Tfw too intelligent to listen to any type of music besides classical, jazz, and IDM

>tfw too intelligent to listen to any type of music besides classical, jazz, and IDM

Sometimes I feel jealous of you normal people for being able to enjoy much more simple music. You don't know how easy you have it.

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kys unironically

actually do this please and livestream it

kys ironically

>not simple

>people on this board unironically do this

i wonder how many of you guys actually feel this way lmao

zero people
literally not a single person is like that
this (OP) is how people with inferiority complex see people who know more than them

I know what you mean, Harambe. I can only listen to punk and jazz because they're genuine, honest genres, and I feel both pity and contempt for emotionally disconnected plebs that listen to shitty pop, metal, and rap music

kys post-ironically

Who's your favorite jazz musician? And why is it acclaimed keyboardist Herbie Hancock? Be honest.

not even the best jazz musician called herbie

Name one (1) that's better.


I'll give it a listen.
But I have to ask.

Is is better than THIS?

>tfw too intelligent to listen to music, period, because it has no value outside of what it does for your personal brand
>tfw you pretend to listen to obscure and "difficult" music, complete with fake pages, to impress others

That's not Harambe, it's the handsomest gorilla in Japan.

>implying this is simple

I don't like electric herbie a lot
yea it's me again, the dude that recced you jimmy smith

Howdy! Good to see ya! I did end up liking the jimmy album a lot.

And I'm not sure you're the one who told me to listen to A Love Supreme but I liked that too.

And I also listened to Water Babies but that's unrelated.

kys pre-ironically

>sneaking IDM onto the back
Inferior plebiscite please leave, you haven't fooled anyone.

>tfw to smrat to listen to anything with >1,000 scrobbles

not him but jimmy smith is amazing
Prayer Meeting is a good album by him

If I listen to jazz for three hours a day, will I develop perfect pitch?

>Enjoying random wankery and slow dance music with reverb

Wow so intelligent my dude xD