Talking Heads

>in "History of American Pop Music" class at my university
>professor is lecturing on early punk
>the Talking Heads come up
>says that they were an amazing band BEFORE the release of their first album
>says Remain in Light and every album after are complete garbage
>says the band was at their best when they were just opening for the Ramones
>says band was better before Eno
>me sitting in back of the class during all this

Wow your teacher has some shit taste.

Your professor's opinions are so shit that they're downright cosmic in the scope of their shit-ness

>I know more than a college professor
>better go do my own lecture on music history on Sup Forums

>falling for the college meme

So you just sat there and didn't say anything.

I would have stood up and derailed the fuck out of that class.

>professor lecturing his own opinion

why is education becoming such a joke?

I do like their albums pre Remain In Light more than RiL, but I think Eno was a great choice for them. What he does for their sound on Buildings and Food and Fear of Music is great.

Also this.

>taking music history classes
>falling for the college meme

You should have called him a racist for not enjoying afrobeats.

I'm taking this as a bullshit elective

class was almost over and he put on a Plasmatics video praising them

He was the first curator for the R&R Hall of Fame, tells us all his stories about how he used to hang out with Hendrix and Clapton, yet still preaches shitty tastes like Led Zeppelin 3 was their best album

>What he does for their sound on Buildings and Food and Fear of Music is great.

This here, Buildings and Food's sound is a smear-y punch in the face compared to '77.

>college class
>some dadrocker talks about his opinions
Tax money well spent, enjoy your PhD. in AC/DC.

>PhD in AC/DC
Might be more useful than you think.

I need to get the fuck off of Sup Forums

I took a similar class but my professor was much more patrician than yours.

>liberal arts """""""""""""""schools"""""""""""""""""""

>STEMfags trying desperately to defend their shitty degrees

o i am laffin

>says that they were an amazing band BEFORE the release of their first album
what does that even mean?

like when they opened for the Ramones and played at CBGB

So the professor was there to see the concert? Did they play original music? How the fuck can a band be better before they even put out an album?

>college professors are much more intelligent than everyone else
>their doctorates protect them from any shitty opinions they might have
>better believe literally everything they say, otherwise I'll get made fun of on the 4chans

you know what's weird? nobody uses "implying" when greentexting anymore

>I need to use greentext

> like Led Zeppelin 3 was their best album
But it was

Except people with doctorates are likely to be able able to not only base their opinions on fact and research, but can intelligently back up their opinions

You on the other hand...

I took a rock history class and the prof was pretty based
Went on rants and swore a bunch, fun times
UWaterloo just in case anyone who also took the class shows up

>not only base their opinions on fact and research
and how exactly do you do that in this case?

yeah actually. he said he used to see them all the time

if his story is correct, CBGB only allowed bands to play original songs; no covers allowed

I've had some music professors with pretty shit taste. They just know a lot about music, but they don't spend much time listening to music for pleasure or finding music that's not right in front of them.

>says that they were an amazing band BEFORE the release of their first album

how fucking elitist can you get?