You guys should be excited for the new plans we have for ya'll after these shootings...

You guys should be excited for the new plans we have for ya'll after these shootings. Air force is only a small part of it, but we're happy to help.

Get ready.

Cool beans bro

So what are the plans?

To crash this plane...

Lol noice


Sadly I cannot tell you. I know a lot of you will enjoy these plans. But a lot more may not. It will infringe on a lot of rights people think they have. We're starting to mobilize within 72 hours

Ok thanks

Is there anything else you CAN tell us?


Just another bored as fuck AF member sitting in his dorm lurking Sup Forums. Used to lurk about 8 years ago because AF bases are boring. Nothing to see here folks.

army taking over civilans ? fema ?

that !

Are there motherfucking snakes on it or something?

You're going to deploy some sort of mass blocking of cellphone cameras via satellite network aren't you?

Air Force requires about a 3 month heads up before doing anything so I wouldn't be too worried user

Smells like bullshit

is.... that a burrito on the bottom left? You're taking a big risk eating that 72 hours before your mission. just saying

>Air force
You boys are doing great work, keep holding down those chairs, you're goddamn heros!

Fake and gayou faggot. Learn OPSEC and stop talking all this bullshit. Leave it to the fucking chairforce to fuck something up.

ITT: Nerdy, single A1C thinks he's edgy. Nice try faggot.

>ready to mobilize in 72 hrs
>on Sup Forums
K m8

Have fun on Monday making it to PT asshole...oh wait..nevermind Airforce.

>Air Force requires about a 3 month heads up before doing anything so I wouldn't be too worried user

>ITT: Nerdy, single A1C thinks he's edgy. Nice try faggot.

Actually I see no stripes. He's an Airman Basic. HAHA. Broke ass mother fucker. Go to bed.

this shit happent in my country 15 years ago. Wasnt fun.

Why are Airforce uniforms so shitty?

>implying AF isn't best branch
Idk about you, but all I hear about in the news is airstrikes in the Middle East


you btards can joke and play all you wish... the truth is coming... our SAVIOR xDDDDDDDD

Yeah because all the other branches already did their part.
>Airforce. Last in, first out.

When I fart, it smells like onions.

I repeat, When I fart, it smells like onions.

There's only 3 jobs in the Air Force that are worth a shit. Para Rescue, Combat Control and Security Forces. The rest of those fuckers are fat lazy pieces of shit.

I love how this is turning into an Air Force hate party. Topest kek!

he's an officer bruv, he has no stripes on his sleve
or an AB
but I doubt that

3 months is being generous. Anything major you're looking 6mo to a year

lol wat the airfoce pounds shit before the first feet ever touch the ground

the air force is the future

>officer in the airforce

Lazier than the average Airman

Hey, at least that lazy airman is doing something productive with his life. maybe he/she's doing something to better this nation. What are you doing?

If he was an officer he wouldn't be living in the dorms. Look at that bed spread, bro. That's some government issue shit. AB detected. Source: USAF Veteran.

That's navy and marines there buddy..followed by army (yours truly) and last but not least the Chairforce!

>chair force
I'm literally shaking. P-p-please be gentle

Uumm army?

Just sent an anonymous tip to the FBI they'll have your IP address in their system and will be checking up on you

nigga wat I see those bedspreads like that all the time at stores

and do they even give you shit like that as an officer anyways? Figured they'd have you buy your own

Maybe if you add one more "a lot" to your post you'll seem more intelligent.

exactly, he/she's doing something important unlike yourself.

Without the Air Force, the US Military crumbles. I don't get why you all you bullet sponges can't just get along.

Just saying man, it looks way too similar to the bed spread we had in every freaking dorm room. Maybe he just has shitty taste, who knows. Point of the matter is, OP is a faggot and full of shit regardless of rank.

>Sitting on his ass on base

Something important. You're a civilian huh?

>without boots on ground the airforce doesn't mean shit.

The airforce is air support. You can win battles without air support. Have fun doing that without soldiers on the ground fighting

>implying the army doesn't have drones
You dumb fuck
I've been army (airborne) for 6 years and I've seen first hand that they are in fact chairmen.
Fuck the airforce.
JTACs are the only airmen of any worth.
The rest are spoiled pussies


Depper here waiting on a job from open general/mechanical. Heres hoping i get pest control


>civis not knowing what they are talking about

You can. But the amount of casualties trying to face armor, or entrenchments? or worse, a hostile air mission? Or who defends our nation's cyberspace? we can't coordinate attacks if we can't communicate. The Airforce is vital. The mission will not succeed without them

AB confirmed


Don't forget to attend your mandatory safety and suicide awareness briefings prior, airman. Wouldn't want you to harm yourself.

I'm on board with whatever it is because AF is best branch

Open general mechanical....Could be good. Take something halfway decent in your home town. What they don't tell you at the recruiting station is when you get to Lackland and start in processing, they do another check of your ASVAB score and will offer you any other open jobs you're fit for based upon needs of the AF. Might be something better that opens up between the time you choose a job from your recruiter and the date you actually ship off to boot camp. Good luck bro!

Navy can handle that same shit..

Fun fact: the navy has more fighter jets than the airforce!

>Jackass not knowing how to reply to individual posts.

Shit man, ALL branches do that shit.. not to mention those EO classes..those fucking EO classes....

Go ahead faggot. I guess you don't realize how many neckband basement dwellers actually own firearms and even though most of them are fat and can't see their own dick, it won't make a difference when that many people are shooting back at your bitchass.


The sign above that RECRUITER'S (known for being lazy shitbags) head says "national guard." Not the army. Not held to active duty standards.
Eat a dick

This dudes going to be shitting himself for weeks now


Because we can think for ourselves..

Not really but ok

Whoever made this shit meme purposely blacked out the yellow recruiter badge on his left. Fucking priceless


Try again faggot..

With no survivors.

>hurr durr, I'm a retard

Hahaha nasty girls..holy kek!

Pilots are fucking arrogant pricks. Never met a pilot that was a decent person.


Weekend warrior ho!

>Because we can think for ourselves..
>we can think for ourselves
>joins military

>Implying people in the military can't think for themselves
>implying that people in the military don't need college to move to senior ranks

Civilian detected

>Being too obese to enlist
>Be edgy on Sup Forums, anonymously, instead
Kill yourself.

Heli pilots are pretty chill never met any from air force though

How about the flight line. You know. Those of us that get those birds in the air?

You're retarded, huh?

Except the Marines will Turn on anyone that tries to harm the american people. Good luck with sucking your commanders balls you little brown nosing faggot. You won't last five minutes.

Mechanics are cool. So are crewchiefs.

I'd like to think that all branches would that..I know army would too.


We crew chiefs are nothing like the rest of military. It's pitiful watching how nonners act.

and by rest of military, I meant air force. I'm sure the core is still very much like how it was back in the day. Army is and always will be pathetic.

p..please defend my freedoms and debt mr. authorityman
we're counting on you!!
c...crush the terror

yawn. go write your fanfic somewhere else

Better than you fucks.

Pssh nothing personnel kid

FUCK YOU ALL! I'm a super secret squirrel commando SEAL-DEVGRU, JSOC Special Forces Force Recon ParaRescue Ranger Airborne Space Gunner 160th SOAR Nightstalker!! Eat a dick faggots!

-unsheathes katana-
you should feel special... i don't usually have to use this.


>unsheaths Kitana

Holy shet! How cringy

Chair force faggot. Join the real army