Fb asian thread: fetish edition

fb asian thread: fetish edition

post asian girls you know and what fetishes you'd want them used for

fuck dude do you have to post this shit every 2 seconds? fuck off to r9k, jp and pol fucking gook loving nerd


Hey op.

Here's number 4


Any more like this?

Old photo of 4


4 and her hot as fuck friends

Those aren't asians. Those are AMERICANS

Same girls op


Having considered all of the other candidates, #4 is the least jacked.

This is hot as fuck. Those are under 5's man.

more of 3 4 and 5 in revealing clothes
2 looks great there

Ok then i'll stop posting. Enjoy your photoshopped bitch

this is a 10/10 asian



10/10 plastic surgeon




I would people to the girl on the right.


moar of #4 please. her name is Jamie Huang, qeauty on IG. class of 2016


keep em coming

this is a 10/10 petite asian body.

Do you know her?

no, easily reverse search that shit. found out her high school and that she is going to UCR soon and all that shit LOL

please post a lot more thought. the one in thread starter is soooo sexy


damnnnnnn. fucking rave slut


damn fuck that mask. i wanna bust in her so baadd

the shit you can reverse search are no where near this high quality

>the one on the left

put your collection in a volafile?

they know how to ride.


this please

is your fetish fanny packs?

pale asians. the besttt.

arent they just asking to be raped.

Asking for sweaters? Yes.

destroy that ass

please more of these sluts


Damn. more?




you have my attention



any of her feet?

shut up

best I got

Gtfo stupid cuck faggot

nope, sry


guess I'll stop posting these girls. cya.


keep posting!!

comon guys post some shit



I like it


She's growing on me. She looks like she'd be fun to throw around and tame

please vola file your collection


gonna vola a collection of mine, hope you will do the same user. pic related, they are sisters, both hot af

I could pull hundreds of photos off of my wife and her friends' Renren pages...

No thank you

vola file io r 5nTg2v

daaaamn they cute af

Found the instagram of this bitch @qeauty

Tig ol Bitties

she'd probably love that


i volafile-ed it


god bless you user

Ok i have no idea how to vola

everyone should do the same, it takes literally one second to drag and drop, then vola does the rest

goto volafile(dot)io, click create room, drag and drop files into the room, and share the url. shit automatically delete in 2 days so no evidence

if you are the person who have a collection of OP, we will love you forever

looks like it

Not me. It's someone else.


can you do it though, is super easy and effort free

Ok. How do i view it

No. I have no photos to share.

I'll post girls here, tell me if you want me to add more of them to the vola


you click on the files. ones at top or loading, scroll to bottom

but you posted some good ones of #4

o fuck in love
