First album you ever bought?

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You mean by yourself? How old were you?

I purchased every song individually on itunes.



Would you believe I never bought music until my first year in college? My first CD purchases were Portal - Swarth, Stargazer - A Great Work of Ages, and !T.O.O.H.! - Rád a Trest.


this was in like 2005 and i was in love with all the green day (mostly american idiot and dookie) i'd got off of limewire and this was the only green day cd at walmart

still one of the best things they've ever put out

First CD I bought way back in 2005

Imagine if this board did live listings and release dates
Imagine how less shit itd be than the worst album cover in the world being allowed on here


I've never bought an album before

Nice. 80 is one of their best songs, Android is a killer song too.

it was dying fetus

Can't remember what the first album I bought was, but the first two albums I've ever owned and I could call mine were Tool's 10,000 Days and Metallica's self-titled. Got em both for Christmas in 2006 or 2007, and I still have them.

you realize this isn't /r9k/ right?

Still a good album

The first album I really remember owning was Yellowcard's Ocean Avenue but I'm pretty sure it was a birthday present so I didn't technically buy it

Atleast you're honest. Me being a dumb kid my first was by this shitstain named Robert Benfer. If you want to cringe look him up.

Honestly I still kinda like this album.

i still like FOB no shame

Bought them both at the same time about 12 years ago, still have both.

My first CD I got was Queen's A Day at the Races from my dad for my birthday the year or two before

Just listened to that today, nice

>me in charge of images

Korn s/t

My first cd was green days dookie in 1995. I was 8.

Same here OP

Still one of my favorites to this day

>album is 5 years old and band has fallen apart
I feel old

Demon Days

Without You was my absolute favorite song back when I was like 14

The claymation guy? I used to love him


The only cage the elephant album I dislike. It felt off.

This. Their eponymous was my second album

>10,000 Days was your first

Out of curiousity, what do you mostly listen to now?



last two songs are still great

First album I ever bought was Baha Men's Who Let the Dogs Out. I was 7.

First album I bought when I started seriously getting into music (buying/downloading my own choices rather than just listening to whatever was on the radio) was Nirvana's Nevermind.

>came out 5 years ago

How fucking old are you? You know this site is 18+, right?

jesus christ 12 y/o me

Good fucking taste. No One Knows cuts me to the bone every time, and Words I Might Have Ate fucking rules.

Yeah, man, Bang the Doldrums is lots of fun. I went back and listened to them for the first time in years a little while back and was surprised by how much I enjoyed them.

I still remember the first time I ever saw the Feel Good, Inc. video. It was on ABC Kids (ausfag here) and I thought it was a new cartoon of some kind. Then, a while later I was listening to Straight Outta Lynwood, and when Polkarama had the Feel Good part I recognised it. Demon Days is easily one of my top albums nowadays, Fire Coming Out of the Monkey's Head/Don't Get Lost In Heaven/Demon Days is probably my favourite climax to any album.

Pic related is mine. Judge me, I still like it. They were my favourite band up until maybe one or two years ago, when I realised I couldn't really pick a favourite..

>Toasting in a blue bread

Listened to the whole thing with mother and her friend on the car ride home

Not even a meme. Loved this guys stuff as a little kid. Look it up if you want to laugh its like dutch europop in spanish.

Just looked it up. This gave me flashbacks to europe in the 2000s.


I hated it at the time, because the rest of the album didn't sound like clint eastwood. Took me a few years to come around to it.

And then I didn't buy another for like 10 more years.


Autobahn by Kraftwerk, the remastered version, on CD.
I got it in Barnes & Noble when my sister was shopping for books, it was when I realized I could start collecting music for fun
Technically the first music I've ever owned was a hand me down CD of Oh No! It's DEVO from my father
Dad's always been a patrician

Back in 1999 when I was around 8. My sister often played the last track on the album for me on vinyl since when I was a toddler.

I wish I was kidding.

Hahahahahaha fucking JODY BERNAL

kanker autist desu



Luisterde ook K3 en de crazy frog.


Good taste nigger
i also started buying music pretty late, and i still don't buy much at all

First non-compilation I bought for myself

>mfw still remember handing over my fiver for a cd I had only one way of listening to in the fopp on byres road