but I recently went on omegle and caught a child predator...

Hey guys, one of my first posts on Sup Forums. I'm a lurker, but I recently went on omegle and caught a child predator. have his ip here: He lives in Bahrain, close to Saudi Arabia. Give him that infamous Sup Forums justice.

lurk moar

not your personal army, fuck off

you don't wanna rekt some child predators?

You use wire shark?

how did you obtain said ip ..tell me and i might..

Ping result
No response !...

get off Sup Forums you newfag

Nypa newfag.

He's in Saudi Arabia and he asked to show him your ass, assuming you were 14. Don't waste police time with trivial 'pedophiles'.

you are the reason Sup Forums is dying. fyi nypa was made for betas who cry "he called me a fgt Sup Forums pls halp"

And you are that faggot.....

That's completely legal where he's from. 13 year old brides and what not

don't you have some shitposting on facebook to do?

Not much difference in OP's request. He's been taking in too much Fagnonymous pseudo-activist Chris Hansen style bullshit. Nobody needs another misguided fool trying to 'trap' 'pedophiles' online and clogging up resources with their self righteous faggotry.

Nope ......

pinged him, no response.

btw in saudi arabia it's totally normal

That Sup Forums died along time ago

Good luck getting any of these lazy ass millennials to wipe their own asses, more or less do something productive.

This made me laugh. I'm going to now leave the thread.

The pedo did nothing wrong & was born that way, leave them alone.


Tell me how and I shall join the crusade



14 is too old for a pedo.....dick


Wow he put "fag" in front of another word.

What a hoot !

If you don't know how to backtrace an IP you aren't going to be any help in "this crusade" you fucking newfag
