ITT: You wake up in bed next to the last video game character you played

ITT: You wake up in bed next to the last video game character you played.
How fucked are you?

counter terrorist
Not at all, I guess

Jokes on you I played tomb raider faggot

He's gonna defuse your bomb.



Winston from Overwatch...idk what to say

King Dedede. Hell yes. I will serve the true king of dreamland

I wake up next to my runescape character... Allright?

Winston is best waifu.

my dreary eyes lull open to a distance sound that i can't yet identify, but my eyes peer over my 2d waifu and i realize that the sound is the distinct sound of a party van

my 2d pedo ass is going to be the fucked the way i always wanted it to be

The girl with the mines from dirty bomb hmm



Not at all! I'd fuck her tbh

Doom guy, at least I'm human right?

Taliyah, I'll give her something rock hard

Next to blitzcrank from lol.
I knew he was a "pleasure model" with super fisting action.


Win or lose?

is this a get thread?


Which one though, user?

>if you answer one of the new ones you should just drink bleach right now

Lana from Hyrule Warriors. Not bad.

Ha, awesome. I played as Zero Duit Samus.


Absolute win. If you can handle her.

It depends if they'd shank me for testing the navmesh of a cliff when trying to go around a building and not having anyone to GA to.
Mercy plz forgive me.

>high fives all around

Omelet du fromage

Been playing this the last few days. Does it count?


I really don't know how I feel about this.

Agent Locke...

eh im alright, hes a ghost so we cant actually fuck

The entire Roman senate?
>Total War :Rome 2

I think the last player I was controlling was...

Lionel Messi.

Sweeeeet, sweet manlet boipucci mmmmm

Oh boi, halo 5 spartan

That's what you think.
Ever wondered what it'd be like to take that mace up your ass? Cause you'll find out.


Pokemon go, last pokemon I caught was a drowzee

Using the pre-corpus skin, you should feel better

That game is so good and it's free


myself in skyrim


not bad

My gta online character...


RIP my anus

sir pls

>The Pitcher

Lucky af :(

John Marston for me

I would go gay for him.

aww yea

Fucked... but in a good kind of way.

Not fucked at all.

I'd prefer the actual Big Boss. Or even Solid.

Um, Widowmaker... I'm dead.

omelette au fromage!!!****, criss de tapette !

My ass hurts.

I wonder what's behind the mask

Im waking up in bed next to artyom?


played peach last I guess



Does eroge count?

not at all, artyom is good

Why wouldn't it count?

i know that but i dont even know any russian besides the words for hello and comrade

pribet and tovarich repectively, (horribly misspelt and all.)

My Revenant from gw2

fallout male with face similar to mine

Because I don't want it to count.


>My Sim from Sims 3.

Kill me.

well sheit.

Too bad. Next time think about what you play before going onto Sup Forums.

A platoon of 24 Soviet Guards rifle infantry with PTRS rifles, grenades, and mosins......

Damn son, I must have partied way harder than I thought last night.

My character from Warband: Napoleonic Wars.

I don't know what to say. Should I be afraid?


talk about a big bed

as long as the battle your going into isnt waterloo

> eroGE
> GE stands for "GEIMU" aka "GAME"
> is game a game?

I guess I'm okay with this.

I think im okay?

Ero game, you faggot.

Female rust player....... no hair anywhere and down under is literally just smooth

Underrated post. And czech'd.

I'd say I'm pretty good

THe qt hammer grill from the MHG demo.

Never thought I'd get to sleep with a Tiger II H

no homo...

Would prefer Kestrel.

My Pokemon Go avatar. He seems like he'd be a bro, so whatever. Maybe he'd go find me a growlithe.

Protagonist of hunie pop..... gonna be doing pretty doing well imo

who needs language when you just had sex

Heh. Nice

Oui oui

Wake up next to a female dranei warrior. I'm ok with this
Wake up next to a female dranei warrior. I'm ok with this

Bronan the Brobarian.

>mfw I woke up next to Roadhog

Not bad.

Underrated post.