Fuck you


Oh my god it's so bad

Is that actually true?

Jesus, that's fucking aids. Regardless, is the APK safe or will they still ban me?

Nigga you pulled it off congrats

All true and it's even worse. Game is shitty and is essentially a reskin of another game by the company Nintendo outsourced the game to. Pic related happened to me earlier today.


You can't battle friends?
I don't have a phone so I don't really know about this game. I thought the whole point was getting to battle :^/

>out of pokeballs
>nearest pokestops are like 5 miles from house
>cluster of 4-5 but that's it
>literally nothing else
>this isn't exactly a small city either
>scroll down in the shop
>pokeballs cost real money
>the whole game is literally just a minigame where you throw a ball and that's it, the pokemon theme only exists to get you to buy digital currency

bro you caught the fucking Unown.

This idiot actually caught MissingNo. Ffs I'd be worshiping you right now but since you talk shit about Pokémon Go I'll tell you to just go fuck off smoothly sir.

you are blinded by your nostalgia. Step into the light brother.

I remember catching it on red and transfering it to stadium. Shit felt so dangerous and badass.

found a squirtle at my mom's funeral

Hey thar

digital reincarnation

yea not really its stop being as fat ass and walk nigga or give them money, btw always the option of uninstalling if youre gonna complain

I like it so far but I really hope they add friend battles and trades