orange caramel edition

Other urls found in this thread:

crayon pop

>Ilbe down
>One Hallyu down

We really are the last outpost



Mandatory pic

>Making stuff up

What's his story?

so the power.... of SM.....whoa......



liking the variety of editions today desu


they should sue that doctor

Slug and uggos


>he thinks you just pick a waifu and you're set

might be who you're blasting to now, wont be who you'll be building an art gallery or starting a blog for


"Hey, Binnie, are you ready?" Arin asked, peeking into Binnie's room.
"Arin, HELP ME."
Binnie was lying face down on top of a pile of clothes, groaning about not having anything to wear.
"Hey, come on, Binnie!" Arin pouted. "Why are you so worried about your clothes? It's not like it's a date or anything," Arin pointed out.
Binnie looked up at Arin.
"Wait, is it!?" Arin asked, surprised.
"It isn't," Binnie said, hiding her face again. "It isn't," Binnie thought. She was probably just convincing herself. Jiho couldn't be tied down, right? But did that mean she didn't go on dates either? Binnie's heart was malfunctioning again. Why did Jiho even ask her out?
"Are you sure?" Arin asked, teasingly, blinking her eyes.
"Are you trying to wink?" Binnie said with a laugh. "Please don't hurt yourself."
Their cute, young friend always knew how to make her feel better, whether it was intentional or not. Binnie began to show off by taking turns winking her left eye and right. She had watched JinE for a long time. JinE was like a perfect winking machine, never missing a chance to wink.
"Don't make fun of me," Arin pouted.
"I would never make fun of you," Binnie said seriously. "Hyojung would kill me."
Arin ignored her and began picking through the pile of clothes.
"Here, put this on," Arin said finally, shoving some clothes towards Binnie. "You have five minutes to get ready."

I get that Sohye smells, but why don't the other iois like thigh notes?

dubu and uggos

is this Exidboy?


classic sm with their manadatory PS


>not [M]
not even gonna read

thx bud



i skimmed through and there was no sex

fuck off


what is she drinking?

you know what's rude?

posting uggo like Arin next to goddess like Slug

fish cakes

i guess a january comeback is out of the question now


Hopefully they'll finally do Handle With Care live


you can see the plastic creasing around her mouth


mrj took OH down

That's actually food


maybe february, destiny wasn't really all that long ago

>"I would never make fun of you," Binnie said seriously.

An extremely dubuious claim dbh

true, but is sure as fuck feels like it

>tfw no rapnoonagf

her body is so good

putting my baby's soul in babysoul's womb

literally jay leno

we have to kill the tzuggo

i would kill myself if i ended up looking like this

Which ones the visual?




>he didn't post the pic

it's nothing special dbh

the blue one obviously


mrj took two police officers down before submitting to his gunshot wounds

post it or i'm leaving

might have to do something to nana

>what is "succumbing"

>Nana's buttcheek

Pretty sure she's a Zoroastrian dbh


can you go do it and stop spamming her





What do we think of these nugus?


if only eunseo had soobins butt

when a succubus makes you cum?

>Styling aside, she really isn't that bad looking. Go over to Seoul and compare. I've been there, and I've compared
this is some scary shit

what if he's right?

she loves it

wtf why


Imagine if Kei did

her shirt


that hair is still choa unworthy but they were right, her legs look perfect. nobody considers thin legs sexier


ripping sejeongs head off

reminder that she could probably beat the shit out of the average gook

if only all kpops

post gaypop

put a leash on your waifu neck


Good night friends.

I would like to take this girl to my agency and train her

comeback next year, right guys?

there's no gaypop to post lately


Solbi vs who?

are these recent pics? is irene looking healthy again?

then she'd really look fucked up lol

good night

I'm out too~


sleep tight