
Is there any music being made here that isn't hip hop? I love Screw and Big Moe and all them but it seems like hip hop is all we got.

Seriously, for such a large city, why is there no music scene? Does Austin just steal all our talent? Is it the sprawl? The humidity? For a city with such a low cost of living you'd think this place would be crawling with musicians.

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Day for Night fest is coming up soon

I'm living in Austin now and it's not as great as everybody makes it out to be. There have been some good jazz musicians to come out of Houston in the last 15 years. Eric Harland, Jason Moran, Walter Smith III, and some others. I haven't been able to find much good jazz going on when I've been to Houston recently though.

I mean yes we do sometimes get cool touring bands playing here (though not as often as I'd like) but I mean Houston musicians creating and collaborating with one another. I don't see that very much.

I think this is the last thing I got

;P.L.F. - Ultimate Whirlwind Of Incineration FULL ALBUM (2014

I think tbisbyears been very amazing for Austin but yeah not much jazz at least that I know of. The last person I followed was Carl Smith but he gave up for some reason a 2nd moved to painting. So maybe you're really onto something with the differences between cities.

Street Sects on the 7th so I'm really excited about that.

Actually Jazzus Lizard just played with David Yow so that was something pretty historic that happened in Austin this year with jazz

austinfags fuck off this is a houston thread

keep austin queer

still impressed they were able to get Aphex Twin on the bill, thought last year's was great too. i'm not too involved but my friend have done some shows in the free improv/avant garde scene

I've contributed more about Houston bands than you or anyone else has.

Eric Harland has at least two albums this year.

How can I contribute?

By posting non-rap Houston musicians albums within the last approx 2 years as requested.

>free imrpov/avant-garde scene
please elaborate my dude, im interested

I don't know, but let me know if you find out.


he played some shows at the Avant Garden but haven't been there in awhile. Voutchkova/Thieke Duo will be performing at 14 Pews next Friday i'd imagine a lot of local musicians of the scene will be there vimeo.com/94640632

Thanks a lot my man
I grew up in houston but only got into music once i went to college, out of state. Definitely want to explore what Houston's scene is like while I'm there during break

Literally no choice by tomorrow morning


Yo, unrelated but Los Angeles has a Pasadena and a Cypress nearby as well

