Hi Sup Forumsros How do you overcome habbits. I want to stop drinking alchohol, I wanna be social again...

Hi Sup Forumsros How do you overcome habbits. I want to stop drinking alchohol, I wanna be social again, I wanna work out and quit the cigarettes, I wanna stop destroying my body with unhealthy food. I've lived like this for a long time, but I still have a good shot at getting somewhere because i'm only 21. I've reached out to some people and i currently see a psychologist once every second week.

If you have some experience or advice please share it.

Remember this is only a long story made short, so please faggots who's gonna tell me just pull yourself together and stop crying, stfu. I can be just as down in a black hole as anybody else.

Other urls found in this thread:


>stop drinking
>be social

suck my big penis

leave Sup Forums and internet and learn to interact with people without clinging on too the thought of it

Same Feels right here OP.
Functioning Alcoholic....

You arent talking to me, you are talking to everybody else. Gtfo

how old are you and what have you tried until now to get out of it?

I can't help you with the alcohol or the anti-social because I indulge heavily in both.
But for eating healthy, one day I weighed myself at my neighbor's house and saw I was up to 170lbs.
I should never have let myself get that heavy, but I can't control myself when eating certain foods.
If you decide to diet you decide to do it 110%. No cheat days for at least three months, and dedicate yourself to it.
I went with keto and lost around 35lbs. There are still a lot of options for food, but you need to be careful. Cravings are extremely intense, I dream about food constantly.
So if you want to lose weight via diet you need to make sure you're actually in it or you'll fail.
Exercise comes after you adjust, because if you do decide to do keto you'll be low energy for about the first month.

I can feel this. I don't eat as poorly as I once did but I still drink every night. A lot. Really hate going to work where I'm respected looking hungover as fuck.

>I wanna work out and quit the cigarettes
nigga I only smoked for 2 years and it took me another 2 years to completely recover

Dude drink some fucking water.
Set an alarm for about three hours after you usually go to sleep and down a bottle of water, then another when you wake up in the morning.
It will make you feel immensely better.

Thanks for the advice

The first thing you want to do is find a motivator, there needs to be something deep in your heart that is worth more to you than the pleasures of addiction, whenever you see short term good in alcohol or junk food you need to remember your motivator and truly believe that your end goal is better than the present temptation. After that you need willpower, alcohol and the temptation to be a NEET will always be there, you need to find the will to improve and hang on with an iron grip. Ive got a story but it might not be as bad as most situations. About one year ago I was a literal walking skeleton, near 14.9 bmi and around 10 pounds away from death. I never knew why, I always had access to food, I was just never hungry and when j was hungry I ate junk food. After realizing I was on a pathway to death. (You've taken the first step in realizing you have a problem.) I held on to my motivation of life and changed my entire life to reach that motivation. Since then I've put on 25 lbs of muscle and I don't intend to stop until I reach my peak. After about 6-8 weeks your habits will drop and you will genuinely enjoy your new life. Though it's always helpful to get a professional opinion on alcohol and drugs. Just follow the steps.

1. Realize you have a problem
2. Find steadfast motivation to fix the problem
3. Seek help from others and act, never stop or allow yourself to slip back into your old habits.
4. Begin to enjoy your new life and never look back.

For you, first detox from alcohol and cigs, then boost your self esteem, change diet, workout, and start going out with new people. Trust me it's easier than it looks. Best of luck to you user.

As far as cigs have you tried vaping? I quit after 5 years of smoking the first time I tried a good vape. Those pen or cartridge vapes didn't do shit. Also screw the haters.

Will definitely try this thanks

You're welcome.
And the coolest thing is when you're I ketosis you get drunk a lot faster, so you'll use up less of whatever you drink.
Four shots had me on my ass last night.

Haha really. That's a good thing to know too.

Bump for user

It's fuckin awesome dude.
It also helps that you aren't really hungry as much, so more drinking on an empty stomach.
The only downside is no beer allowed, only unflavored liquors.

quirt smoking for sure buyt aon beer is so good

I will say this from personal experience OP maybe others can agree. If you want it bad enough, it will happen. Also God helped me.

I read "How do you overcome hobbits," and stopped there. Whatever this thread is actually about is irrelevant.

My motivation for stopping all this is ofcourse the future of my own life. But also how I'm now down to 1 or 2 friends, before i had so many i couldnt count and i got calls from people i couldnt remember. Motivation comes and goes for me, that's one of my big issues.

You also mention the "when you are at the edge, you first then realise that u have a problem u gotta change", I think most people feels this way. Some smoke until they get cancer, THEN they realise, hey i gotta stop.

It's hard for me to hold on and keep doing it because I've also encountered some psychopaths that really manipulated me into thinking i'm not good enough and all that.
This is why im on Sup Forums, to listen to how you made it and just to kind of say, oh yeah thats right. thats how it is and how it should be done.

Also thank you so much. I got alot from your advice. Good luck forward!

legit on the brightside you have another 60 years to unfuck yourself anyway

Not the user you replied to, but why do you want to change these things?

I think you helped god help you, but thats another story. Thank u anyways

Nietzsche and AA

You've read it wrong buddi.

Go to AA
Get sponsor
Work steps with sponsor
Make friends and be social there
Im doing this and im 20

Why I want to change being isolated, alchohlic and lazy? I get nervous when i'm buying food in the supermarket. why wouldnt i want to change that?

Good luck

I get nervous going to the supermarket too man, it's not something you can change just something you can work past.
Let me try to make what I'm asking clearer. When I decided to stop eating like a pig I looked at myself in the mirror and was sick and fucking tired of being fat, and of hating myself. And I decided to take steps to change that.
So what's the motivation to change? What do you want your end goal to be?
My motivation was to be able to look at myself in the mirror and be content. I'm not there yet but I'm working on it.

No problem user, I blazed my own path foward but it is undoubtedly easier with mentor. Just a bit of advice on the friends situation. (Same skellybro user) When I was a kid I moved to 8 different towns, I had to restart my social life almost 6 times throughout my childhood, every time I managed to bounce back, some times just require more effort than the last, everything is cause and effect if you keep trying and improving you will succeed, that doesn't mean there won't be rough patches. If anything those moments test you as a person and what you're made out of. I went two years being without friends while being bullied, however that next year I met the most beautiful and loving person of my life. For every dark time in life there will be a bright one and vice versa. You just have to have the willpower to get up when you are shoved down, even when you are shoved down again for trying to get back up. I would highly reccomend getting into a productive hobby with a community you could grow from, these people will share interests and if you continue to self-improve I can guarantee you you will fix the friends problem. Some anons have it worse, some have it better. However it is how you play the circumstances that you are given that determines whether you are a winner.


You have a pretty good shot. I'm twice as old- military vet, been divorced twice and had been huge partier for many years- mainly alcohol, weed, pills, cocaine, and heroin.

I found that AA did not work for me- it made me want to fucking drink MORE- but really it works for a lot of people so I would at least give it a try- and try more than one location b/c they are way different- there are also a lot of hot fucking freaky chicks there that replace sex for alcohol / drugs.

For me the main thing was to get away from party friends. Sucks, but after 1-2 months it got waaay easier b/c I started making new friends and also started more hobbies.

Basically the zero tolerance for alcohol approach did not work for me- the replace friends and atmosphere I hang out in DID work.

Just eats lots of ice cream. Don't try cigs AND alcohol same time = too much at once.

Also if you do fall off- if you have been clean for any length of time like over a couple of weeks you probably won't like it that much.

Finally be prepared for way low tolerance- I used to drink 12 beers a day at least- now if I drink 1-2 beers I can def feel it.

Just change environment- do more hobbies- don't go around talking all about it but do try to change friends and you will forget about partying

agree with what most of the other anons are saying but heres my two cents.

I've been where you've been. Currently 23 with 3 years sober, in good shape and eating healthy. Unfortunately I'm still a smoker but Im working on it. My advice is this;

One thing at a time
Stop drinking first, AA is a great resource, but if you feel you have a serious problem and can afford treatment, start there.
Therapy is super valuable in getting over social anxiety however if it is not an option, start small and build momentum. For example set a goal to strike up conversation with the workers at the gas station or anytime your in an elevator, simply saying "hi how are you" can help to move you in the right direction. Eventually as you become more comfortable with yourself create bigger goals.
As far as physical health goes, learn to cook. when your grocery shopping, stick to the periphery of the grocery store, ignoring the inside isles which are typically filled with processed garbage. Cut out soda and other obvious habits that are unhealthy and replace them with things like coffee and tea ect..
For working out, you have to create motivation for yourself. For me that was girls and trying to become a model. It also helps to have a friend who you can workout/ be competitive with but that will come with time.

Hope some of this could help.

Okay I get that. My motivation to stop these things is to look myself in the mirror and not see the failure that I currently feel like. I want to be able to sit down with people face to face and talk without feeling like i'm just another loser to smalltalk away. I wanna get in shape and get enough energy and motivation for an education so that i in the future, can live a normal average life with good pay and a nice home. I wanna make my parents relax and see that im doing great too. I want to live a healthy fun life. Not a depressing short life. I'm fucking tired of feeling sorry for myself and I'm tired of fucking shitty fucking people looking at me like I'm a fucking dogshit. I used to be happy, i used to hold speaches infront of over 60 people when in Boardingschool when i was from 15 to 18. I had girlfriends and friends and lots of respect and love. Now i've pulled myself down in a hole because I once thought that drinking and smoking is fine now and tomorow will be better.

meditate, still hte mind

I found your story very interesting. Thank you so much for it.

You're a winner

I will be honest with you user, it's an immense struggle.
Laying off the booze, losing weight, and building muscle doesn't take away what's inside.
Please understand that, getting rid of the things you don't like won't make you like you any more.
What sort of work do you do?

OP here. (btw thank u to all of you awesome pieces of human that has something to share with me and everybody else weather its advice or your own lifestory.)

The hardest part for me when trying to quit something, is the grey grey days, where everything seems fine and normal. A day where you feel like "hmm,, if i go buy alchohol and some cigarettes today, i will just stop again tomorow, i wont even notice the difference". Those days are the hardest.
For example, I've tried not drinking or smoking for over 2 months. Then i came to a friday and i knew people in town where having so much fun drinking partying.. But i was at home getting ready to watch another movie and just do whatever.. Then i thought.. "why not just drink 1 fucking time and get loose and smoke some fucking cigarettes.. Nothing will impact me changing right"...

then next morning i feel like shit,, i got more cigarettes left and maybe a beer or 2.. i drink those and smoke the cigarettes,, now im back again.. i go buy more because i now need it more than ever because i got it into my system and it remembered how good it was "back then".

Do u know the days? you probably do. The average normal grey fucking days where you dont really know what life is if you arent having fun.. this is the hardest for me. to keep pressing on when nothing really seems to happen to you anyways. hope it makes sense?

pull yourself together and stop crying

I havent worked since i got depressed 2 years ago when i was around 19. I live in a country where our taxes are so high u can get help from the government. I've been on and off smalljobs like being part of a group with young people that needed help, where we worked out and had alot of meetings and talks about life and all that. Its hard to explain. But in short, i havent worked for over a month in 2 years.

Work. Get a job in retail, or anything, but retail helps for the social anxiety.
A job will give you a sense of purpose, and will expose you to potential friends.

we got a savage over here guys

yeah. But that also requires me to get up every morning, taking the bus and doing it every day. I takes that I'm not drinking at all. For example right now my sleep routine has turned around completely. I now wake up around 4 pm and sleep when its 7 am. Has been like this for a week.

today i will try to turn it around though. it's all hard man.
But i also have to say that things are getting better than they were for 1 year ago.
all these advices helps alot too. I dont feel like i'm doomed, but i feel like i wont make it if i dont get the right start.

I drink 1/3 a bottle of vodka a night and still manage to get out of bed for work.
Look into night job if you have to, or jobs that start in the afternoon. Your sleep schedule changed to be the way it is, it can change again.
You can do it man, I promise you that

The you are tougher than me, I'm not gonna compare myself to you or other people.
I would'nt be able to drink 1/3 a bottle of vodka every single day and then keep a straight face at work.

Thanks. You sound awesome and hope you are okay

There's actually a lot of good advice in this thread. Not as many have a stick up their ass tonight apparently.

Yeah turn it around now and you can do whatever. At 24 I'm not sure if there's much hope for me. Don't let yourself get too much older.

I agree, I'm both drunk and highly affected by all these comments. It's nice.

Get a Sniper Rifle
Join BLM
You know the Rest

This is incorrect dude. Either you are trying to scare me to get started or you are just being wrong.
If you are 24 you still got lots of time to turn your life around. Op here

I'm not, but you need to start to hustle regardless. Youth will pass you by so fast you'll be awestruck when you realize you're 35 with nothing to your name. Don't let this discourage you, because you are on the right path (I did not give a shit at 21) but listen to the anons and implement what you decide this second.

I get it. I havent given much fucks about anything for many years either. This is what I'm trying to change

I am not. I am a pitifully weak person who drinks a ton and cries every night. I am an emotional doormat and will remain that way for probably my whole life.
It's changing your coping mechanisms. I coped by self harming, I coped with eating, and now I cope with alcohol.
I am not awesome, I am trying to be. And you certainly can be, I can guarantee you are tougher than I am.

op here. You are awesome. Do you wanna know why?

because you are trying my friend :)

I would give my left ball to drink a 1/3 vodka with you right now and talk about anything.

not trying to be a cringe rn but i think what you're saying is the truth and you shouldnt be at the place you are right now.


Hey bro I'm in the same situation and I'm 21. It's a lifestyle change we need. I'm talking a physical change like moving, new job, surroundings. We're creatures of habit and for me at least I'm working on quitting alxcohol slowly, first working on finding another job.

I see a psychologist every week and might be going on anyi depressants, even I don't understand what the fuck I want all I know is my social isolation drives me to drink and now I see myself dependant on alcohol. It's too convenient to rely on the internet for entertainment, but it's not beneficial added with drug addiction.

You can be the same as me, it's just taking that first step towards change.
I would drink with you any day man, you seem like a really cool person.
You aren't a cringe at all, it's a lovely song. But I'll combat with a lyric from a song I listen to often
>"A sickness with no remedy except the ones inside of me."
I am the solution to all my problems. Nothing external can help, nobody can fix me but me.
And that's not a bad thing, we just need to find the things within ourselves to near change.