I am going to kill myself in the next 4 hours. But I am trying to research how I can do it without pussying out...

I am going to kill myself in the next 4 hours. But I am trying to research how I can do it without pussying out. I am going to wrap my vaccum chord around my neck and then my belt and put the chord through the door crease and close it and suspend myself. I have tried it to see how it feels but I just feel like I am going to back out. Any ideas on how I dont?

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Why user?

we can talk about it. I'm not sleepy so i'm up for some time

dont killl yourself

Can't you do something cool first

If you really wanna die, then go and buy a gun. Just use up your cash, borrow it if you have to, and buy a gun. A lot quicker, and as painless as possible.

>No you're not


If you fail, you will forever be an attention whore and maybe committed for a bit. If you attempt it, succeed!

I dont have any money for a gun. I am broke as a joke. I have been shot before. I know its painless but it isnt an option.

>I've been shot before
>I know it's painless

I agree. And that is my biggest worry is failing. I have looked so much into it. Robin Williams did it the way that I am trying now.

I was shot two years ago through my chest by a friend on accident. Went straight through my chest missed everything and just broke 4 ribs.

If you're going to kill yourself, why not OD on sleeping pills or some horse tranqs? If you don't have any, you can break in some drug store or vet since you're going to kill yourself anyways.

>Trust me user, i've thought this through MANY times...

Yeah man Robin Williams invented hanging himself.

Just go fucking die attention seeking dipshit. What, did your mummy not make you chicken tendies tonight? You ran down those carpeted stairs expecting chicken tendies but nope, now you gotta end it all? Or did your internet gf break up with you on runescape?

Take out a credit card in your name and buy a pistol. Or get a bottle of xanax and take a couple handfuls.

Went through your ribs but didnt hit any organs? You're just a straight up fucking idiot lol

When you're dead, you can't listen to Aphex Twin.
You'll be angry about that shit after you do it.

Or get a shit load of cheap liquor and just drink yourself to death.

>missed everything
>broke 4 ribs

m8 just fokin kil urself

Take out a credit card dipshit. The 500 for a pistol wont matter when youre in the ground homeboy.

take me with u tho

Pssh there's plenty of cool shit you can do without a gun
If you're gonna kill yourself anyways, is there a girl you like?

>implying op is not homosex

The whole point of this is that the only way I can do it is with the way I described. I cant get a credit card and I cant get a gun. This is for tonight. Not a week from now.

Information on suicide methods | Lost All Hope: The web's leading suicide resource
Lostallhope.com go here first

It's harder to rape men tho
Go for the low hanging fruit

Clearly you've never tried it. Women fight and scratch and claw and spit the whole time. With guys, if you prove you're stronger they usually submit and wait for it to be over with.

Post your suicide items and timestamp.


ive looked at this many times

Not OP but how can I quickly kill myself without having to buy anything?

This is why you're wanting to kill yourself, you're not willing to dedicate yourself to a god damn thing or take any risks.

Slam your fucking head into a brick wall over and over kid.

Reasons enough to live

Please don't kill yourself. If you hold on for longer things will get better. I tried to kill myself 3 times, but after the 3rd time things happened in my life that made everything way better.

What the fuck, just don't rape anyone. And stay alive.

How did you try doing it?

First I tried to hang myself with a scarf, then I cut myself and tried to bleed out, then I drank nail polish remover. All of the things failed, and I'm really glad that they did.

Just don't.

It's too late for that user. It was always too late. I live in one of those "college" towns, lot of drunk dumbasses walking the streets on the weekend.

You only get to ride the merry-go-round of life once OP, so don't get off just before you find out it could get a lot better


you need a hobby or some psychiatric drugs.

get some adderall fam

You need a hobby, or some psychiatric drugs.

get some adderall fam



OP, this is most likely the only chance you have to experience this universe. are you willing to juist end it all, for eternity?

Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. But when all of my temporary problems bring me to this point I think its time. I am 28. I knew its young but I have done a lot. i have Served my country, I have loved deeply, I have lost deeply. I have fucked up my life beyond no return. I am 28 years old and have 3 duis. If I get another one I am in prison for 7 years. I cant get a good job anymore because of it.


Try auto-erotic asphyxiation instead

A couple handfuls of xanax won't kill you. He wants to die not time travel two weeks into the future retard.

You sounds pretty fucking stupid. Truly an inspiration to keep on living.

Defy all expectations. Live to prove yourself wrong for a start. Live to prove you arent the guy with 3 DUI's who just gave up.

Well aren't you quite the failure.

My younger brother killed himself nearly 20 years ago now. Sneaky bastard. Now I have to live at least until our mother dies.

However, although I wanted to die for about five years, my life has improved and I want to live. I don't doubt that his mental anguish was severe and I can't judge him (any more, ya fuck) for what he did.

My advice is: tough it out another year. If you still want to die, use opiates and alcohol. You'll feel good all the way out.

i believe the term is "an hero" on this refuge for 12 year olds with no life.

>missed everything
>broke 4 ribs
>completely painless
Jesus Christ, you are stupid.


Don't do it.

do a flip

rob a bank and run away as far as you can, if they catch you an hero, if not start a new life

yo on the off chance this is for real, which I doubt, don't do it. why do you want to kill yourself?