What is he not afraid of?

What is he not afraid of?

the digits that will kill him

These trips nigga

Christmas Week 2016

the trips ^^^ that confirm his death on Christmas week


Screencap this. This is the one, guys. You all feel it too.

to take a stand

adding my trips to this :^)

Praise Kek!

dammit im getting out of here

Oh shit, dubs and he really dies


How are you doing this...

How the fuck does this keep happening? I hope someones building a screencap collage of all these


Your trips so say too, my brother. Rest in peace Brian.


Trips for repeal of all meme magic on Sup Forums forever onward

you fucking assholes

i wanted to see him feb 2017

rolling to save

if dubs he dies on Dec 1.

oh my fucking god no, I contributed to Brians death ;_;

I'm sorry Brian

and look. you did it again just now

he gon die

and again, your dubs confirm your unfortunate contribution to his demise

trips and Brian lives the rest of his life happy and healthy before pulling a Blackstar and then dying at the age of 90

my trips say Brian will live forever


hell be fine

the dude is so fucked now

>not timing it correctly

Both attempts to save the man failed by a single digit, confirming his doom.


not death

dubs and it's painful


If this happens along side Trump's election and Code Geass R3 I'll genuinely believe in meme magic.

his death will be nothing short of painful, ^^^^^^^^^



Quads and this fat fucker dies a slow, painful death on Christmas week before he even gets to eat some turkey or ham and open presents.

Good riddance, you chubby, talentless bastard. May you poorly sing Good Vibrations and Wouldn't It Be Nice forever as Satan fucks you up the ass for the rest of eternity.

did he shit in your coffee or something,user?

dubs and he gets one more day

If get it's going to be on Christmas Day

nah it gotta be the day of the winter solstice to work. It's gonna be December 21st



thats just 1 dubs vs the mighty digits from the rest of the thread

"hell be fine" is the final death knell anyway. No-one can survive after they've been jinxed by that.

Sorry Brian ;-;

He's annoucing that his final track will be a cover and rearrangment of Not Afraid by Eminem

He'll be fine, don't worry
Singles comfirm



Sorry mike, but it didnt work the last time, it wont work now

If he actually dies Christmas week I'm building a shrine to Kek

trips confirms

kek acts in mysterious ways

If I get dubs, you dad dies instead.

where do you get your scripts from?

I'm not afraid (I'm not afraid)
To take a stand (to take a stand)
Everybody (everybody)
Come take my hand (come take my hand)
We'll walk this road together, through the storm
Whatever weather, cold or warm
Just letting you know that you're not alone
Holler if you feel like you've been down the same road (same road)

Dat was close m8


close but no cigar

is trips sience?

not science, meme magic

Dubs and he lives at least 5 more years and puts out one more masterpiece

Rolling again because this isn't fair


if this post ends in a number between -1 and 10 brian will become immortal

Not even close

His father abused him and never appreciated him, he was manipulated by a talentless frontman, and then he spent over a decade under the control of a psychiatrist who was trying to kill him with psychoactive drugs. Wilson doesn't have anything to be afraid of after all that shit. I just hope he isn't bitter. To his credit, he doesn't seem to be.

He'll be fine.


Sup Forums killed him


Goodnight sweet prince.

Heh, wow...

omg lmao


Someone in a Q&A asked him what his deepest fear was and he gave a one word response of death. It was legitimately depressing to read.

So December 22nd then is what these trips are telling us? Or the 22nd plus two making it Christmas Eve?

In the first thread trips confirmed Christmas day


So fucking close

Death itself because he is immortal and will live forever no matter what


nah, it's around December 20th and December 23rd.


don't mind me, just searching for the ebin quints :^ )

Meme magic at it again.

Too cliche and doesn't really fit Brian like Christmas Day (which was already conformed.)

Dubs and Bob Dyland dies the same day as Brian.

You spelled Dylan wrong.
Either way, if dubs Dylan dies exactly a week after Brian does

Fucking one off

>Brian Wilson and Mac DeMarco are both going to die very soon
Have mercy Kek, we don't need this in our lives

if dubs everyone dies

rip in peace an praise keK. Also
