I hate diabetes

I hate diabetes.
I've had it for 24 years.
I'm unable to control it.
Well, I must take some insulin now before I die.

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5 is good, is it not? Healthy range is between 5 and 6.7?

Nevermind, 499. How in the fuck does it get to be 499?


Bitch please. When I found out I had diabetes, I was at 702. They had to find a special meter because it was over 500. A1C was so high, their meter didn't go that high - over 18.

You won't die for hyperglycemia, now drink a bottle of insulin and see what happens.

When I found out I had diabetes the doctor didn't even tell me my level. When I tested at home, I was around 24. And that's when I started to feel like shit, go blind, feel dizzy, piss 24/7, got a yeast infection. I can't imagine what it would feel like at 499. The fuck.

So are you living off of sugar and starch or what? Serious question, how the fuck does your blood sugar get so high unless you are eating a bunch of sugar and other sources of glucose.

No it should be like 120ish

Did you vomit yet? What are you eating? Pancake syrup?

go on a keto diet. don't be a whale and kill yourself. resist the carbs.

You know there's a company called mannkind that makes afrezza, outsilin an inhalable insulin so you don't have to jab yourself with needles?

I'm invested in it. Tell your doc to quit taking bribes from the big companies at your expense and hook you up.

Ayyy op, any tips for someone who just got type 1 in February?

Dude, with those numbers, how are you able to see what you're typing???

You fuckers are a nightmare when you have a high blood sugar

I've got the pre-diabetest, doctor said. Almost there :(

49.9 how are you not in a coma right now?


Diabetics whose insulin resistance is so high simply cant help control their levels. The glucose simply wont go into the cells.

My brother finally got his under control by going ketogenic. Even without eating any sugar whatsoever his levels still jump because of gluconeogenesis.

His levels don't jump as much as when he was eating bread and fruits. But its still bad

listen to these two

lads this cunt is clearly using units in mg/dl and not mmol/l, these numbers are completely fucking different. 499mg/dl is around 28mmol/l, still fucking high as fuck, but nigga it's at least a possible number.

OP sort that shit out, diabetes is a bitch but if a cunt like me can keep somewhat on track I'm sure you can too. Fuck you