What does Sup Forums do when they have a large amount of music to categorize in folders?

What does Sup Forums do when they have a large amount of music to categorize in folders?

go outside

folders A-Z, one folder for 0-9, one folder for various. sort by artist

I categorized it as I got it because I'm not a dumbass


What if I like to listen to my music in playlists? How do I pick out the songs I like from my hoard of everything?

Also i'd have to redo my original file structure to do it that way.
This was right before I moved, so I downloaded whatever I could.

C Drive
[date] Album

If I simplify my tagging and just do it this way, what do I do about all my playlists I have made? It's what I find the most convenient way to consume the music i'm most often listening to.

every popular media player (musicbee, foobar, winamp, etc) should have something to organize playlists

I use foobar. My problem is that if I change my entire music folder organization, the playlists will cease to work cause i'm changing the locations.

Good. Listening to playlists is fucking retarded unless you're into dance music.

Or funk/soul

So when you listen to music, do you strictly listen to a whole album? Cause if i'm doing something and want to listen to music, but not have to worry about flicking through songs I don't like, what should I do?

do you skip the scenes you don't like in movies as well? rip out pages in books you think are boring?

Then what do you do with an album that, lets say, has only a couple songs you like? Do you sit through all the junk, or just never listen to the album?

Asking genuinely. My organization is shit and I want to fix it.

if you're listening to albums like that then frankly you're listening to shit music

Like this.

Your collection is tiny, wow.

I don't know how to respond to this. Music taste is so subjective that even if I did provide an example it'd be called shit anyways.
I want to improve my organization, and in the process i'm destroying my old way of usually listening to music.
So i'm just asking what you do in a similar situation.
That's what I think i'm going to do, but what do you do when you're faced with the above problem? Like, with Massive Attack for example. I love Heligoland, but only like a few tracks on Mezzanine.

>not a single good artist
This is a joke post, right?

I have a second hard-drive full of pirated shit, I just keep only the stuff I properly bought on this one, with the exception of about 30 records I haven't bothered ripping yet.

Here's the illicit folder.

I'll join the identity-less Sup Forumscore circle-jerk at some point, my friend.

Just listen to the whole record you moron, I find it hard to believe that you can't stand some tracks so much to the point of wanting to remove them from the listening experience entirely. Artists put a LOT of effort into the cadence, flow and narrative of an album

Basically what I'm trying to say is learn to appreciate music more

Worst case scenario I want to revert back to my old ways. Restore points don't work.

Is there any way to go back after I change my organization? Or if I commit are my playlists just fugged?





(Date) [Label / Catalogue number] Title [Source / File Format]


E:\Music\S\Siouxsie & The Banshees\(1991) [Polydor / UICY-93059] Juju [CD / FLAC]

Albums are generally compilations of what the artist was doing at the time. There's literally nothing wrong with listening to just one song you really like off the whole album, you elitist.


I listen to songs in isolation a lot, even if they come from compilation albums, but I keep a copy of the whole album on my hard-drive for when I get into the mood for the whole thing at once.

That's what I thought, but it makes organizing music cancer, cause any time I get something new I have to go through and hand pick every song I like, and put it into the corresponding album.

It's just an extra step that makes organizing a greater task, and I want to simplify. But i'm not sure how to while preserving my playlists.

>Only I know what the artists intend in releasing albums
>oh by the way I mean ALL of them

If the song was written to be taken out of the context of the album then it would have been released as a single.

I see your point but from my own experience that's generally not the case. An album is almost never just a haphazard collection of tracks. There is an enormous difference between an album and a compilation.

>any time I get something new I have to go through and hand pick every song I like, and put it into the corresponding album
I... What?

Just wipe your playlists and start from scratch. Are you really this attached to them?


you can't possibly be this autistic that you have to reorganise albums to your own liking

It's one or the other. I could go through my entire collection of music (149 GB of unorganized music and 173 GB of 'organized' music) and organize it, but if I do that, i'm not going to by-hand go through ~30k files of music to re-make them. So it's wipe and listen by album, or continue as is. I'm probably going to end up wiping it and starting over I suppose.
I typed that wrong.
I am a file hoarder. I would go through my music and make playlists composed of my favorite music from each genre. So if i'm feeling like, lets say, some trip hop, I can enjoy both Massive Attack and Portishead (and all the other trip hop I have).
It sounds more autistic the more I type it out.

Hahaha no

There literally isn't a better method. TRY and suggest one.

just use foobar's tab feature then, and dump whole albums in there

that's what i do, while actual folder structure on my disks is basically this

That's what I did before. The only difference is I stripped out the songs I didn't want to listen, cause otherwise why didn't I just listen to my whole hip hop folder on random?

so, uh, do it again

i don't really see the issue here, you'll have a better organised disk and at the same time strip your poor spotify-era listening habit

What's the difference? If I, again, tab my music like I did before and strip the songs I didn't like, it'll literally be the same exact thing as before. The only difference is my files will be organized like

the thread should have ended here , you faggots

so either a.) don't fucking tab them then or b.) stop deleting songs like a soccer mom

i don't understand you at all

but is the best

I don't delete songs, I just don't tab them. The 'hip hop' tab is merely a collection of all the hip hop I like to listen to on a regular basis, without any fluff.

My problem was doing that is very time consuming, and if i'm going to reorganize my music, i'm not only trashing how long it took, but it really doesn't feel worth it to do it again.

That was my problem. So I made a thread to ask about what people did to organize music.

Unless you aren't , i'm confused. Cause you told me to 'do it again' right after I told you that I stripped the songs I didn't listen to.

so weigh up whether or not you think it's worth it to reorganise your disk and folder structure, then

i would highly recommend to cut out the habit of removing tracks, since you admitted yourself that it wastes your time and it's also an extremely unsophisticated (i hate that word but it's an appropriate one) way to listen to music

again is the superior Sup Forums-approved method

>not having a Google play music pass
>literally pays artists 5x what apple does
>allows you to ad your own music to your library so you can listen to it anywhere n be the lil pirate that u are

That was the point of the thread. Weighing the pros and cons of what people do so I could make a decision. Now i've begun the grueling task.

I think i'll try stopping. Is there any faster way than manually typing in the tags for each folder?

Also is it really worth tagging the label/catalogue number?
I'm a hoarder. If I don't own it it feels weird listening to it. I like the convenience of streaming but it just doesn't feel the same.

This. Except I use an external hard drive obviously.

>Is there any faster way than manually typing in the tags for each folder?
not really, no

>is it really worth tagging the label/catalogue number
i do it just because i like being meticulous and knowing the exact release that i have, but for most people it would only be worth it if there are vastly differing versions of an album between labels or issues

i.e if the mixing and mastering is poor on another label's reissue, or there are different tracklistings between countries of release

That makes sense. Maybe if I let my autism take back over i'll go that far.

I can't hate on that, I honestly have physical copies of all my favorite albums. Plus its different if you're listening to older artists who's revenue just goes to their label anyways. As I listen to a lot of more contemporary obscure shit, I feel bad fucking over those artists...

ESPECIALLY when it comes to smaller artists I do my best to go through the avenue that gives them the most revenue. If i'm not poor at the time and really like their work.
Also, with this way of tagging, where do you put your backlog folder and what do you name it so it's not mixed up with the regular artists?

my backlog folder is just amongst the alphabetised ones, here's a picture if you were curious

i still have a couple of folders of music given to me by friends that i haven't fully organised, and i personally find it easier to have some dance music catalogued by label rather than artist, hence the label packs folder

Unless i'm retarded, which one is your backlog?

Also what do you do for something like a soundtrack for like, a show? Do you just throw it under Compilations?

laptop downloads

yeah, i'll chuck it in compilations

for original scores by one artist i file it under that artist's name