ITT: Bands that only joyless cynical contrarians dislike

ITT: Bands that only joyless cynical contrarians dislike

I can get people thinking they're overrated, but people who actually dislike the Beatles are almost invariably miserable sods.

What if I only hate their first album?

It's completely fair to not like their earlier boy band era stuff. Personally it's kind of boring to me even though I like some other pop from that era. Rubber Soul is where it gets really good for me and pretty much everything after that is really great


But their next four are very similar. Why do you not dislike those?
Also, Please Please Me is fucking great.


I grew to like them more as they evolved.
Their first 2 or 3 were pretty weak. They had more interesting melodies by their 4th album.

I dont "hate" them. I just think everything theyve made is shit, save for 1 song (its Helter Skelter)

I like specific songs from the first few albums but I can't really enjoy any of them as a whole.

ELO is fantastic. I hate when people only judge them by their radio friendly singles, and never even bother to give a chance to some of their (stellar) albums.
Same goes for Queen btw.


>The Beatles
>Pink Floyd (what especially triggers me are the people who only like Piper, they were very good before The Wall. It's such an obvious, low-effort contrarian stance.)
>Sonic Youth (specifically people who are into indie rock and punk and can't find anything to like about them)
>Talking Heads
>Can (again, this just applies to people who are otherwise into krautrock but can't be seen liking the most popular band)

i don't like bjorks voice dude

Björk just sucks.
The rest I agree with, though.

in their 1962-1964 era their singles are more interesting than their albums full of fillers (especially the 2 first)

I love this but if you aren't into house music it could definetly come across as repetitive

People who prefers Piper usually don't like bloated progrock: it's really 2 different bands. It's like Joy Division & New Order: both bands have great discographies but it's fair to assume their fans aren't the same.

I understand that, but it's not really the point. there are people who say pink floyd were simply shit after piper, which is not the same thing as saying they were "different." new order is a good comparison, you don't necessarily have to like them as much as joy division, but if you literally can't find anything to like about them you're probably a joyless cynical contrarian

>but if you literally can't find anything to like about them you're probably a joyless cynical contrarian
sounds like you're the cynical contrarian getting mad somebody doesn't share your opinion

Grow up

>what especially triggers me are the people who only like Piper, they were very good before The Wall. It's such an obvious, low-effort contrarian stance
>wtf, people that liked them when they made phycedelic rock has to like them when they made bloated progrock
no, they changed styles and their songwriting got worse when Barret left. They became unlistenable when Waters took the wheel

I like the band overall, but I find that, including the you posted, some of their albums can be a little bloated with filler tracks.

>But their next four are very similar

ehh, please, please me and with the beatles are their most merseybeat, rockabilly etc. inspired. ahdn is a little darker, more mature and help! is rubber soul lite

what do you dislike about new order?

>GRR, someone made fun of The Wall again, time to spout buzzwords
get of Sup Forums Rodger

This is tough. If you're 26 and older, these singles were bludgeoned to death by the radio. Between this and stadium arcadium, it was also the height of the loudness war. If you were a sensitive oughts child looking for meaning in a bush era, nu-metal, American Idol world, this was not the band you turned to.

It was radiohead

>before The Wall


m8 they stayed rooted in psychedelia throughout the 60s. Barrett was still on saucerful of secrets, and more and ummagumma were still in the same style

besides, their later discography is varied enough. if you can dismiss both atom heart mother and dsotm as "bloated prog" when they sound nothing alike, you probably made up your mind ahead of time

Fugazi sucks though



Nice dubs
Also, The Beach Boys/Pet Sounds

combo breaker

I hate this band and everything they've ever done. They suck major gonads.


sorry mike, your buddy doesnt get dubs

ayo hol up

ELO is probably the least edgy band ever

I love them

End your shitty life

Haha oh shit

You're an idiot if you're actually legitimately agreeing with an obviously ironic joke post

Paul Simon can sometimes be overrated as a songwriter. It isn't all gold.

But for 60/70's folk-rock, Simon & Garfunkel is pretty fucking solid. Not to mention, some of the simplest, comfy harmonies in music.

their songs sound so modern even today